White man confirms Black people have been in America thousands of years before Slavery

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
People don't understand most Indians at that time came from somewhere else and went to war with the natives who were here beforehand.

The native Americans of Philadephia New York region discussed how their ancestors came across the Atlantic and when they settled thousands upon thousands of people came from the west and north which obviously changed their physical makeup. Those people then spread down south on down toward Mexico etc..

On this, modern Africans of the Hausa ethnicity say that their ancestor was a half Iraqi Prince from Baghdad. Some Yoruba say similar things. Some Igbo believe that Igbos are a 'Lost tribe of Israel'. Some Somalis think that their ancestral lineage is from Yemen or Oman.

The fact is, the Hausa are an amalgamation of Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic cultures. The Yoruba and Igbo are descended from yam-farmers/iron-workers who migrated from central Nigeria and split off into differing groups 2000-3000 years ago. Somalis are a Cushytic people who've lived in the same area for over 1500 years.

In the aftermath of colonization, indigenes re-invent their origins to reflect upon their new subjugation. It is unsurprising that members of that tribe would now claim such an origin.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
So @MansaMusa it's just conidence that the Mayans China created pyramids that are aligned with other pyramids but had no influence by the original builders???? Explain Sir I love these discussions because people always minimize African historical presence

They were the oldest people and oldest civilization of the world which explains why all civilization gods are black

Pyramids are found all over the world. It's not a unique structural design. Just like agriculture, we cannot surmise that such an invention is so unique that people could not have independently created such a design on their own.

Moreover, the pyramids found in Central America are less advanced than Egyptian pyramids. Those pyramids are step pyramids while Ancient Egyptian pyramids of the Old Kingdom tend not to have steps upon their structure. Moreover, those pyramids had unique designs within which allowed people to travel within them. That wasn't the case with Central American step pyramids except for the temple area near the top of those structures.

Finally, the Ancient Egyptians had no incentive to travel to Central America. Nor did they have to technology to do so. Ancient Egyptian naval technology thought that an expedition to Punt (modern day Eritrea) was a major feat. That should note the limitations of their technology.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
So @MansaMusa
They were the oldest people and oldest civilization of the world which explains why all civilization gods are black

On this point:

We know that San Bushmen are the oldest people on Earth. They've been in existence for around 150,000 years. Even Australian Indigenous people's have been in existence for around 40,000 years. Ancient Egypt or Kemet is less than 10,000 years old and coincided with the drying of the Sahara - among other events.

The oldest agricultural site known in the Nile Valley area in modern-day Egypt is the Fayum Depression and its around 7,000 years old.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Pyramids are found all over the world. It's not a unique structural design. Just like agriculture, we cannot surmise that such an invention is so unique that people could not have independently created such a design on their own.

Moreover, the pyramids found in Central America are less advanced than Egyptian pyramids. Those pyramids are step pyramids while Ancient Egyptian pyramids of the Old Kingdom tend not to have steps upon their structure. Moreover, those pyramids had unique designs within which allowed people to travel within them. That wasn't the case with Central American step pyramids except for the temple area near the top of those structures.

Finally, the Ancient Egyptians had no incentive to travel to Central America. Nor did they have to technology to do so. Ancient Egyptian naval technology thought that an expedition to Punt (modern day Eritrea) was a major feat. That should note the limitations of their technology.

There are step pyramids in Africa ever heard of Nubia. You have to remember they had to use the resources that were around.
Just explain to me fam how can a group of people thousand of miles away have the same measurements/building expertise/measurements to other monuments around the world/star correlation of the same star be a coincidence??? Can you provide of an example of a large scale coincidence???

Breh there is evidence of Kemet seafarers in Australia come on man. You tripping.

On this point:

We know that San Bushmen are the oldest people on Earth. They've been in existence for around 150,000 years. Even Australian Indigenous people's have been in existence for around 40,000 years. Ancient Egypt or Kemet is less than 10,000 years old and coincided with the drying of the Sahara - among other events.

The oldest agricultural site known in the Nile Valley area in modern-day Egypt is the Fayum Depression and its around 7,000 years old.

