White man confirms Black people have been in America thousands of years before Slavery

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Anyways here is what Van Sertima HIMSELF said on the Olmecs.

"I cannot subscribe to the notion that civilization suddenly dropped onto the American earth from the Egyptian heaven."
-- Journal of African Civilizations, V8#2, 1986 p. 16

"Not all of these heads are African. I have said that over and over again. I have never claimed that Africans carved these heads or that they were the only models for them. What I have claimed, . . . is

a. that the skull and skeletal evidence examined in certain Olmec settlements show a distinct African physical prescence AMONG THEM

b. that this alien prescence is displayed not only in bones but in the features of SOME of the Olmec stones . . ."

-- Early America Revisited, 1998, p. 52

He never claimed that Africans were the founders of it but that they traded with them and were among them.


Aug 18, 2013
If what people mean by Africans being in America being that they navigated thru Asia and the Bering Strait and worked their way down and became what we call native Americans...then yes, that's plausible.

But that link was doing things like suggesting that because the Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza and that similar structures were found with the Aztecs....that's pretty weak.



A navigator and explorer of African ancestry, Pedro Alonso Nino traveled with Christopher Columbus’ first expedition to the New World in 1492. He was also known as “El Negro” (The Black). Pedro Nino was the pilot of Columbus’ ship the “Santa Maria.” In 1493, he also accompanied Columbus on the explorer’s second voyage which discovered Trinidad and the mouth of the Orinoco River in South America


Black people were experts at sea breh. It's a shame ya'll don't know that :francis:

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Look at you falling into the trap of the Eurocentric view. You're posts are so ironic. Still hanging on to that theory that Black people were only in Africa. Africans inhabited all over the world in every single continent thousands of years ago

You keep bringing up Tariq, like I wasn't reading up on African history in plenty of books for a decade. You're talking to the wrong person breh

So you're saying you don't agree that there were Black people in America thousands of years before slavery? Wow, just wow :mjlol:

How about not embarrass yourself.
For those interested in Africans reaching New World before Columbus

I've been doing more research on this topic longer than you or anyone in this thread. You probably just started hearing about this after you seen that video. lol. Hell you probably never knew about the Ethiopian dynasty on the Indian islands OR the Swahilis traveling as far as to China. So don't tell me shyt "blacks only in Africa." Because I'm obviously more researched than you.

You're talking to the wrong person. As for the bolded how about you read people's posts:
A lot of pseudo-nonsense in this thread and people seem to relish in it. The only credible argument of blacks visiting America prior to Columbus would be the Mali Empire and Mansa Musa's uncle sending a large voyage across the Atlantic. Its credible because ACTUAL sources exist for this. Anything other than this is just loony fantasy.

The Olmec's were not black. I'm sorry. All genetic testing on pre-Columbus groups finds no African lineages. More importantly Van Sertima HIMSELF never said the Olmec's were African.

I do believe that Africans from the Mali area COULD have sailed to the Americas and traded with the natives there(I do remember reading Ife people having plants from the Americas), how ever it would have been trading ONLY as we do not have any evidence for settlements. No DNA remains, no skeleton remains(besides MAYBE the Hull Bay remain), no ships, no African products such as clothing, jewelry, etc there, no old settlements excavated. NOTHING.

If YOU DO have evidence of African settlements throughout the Americas then show us with credible peer reviewed sources!


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Africans invented international trade. We invented traveling. We invented Boats. So idk why so many mainstream historians still deny these facts

This is apparent when you dig into the Maritime Admiralty Laws. Places like Puerto Rico is not even the name of the island. :mindblown:
It is the commercial trade name given by the Moors. Europeans copied this but renamed the island this in order to confuse the mainland people, their descendants and present day people of how all this came about.

Shyt is brazy :whoo:


Aug 18, 2013
How about not embarrass yourself.
For those interested in Africans reaching New World before Columbus

I've been doing more research on this topic longer than you or anyone in this thread. You probably just started hearing about this after you seen that video. lol. Hell you probably never knew about the Ethiopian dynasty on the Indian islands OR the Swahilis traveling as far as to China. So don't tell me shyt "blacks only in Africa." Because I'm obviously more researched than you.

You're talking to the wrong person. As for the bolded how about you read people's posts:

I do believe that Africans from the Mali area COULD have sailed to the Americas and traded with the natives there(I do remember reading Ife people having plants from the Americas), how ever it would have been trading ONLY as we do not have any evidence for settlements. No DNA remains, no skeleton remains(besides MAYBE the Hull Bay remain), no ships, no African products such as clothing, jewelry, etc there, no old settlements excavated. NOTHING.

If YOU DO have evidence of African settlements throughout the Americas then show us with credible peer reviewed sources!

Awwww look at you puffing out your chest on on facts I've already read about a decade ago :mjlol:



Aug 29, 2013


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
If what people mean by Africans being in America being that they navigated thru Asia and the Bering Strait and worked their way down and became what we call native Americans...then yes, that's plausible.

But that link was doing things like suggesting that because the Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza and that similar structures were found with the Aztecs....that's pretty weak.
No, the guys said that Mali Kings traded with Olmecs, Gold for corn..... Not at far fetched.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
@UpAndComing and everyone else I'm going to show you guys what REAAAAAL research looks like. I bet none of you guys heard of the Hull Bay skeletons.
Now....Lets touch base on something even more interesting. The Hull Bay Skeletons. One thing people arguing against Africans reaching the new world would always state is that there are no physical remains of these Africans. And I would agree 100%. That was until I found out about the Hull Bay Skeletons.


^^^If I am not mistaking these skeletons were of Africans and were said to have Negroid features and were not the result of Paleo-Indians and was also dated approx. 1200 A.D. at St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.

The facial composition as well as body build. It turns out that not only did they have decidedly African features, but elongated tropical body plans, consistent with an overall African morphology. A date was reached by dating an adornment on the arm of one of the specimens and even they were surprised that the date was definitely pre-Columbian. Again, there is little question about the date. However, it seems that the other skeleton (skeleton B), was clearly modern as conversely, it was associated with post-Columbian artifacts, namely coffin nails (Van Sertima neglected to mention this). Thus, they could not associate skeleton A with skeleton B, the former being associated with the pre-colonial artifacts. Their only doubt comes from complete speculation of accidental association:

"If this date of 1200 A.D. is correct, it is difficult to reconcile with the morphological evidence from the skeleton. Assuming that the identification and date of the vessel is correct, the most likely explanation is that the vessel-skeleton association was accidental or perhaps represents the chance finding of the vessel when the burial pit was dug originally. Possibly the contemporaries of skeleton A could have found the vessel and placed it with the skeleton at the time of burial. As unlikely as this procedure appears, it is certainly more conceivable than a Black presence on St. Thomas around 1200 A.D.---Smithsonian Institution

^^^What they are basically saying is that--- They are more likely to believe that either slave era Blacks established their own colony at St. Thomas (no historical data attests to this as far as I'm aware), buried their dead at Hull Bay and used random 400 year old native American artifacts to adorn their graves. Or rather, modern post colonial Blacks, living in meager non-urban settlements developed a similar custom of burying their dead which at this point would be a 700 year old native American artifacts that has absolutely no value to them or the said loved one. Is this really more conceivable than a Black presence on St. Thomas around 1200 A.D? Or in other words, more conceivable than the notion that African seafarers, who are documented to have attempted an Atlantic crossing around this time, actually made it across!? 1200 AD is only 62 years prior to the voyage of Abubakari II!