Which one of you coli wolfs put sotomayors grandma house on craigslist?


Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
Oh nice try slick b*stard. The only reason i'm upset is because nigs like yourself are celebrating the fact that miserable haters like yourself are attacking the man's grand mother like its something to be proud of. I could give a flying fukk if you like Tommy or not. Lets not support demonic behavior because you have a disagreement with someone friend.

I wasn't really celebrating, even I'd prefer if people came at him directly, just said he needed to take some of the blame. I'm not a hater, I just don't like him or his methods. I Ain't attacked him or his fam and don't plan on doing so. Just offering up my opinion here, in the hope some people will see the light about this dude :manny:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music

What you fail to understand is that by "turning your nose up" at them, your only turning it up at yourself. To the rest of the world there is no distinguishing between Ronnie Lott and one of the ratchets in the videos. So it's in your best interest to not only address the problems within your communty, but to do it in a way that we all stand TOGETHER for a better future instead of trying to DIVIDE us. It is OUR community from the good to the bad. Quit trying to point these people out cause in reality your only pointing yourself out.

I agree. The rest of the world doesn't differentiate because WE don't differentiate. African Americans are the only community that looks up to the worst amongst us. We are the only communities that places the drug dealers, the thugs, and the prisoners on a pedestal. Not a lot of that is due to jim crow, white supremacy, and the military industrial complex, but black are doing VERY little to address and ameliorate the dysfunction that is going on in the communities. Instead, nikkas will try to hide and obfuscate the reality so that "white folk won't see it", when the reality is that white people have already seen it and are already stereotyping us based on our perceived nonchalant attitude to the issue. Hell, we have a motherfukking black president and he could give a flying fukk about the situation in the hood. My feelings are if black people started to purge out the bullshyt that plagues our communites and work to change the mindset via public humiliation we could definitely start to curb some of the unchecked racthedness that goes on in the communities. Furthermore, if we can get that clown Obama to commute some of these outrageous jail sentences given to brothers convicted of non violent drug offenses, perhaps then we could start to build these families that the white man has destroyed with his racist drug laws.
May 3, 2012
St louis
*reading through this shyt and shaking my head*
nikkas bring cacs into it like we just let that shyt ride.
white people are cowards and hide well...
if we went at every cac in this country that had some
fukked up shyt to say about black people we'd have time for
nothing else......Tommy is a tom.
that feminine ass cat got a deep hatred for black women
and his race as a whole.
white people will get their day in chains and the sellout
nikkas need to be lined up and killed..
the black male of this generation is bytch.
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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
You can. And I do it everyday. The "home" is the community. You go out and you speak at schools/community centers. You go to town hall meetings, throw block parties, tutor kids, give real advice. You give whatever your expertise is DIRECTLY back to the community. You don't talk about it on TV.
my nikka weve been doing that since before the civil rights movement, that shyt aint working. media is far more powerful.

To sum it up honey boo boo is promoted as a fun loving country kids with loving albeit misguided parents. Flava flav is portrayed as a stupid nikka
maybe it's just me but i dont see anyting fun loving about an obese child, I find it atrocious. and when I first heard the name 'honey boo boo' i think I was living in canada, and they asked me about it, so I went on AIM and asked around, everyone was giving me the :snoop:. Went on youtube and saw terrible comments about the girl and her mother. That was the last I looked into it.

How can you condone him pin pointing the bottom of the barrel? When you claim your fighting against that same thing?
I see it as addressing a problem.

The misconception is that this behavior is representative of the average black American. His videos reinforce that misconception.
I think him using a general swepping statement like "dark skin women" is wrong, however, I view his videos as tho that liberal bashing a conservative. does it make sense now? the problem is black folks have a hard time accepting complexity within the community, even tho communities are complex.

soon as you do or say something different, you're weird or a c00n. for example, you got emo, rockers, skaters, punkers, stoners, hippies, surfers. within the black community....I can't really think of many categories. that's the problem. so when one part of the group is talking about another, they think they're talking about the entire group collectively.

that's why you see TS one way, but when white people are doing the same thing (Jeanna Marble and her drunk white girl rant) you think......

You'll never hear them making sweeping statements about themselves. They may call out a rural white or a conservative. But it is NEVER in a way that reflects poorly on the entire race.

btw. when I hear liberals talk about conservatives, I do kind of think it reflects poorly on the entire race. :manny:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I agree. The rest of the world doesn't differentiate because WE don't differentiate. African Americans are the only community that looks up to the worst amongst us. We are the only communities that places the drug dealers, the thugs, and the prisoners on a pedestal. Not a lot of that is due to jim crow, white supremacy, and the military industrial complex, but black are doing VERY little to address and ameliorate the dysfunction that is going on in the communities. Instead, nikkas will try to hide and obfuscate the reality so that "white folk won't see it", when the reality is that white people have already seen it and are already stereotyping us based on our perceived nonchalant attitude to the issue. Hell, we have a motherfukking black president and he could give a flying fukk about the situation in the hood. My feelings are if black people started to purge out the bullshyt that plagues our communites and work to change the mindset via public humiliation we could definitely start to curb some of the unchecked racthedness that goes on in the communities. Furthermore, if we can get that clown Obama to commute some of these outrageous jail sentences given to brothers convicted of non violent drug offenses, perhaps then we could start to build these families that the white man has destroyed with his racist drug laws.