Breh the knowledge and people of Kemet came from West Central East Africa as they migrated north when Egypt was a rainforest. Evidence proves but of course cacs are afraid to admit because it will show how young of a race they are that the Sphinx and pyramids are older than 10 thousands of years. The sphinx originally laid in the constellation of the Leo which was over 12 thousand years ago and including the Pyramids. You have to remember the sphinx has flood markings which dates to the time period 10000 plus.

They just found a large scale civilization in South Africa dating back 20 thousand plus years. Adding the math these people in order to obtain that knowledge of the pyramid which is sumpreme math that's takes thousands of years of development.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
There are step pyramids in Africa ever heard of Nubia. You have to remember they had to use the resources that were around.
Just explain to me fam how can a group of people thousand of miles away have the same measurements/building expertise/measurements to other monuments around the world/star correlation of the same star be a coincidence??? Can you provide of an example of a large scale coincidence???

Breh there is evidence of Kemet seafarers in Australia come on man. You tripping.

Breh the knowledge and people of Kemet came from West Central East Africa as they migrated north when Egypt was a rainforest. Evidence proves but of course cacs are afraid to admit because it will show how young of a race they are that the Sphinx and pyramids are older than 10 thousands of years. The sphinx originally laid in the constellation of the Leo which was over 12 thousand years ago and including the Pyramids. You have to remember the sphinx has flood markings which dates to the time period 10000 plus.

They just found a large scale civilization in South Africa dating back 20 thousand plus years. Adding the math these people in order to obtain that knowledge of the pyramid which is sumpreme math that's takes thousands of years of development.

- Nubia is not Kemet, despite the cultural closeness of those two societies. Seems like your shifting goalposts now. You're arguing that Kemet went to the Americas. Not Nubia. Remember?
- re stars: They existed in the same hemisphere, so they observed the same stars.
- Where's your evidence regarding Australia? Please produce it.

- "West Central East Africa" this is now appearing like some sort of long-troll... :francis:
- The Pyramids and Sphinx are not over ten thousand years old


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
- Nubia is not Kemet, despite the cultural closeness of those two societies. Seems like your shifting goalposts now. You're arguing that Kemet went to the Americas. Not Nubia. Remember?
- re stars: They existed in the same hemisphere, so they observed the same stars.
- Where's your evidence regarding Australia? Please produce it.

- "West Central East Africa" this is now appearing like some sort of long-troll... :francis:
- The Pyramids and Sphinx are not over ten thousand years old

Well in reference to Nubia you do know they also ran the Egyptian empire for centuries as well.

The original African Names of These Egyptian Phoaorahs trace back to their tribal identity to their region and tribes. Some are from West Some are from the Congo region etc... this is a known fact.

Breh they found Kangaroos in shyt in kemet all that shyt lol Australia - Egypt Connections

Side note One West African nation sent an ea giraffe to China emperor in the early 1000s

Yes they are that old the man who also found the Rosetta Stone even mention this and got rediculed. All evidence point to it being that old

Narhmer never admitted to building the pyramids but they did restoration. Plus regarding calendars that shyt is all fukked up especially with the Europeans fukking shyt up.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Well in reference to Nubia you do know they also ran the Egyptian empire for centuries as well.

The original African Names of These Egyptian Phoaorahs trace back to their tribal identity to their region and tribes. Some are from West Some are from the Congo region etc... this is a known fact.

Breh they found Kangaroos in shyt in kemet all that shyt lol Australia - Egypt Connections

Side note One West African nation sent an ea giraffe to China emperor in the early 1000s

Yes they are that old the man who also found the Rosetta Stone even mention this and got rediculed. All evidence point to it being that old

Narhmer never admitted to building the pyramids but they did restoration. Plus regarding calendars that shyt is all fukked up especially with the Europeans fukking shyt up.

re: Pyramids - Nubians conquered Egypt long-after Egyptian stopped building pyramids. Moreoer, Nubian pyramids were notably different from Egyptian pyramids in terms of their edifice:
The physical proportions of Nubian pyramids differ markedly from the Egyptian edifices: they are built of stepped courses of horizontally positioned stone blocks and range from approximately 6–30 metres (20–98 ft) in height, but rise from fairly small foundation footprints that rarely exceed 8 metres (26 ft) in width, resulting in tall, narrow structures inclined at approximately 70°. Most also have offering temple structures abutting their base with unique Kushyte characteristics. By comparison, Egyptian pyramids of similar height generally had foundation footprints that were at least five times larger and were inclined at angles between 40–50°.

