what’s the lie? That there’s no such thing as rockets or that they don’t reach space?
They ignore this one...
what’s the lie? That there’s no such thing as rockets or that they don’t reach space?
They put cameras on rockets all the time.
For the flat earth theorists.
They ignore this one...
And what's the issue? You gonna have to help me here
They put cameras on rockets all the time.
Into the waterLook I’m just going to ask you straight up. Where do Apollo space rockets go when they blast off from flat earth?![]()
The average person in western countries has been in a jet and flownI asked you a question breh. If you don't believe in German Mechanical Engineering because it was developed during/around WW2, do you only fly propeller? You can't believe in jets.
Weak attempt at a deflectionThe rockets that took men in to space is part of the Nazi lies, so why stop at rockets? This is not an argument, it's entertainment.
The cgi factory isnt a secretIts easier for them to believe there's a secret CGI factory churning out daily fully lifelike videos of astronauts eating pizza, than we have the technology to send rockets to space. When there are such things as nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Just because you have no faith in your own ability to observe your reality(so you defer to your science priests to tell you what to think), that doesn't mean that we all share your mental deficiencyExcept this supposed 'lie' isn't based on anything. There's no substance to support it. So I'm not the one with the narrative. Nazi lies sounds alot more like an invented narrative.
If they can't do what they were invented to do, and the position that they can do it is supported by some of the best minds on the planet, it falls on the other side to PROVE they don't.
Yall post this same garbage in every threadlol, ok breh
Moon Landing Footage Would Have Been Impossible to Fake. Here's Why. | Live Science
Which argument do you disagree with? You have to come with a LOGICAL rebuttal...not "oh I don't believe cause...feelings"
And I like how now we're on the moon landing btw. I think it was understood if you don't believe in magical space ships, you didn't believe in the moon landing.
On a side note, why didn't the US scream fake news on Yuri Gagarin? I mean that would have been the ultimate embarrassment to the USSR.