I'm always acknowledging my people when I'm out. Either a "what's up Afrikan" or a simple "hey how you doin" especially when I make eye contact with them. Sometimes it catches them off guard and I don't get that verbal response back or I get that


look from them.
A few weeks ago I got on an elevator and there was another brother on there so I greeted him. We chopped it up briefly. the brother smelled like alcohol & weed I didn't trip. I figured since we're at a hospital that brother might be going through something.

As soon as he stepped off the elevator the 1st person to make a negative comment about him was this older black woman. Then her cac ass co-worker asked me If I knew him. I replied "no" then I get hit with "it appeared as if you guys knew each other" from another cac. me:

So instantly I'm thinking to myself, what the fukk did this afrikan do before I got on this elevator

?? Then I dropped a lug on the older black woman and told her that we're out here killing each other & doing each other in because we aint go no connection to each other so I speak when I see my people

... The rest of that elevator ride was quiet as hell.