- Therefore, your argument is rather shallow if you're stating that Mayan pyramids are based off of Egyptian designs. Furthermore, if your argument is now that Nubians sailed to America and taught them how to build pyramids - you'd have to explain why the 25th Dynasty never noted this. And what naval vessels were used to make a voyage from the Mediterrenean or Red Sea to what is now Guatemala.
- Can you provide evidence regarding your claim that Egyptian Pharaohs are named after tribes in West Africa/Congo - especially given that the Bantu migration began AFTER the formation of dynastic Kemet?
- Your Australia-Egypt link isn't working for me. Can you post another one?
- That giraffe you mentioned is from East Africa. The Chinese sailed there in the 1400s CE. Naval technology to make such a voyage existed in the 1400s but not in the 1400 BCE
- No one states that Narmer built the pyramids. He united Upper and Lower Egypt. Europeans didn't fukk up Ancient Kemetian calendars or religious beliefs. For example the Book of the Dead is very authentic and hasn't been tampered with. All the spells and chants are there my friend.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
:francis:On Kangaroos in Egypt:
Kangaroos in Egypt
Have kangaroos been found in Egypt? Many websites repeat a brief story which says that in January 1984 the Cairo Times reported that kangaroo fossils were unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt’s Fayum region. This is usually cited along with a range of other equally vaguely referenced ‘proofs’ that Australia was familiar to the ancient Egyptians.

The story is often repeated by cut-and-paste methods that dump large amounts of text into a post. I have not been able to source the original Cairo Times article, but the earliest mention I can find is in Maggie’s Farm from 1984, an alternative lifestyle magazine that later developed into New Dawn and Nexus.

Some deft googling established a few facts and corrected some misconceptions. The Fayum Depression, about 50-100 km southwest of Cairo, is well known for its Tertiary period palaeontological remains, including very early primates. In 1981 the first discovery of a marsupial in Africa took place in the Fayum. A small marsupial jaw was found in field survey in the Jebel Qatrani formation. The following year additional jaws were found securely associated with the same formation. The specimens came from a new species, Peratherium africanus, a didelphid marsupial, i.e. the family containing the American opossums, not closely related to the Australian marsupials [Simons and Bown 1984; Bowns and Simon 1984]. In size the Peratherium resembles one of the smaller possum body sizes, perhaps similar to the Australian pygmy possum. The finds come from Oligocene deposits, dating from 34-23 million years ago. This is well before any human intervention, and also quite a while after the Australian marsupial fauna had begun to follow its own evolutionary trajectory. The jaw is comparable to other marsupials of similar or older date found in Europe and probably related closely to earlier European marsupials.

Clearly, when the discovery was first reported the idea of a marsupial conjured up the best known form – the kangaroo. Further confusion came once it was published and repeated through uncritical repetition on the internet, without an opportunity to check the facts.

So, when someone says ‘Weren’t kangaroos found in the Egyptian desert?’, you can say with great certainty, and in a totally unpatronising manner, ‘No, early marsupial remains dating many tens of million years ago were found in Egypt, but their presence is entirely consistent with what we know of marsupial evolution and biogeography. There were no kangaroos, and there was no human intervention.’


Jan 31, 2014
There are step pyramids in Africa ever heard of Nubia. You have to remember they had to use the resources that were around.
Just explain to me fam how can a group of people thousand of miles away have the same measurements/building expertise/measurements to other monuments around the world/star correlation of the same star be a coincidence??? Can you provide of an example of a large scale coincidence???