All republican talking points:scusthov:


May 1, 2012
I agree. The rest of the world doesn't differentiate because WE don't differentiate. African Americans are the only community that looks up to the worst amongst us. We are the only communities that places the drug dealers, the thugs, and the prisoners on a pedestal. Not a lot of that is due to jim crow, white supremacy, and the military industrial complex, but black are doing VERY little to address and ameliorate the dysfunction that is going on in the communities. Instead, nikkas will try to hide and obfuscate the reality so that "white folk won't see it", when the reality is that white people have already seen it and are already stereotyping us based on our perceived nonchalant attitude to the issue. Hell, we have a motherfukking black president and he could give a flying fukk about the situation in the hood. My feelings are if black people started to purge out the bullshyt that plagues our communites and work to change the mindset via public humiliation we could definitely start to curb some of the unchecked racthedness that goes on in the communities. Furthermore, if we can get that clown Obama to commute some of these outrageous jail sentences given to brothers convicted of non violent drug offenses, perhaps then we could start to build these families that the white man has destroyed with his racist drug laws.
In one breathe you saying we look up to drug dealers and thugs and in the same breathe shyt on Obama who is someone that can change that very thing. Like his policies or not but Obama is someone our kids should look up too but prolly won't because daddy will be calling him a clown.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
How the hell can u tell me to not point "those people" out? :what: How am I wrong for pointin bullshyt out? Some of y'all nyggaz hate to call bullshyt out and will protect and defend the actions of ratchets at all costs. I ain't pointin myself out, because I ain't out in the streets doin bullshyt.

You need to speak to the nyggaz that's fightin at the gatdamn waffle house and fightin on the bus and shyt. Them nyggaz are the ones that are dividing the black community. The nyggaz that are out here literally destroyin the community are the ones "dividing" black people. But somehow dues like u hate to criticize that shyt, u would rather defend it. :snoop: Its pretty sad

The problem is that many liberals and uppity black view poor and ratched blacks no better as "pets" that are incapable of thinking rationally, and therefore need to be protected from the evil racists, c00ns, and "other people" that "attack" these poor and innocent people, irregardless of what they are doing. When you look at the "flash mobs" that go on in philly and Chicago, perpetrated by these young kids, notice how most black people simply ignore these events as "no big deal" and refuse to comment or question why it happens. Even the so called leaders in the black community like Al "Long hair don't care" Sharpton or Chi-ton boy Jesse Jackson are silent. However when a nikka like Tommy decides to call attention to the dysfunction, he is in turn labeled a "c00n" when the actual perpetrators of said ratchedness aren't even admonished.
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
my nikka weve been doing that since before the civil rights movement, that shyt aint working. media is far more powerful.
It is working. In every measurable way we are better off now than we were then. And that's due to the hardworking of people doing what I described.

maybe it's just me but i dont see anyting fun loving about an obese child, I find it atrocious. and when I first heard the name 'honey boo boo' i think I was living in canada, and they asked me about it, so I went on AIM and asked around, everyone was giving me the :snoop:. Went on youtube and saw terrible comments about the girl and her mother. That was the last I looked into it.
You can try to be dense about it if you want. But your sig touches on the same subject. Do you not believe in what you put in your own sig :what:

I see it as addressing a problem.
you can't solve any problem by making agenda fueled inflammatory videos. Do you see rush Limbaugh as simply "addressing a problem"

I think him using a general swepping statement like "dark skin women" is wrong, however, I view his videos as tho that liberal bashing a conservative. does it make sense now? the problem is black folks have a hard time accepting complexity within the community, even tho communities are complex.

soon as you do or say something different, you're weird. for example, you got emo, rockers, skaters, punkers, stoners, hippies, surfers. within the black community....I can't really think of many catergories. that's the problem. so when one part of the group is talking about another, they think they're talking about the entire group collectively.

that's why you see TS one way, but when white people are doing the same thing (Jeanna Marble and her drunk white girl rant) you think......

btw. when I hear liberals talk about conservatives, I do kind of think it reflects poorly on the entire race. :manny:
What the fukk are you talking about here. That's what I'm fighting for (the complexity) of our community. Dudes like TS kill that complexity with their hate filled rants.

Why can't you see that?


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Why is this thread 29 pages long? anyone what fukks with tommy is a stone cold c00n :what:

You wanna be the tough guy behind the screen shytting on black women, you better be the tough guy when shyt get real.

'B-b-but Tommy is just practising freedom of speech'

'B-b-but Tommy is right though'

'B-b-but white people say worse go attack them'
