I do if it isn't a predominantly black area
If they act funny cause of it I assume they are on thattip and keep it pushin
not that serious, Its like y'all soo insecure or something
I always acknowledge another black person, older folk reciprocate, while younger people hit me withor
Honestly I used to with everyone but not so much anymore.
One time in college I was walking towards this group of mainly white kids and two black dudes..I walk past and sort of acknowledge by head nodding towards the brothers and they were both like "da fuq you nodding towards us for like we know you and shyt"
them dudes moved towards me like wanted to fight me and shyt. Had to be held back by the white kids
I tried to rationalize it as maybe they were drunk..it was a Friday night aND I was walking on frat row.
or they were on that-time
Regardless, it let me know that not all black people are on that we are in this together time..I only acknowledge those that I know are.
Yeah, I grew up around mostly white people which is why when I did/do see another black person I feel that obligation to acknowledge them.You said in another post you were raised mostly around yts, right? Small town? If you try to acknowledge every black person you see in NYC you'll get thisor this
We're everywhere and we're from everywhere so black people don't see each other as connected that way. And there are so many of us people don't feel the need for that kind of camaraderie. It sucks but there really isn't "a black community".
I went to uni in Manhattan, though. It crazy white and even so most black students were on thatso I stopped trying to connect with them.
I give fellas the "solidarity nod" and I give the ladies a pleasant smile.