On this same note I posted a documentary on the pyramids a couple years ago here:


The distance between the Giza pyramids and Nazca also equals the distance between Giza and Tiahuinaca

This isn't coincidence; these cultures were in contact which each other some how


Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Africa's 'greatest explorer'


Abubakari gave up his kingdom to pursue knowledge
By Joan Baxter in Mali

An African emperor who ruled Mali in the 14th century discovered America nearly 200 years before Christopher Columbus, according to a book to be launched this month.

Abubakari II ruled what was arguably the richest and largest empire on earth - covering nearly all of West Africa.

According to a Malian scholar, Gaoussou Diawara in his book, 'The Saga of Abubakari II...he left with 2000 boats', the emperor gave up all power and gold to pursue knowledge and discovery.

Abubakari's ambition was to explore whether the Atlantic Ocean - like the great River Niger that swept through Mali - had another 'bank'.

In 1311, he handed the throne over to his brother, Kankou Moussa, and set off on an expedition into the unknown.

His predecessor and uncle, Soundjata Keita, had already founded the Mali empire and conquered a good stretch of the Sahara Desert and the great forests along the West African coast.

Gold fields

The book also focuses on a research project being carried out in Mali tracing Abubakari's journeys.

"We are not saying that Abubakari II was the first ever to cross the ocean," says Tiemoko Konate, who heads the project

"There is evidence that the Vikings were in America long before him, as well as the Chinese," he said.

The researchers claim that Abubakari's fleet of pirogues, loaded with men and women, livestock, food and drinking water, departed from what is the coast of present-day Gambia.

They are gathering evidence that in 1312 Abubakari II landed on the coast of Brazil in the place known today as Recife.

"Its other name is Purnanbuco, which we believe is an aberration of the Mande name for the rich gold fields that accounted for much of the wealth of the Mali Empire, Boure Bambouk."

Another researcher, Khadidjah Djire says they have found written accounts of Abubakari's expedition in Egypt, in a book written by Al Omari in the 14th century.

"Our aim is to bring out hidden parts of history", she says.

Black traders

Mr Konate says they are also examining reports by Columbus, himself, who said he found black traders already present in the Americas.

They also cite chemical analyses of the gold tips that Columbus found on spears in the Americas, which show that the gold probably came from West Africa.

But the scholars say the best sources of information on Abubakari II are Griots - the original historians in Africa.

Mr Diawara says the paradox of Abubakari II, is that the Griots themselves imposed a seal of silence on the story.

"The Griots found his abdication a shameful act, not worthy of praise," Mr Diawara said.

"For that reason they have refused to sing praise or talk of this great African man."

Mr Diawara says the Griots in West Africa such as Sadio Diabate, are slowly starting to divulge the secrets on Abubakari II.

'Hard-nosed historians'

But the research team says an even bigger challenge is to convince hard-nosed historians elsewhere that oral history can be just as accurate as written records.

Mr Diawara believes Abubakari's saga has an important moral lesson for leaders of small nation states in West Africa, which were once part of the vast Mande-speaking empire.

"Look at what's going on in all the remnants of that empire, in Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea.

"Politicians are bathing their countries in blood, setting them on fire just so that they can cling to power," says Mr Diawara.

"They should take an example from Abubakari II. He was a far more powerful man than any of them. And he was willing to give it all up in the name of science and discovery."

"That should be a lesson for everyone in Africa today," concludes Mr Diawara.


The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
On this same note I posted a documentary on the pyramids a couple years ago here:


The distance between the Giza pyramids and Nazca also equals the distance between Giza and Tiahuinaca

This isn't coincidence; these cultures were in contact which each other some how


Are you sure that the distance between Giza and the Nazca is equidistant to difference between Giza and Tiwanuku? The Nazca lines and Tiwanuku are not on opposite sides of the Earth. They're both located in Peru, therefore your claim that they're both equally distant to Giza is a bit sketchy.

Also, the Indus Valley Civilization (Mohenjo Daro), Easter Island and the Khmer Civilization which included Angkor Wat all existed at very different times so how could they have been in contact?

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Africa's 'greatest explorer'


Abubakari gave up his kingdom to pursue knowledge
By Joan Baxter in Mali

An African emperor who ruled Mali in the 14th century discovered America nearly 200 years before Christopher Columbus, according to a book to be launched this month.

Abubakari II ruled what was arguably the richest and largest empire on earth - covering nearly all of West Africa.

According to a Malian scholar, Gaoussou Diawara in his book, 'The Saga of Abubakari II...he left with 2000 boats', the emperor gave up all power and gold to pursue knowledge and discovery.

Abubakari's ambition was to explore whether the Atlantic Ocean - like the great River Niger that swept through Mali - had another 'bank'.

In 1311, he handed the throne over to his brother, Kankou Moussa, and set off on an expedition into the unknown.

His predecessor and uncle, Soundjata Keita, had already founded the Mali empire and conquered a good stretch of the Sahara Desert and the great forests along the West African coast.

Gold fields

The book also focuses on a research project being carried out in Mali tracing Abubakari's journeys.

"We are not saying that Abubakari II was the first ever to cross the ocean," says Tiemoko Konate, who heads the project

"There is evidence that the Vikings were in America long before him, as well as the Chinese," he said.

The researchers claim that Abubakari's fleet of pirogues, loaded with men and women, livestock, food and drinking water, departed from what is the coast of present-day Gambia.

They are gathering evidence that in 1312 Abubakari II landed on the coast of Brazil in the place known today as Recife.

"Its other name is Purnanbuco, which we believe is an aberration of the Mande name for the rich gold fields that accounted for much of the wealth of the Mali Empire, Boure Bambouk."

Another researcher, Khadidjah Djire says they have found written accounts of Abubakari's expedition in Egypt, in a book written by Al Omari in the 14th century.

"Our aim is to bring out hidden parts of history", she says.

Black traders

Mr Konate says they are also examining reports by Columbus, himself, who said he found black traders already present in the Americas.

They also cite chemical analyses of the gold tips that Columbus found on spears in the Americas, which show that the gold probably came from West Africa.

But the scholars say the best sources of information on Abubakari II are Griots - the original historians in Africa.

Mr Diawara says the paradox of Abubakari II, is that the Griots themselves imposed a seal of silence on the story.

"The Griots found his abdication a shameful act, not worthy of praise," Mr Diawara said.

"For that reason they have refused to sing praise or talk of this great African man."

Mr Diawara says the Griots in West Africa such as Sadio Diabate, are slowly starting to divulge the secrets on Abubakari II.

'Hard-nosed historians'

But the research team says an even bigger challenge is to convince hard-nosed historians elsewhere that oral history can be just as accurate as written records.

Mr Diawara believes Abubakari's saga has an important moral lesson for leaders of small nation states in West Africa, which were once part of the vast Mande-speaking empire.

"Look at what's going on in all the remnants of that empire, in Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea.

"Politicians are bathing their countries in blood, setting them on fire just so that they can cling to power," says Mr Diawara.

"They should take an example from Abubakari II. He was a far more powerful man than any of them. And he was willing to give it all up in the name of science and discovery."

"That should be a lesson for everyone in Africa today," concludes Mr Diawara.


The problem with pirogues as a naval vessel is that they're not suited for long transatlantic voyages. Between islands, sure. But not from Gambia to Brazil. I'd be a bit more convinced if the Gambia had a long history with a naval tradition as seen in Swahili states like Zanzibar or Mombasa.


Jan 31, 2014
Are you sure that the distance between Giza and the Nazca is equidistant to difference between Giza and Tiwanuku? The Nazca lines and Tiwanuku are not on opposite sides of the Earth. They're both located in Peru, therefore your claim that they're both equally distant to Giza is a bit sketchy.

Also, the Indus Valley Civilization (Mohenjo Daro), Easter Island and the Khmer Civilization which included Angkor Wat all existed at very different times so how could they have been in contact?

I'll post the documentary & you judge for yourself. These cultures used similar styles in building & all had one thing in common: They aligned these structures to the stars or had them facing in certain directions. Nothing about these structures are coincidence to me. It's like at one point the whole earth was united under some kind of star worship. Giza plateau


Olympus Mons on Mars
