When did black men and women start beefing?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
The problem is that hoodrat behavior has been associated with black women in general.

We are not a homogenous group. If the above has been your (only) experience, you need to get out more and examine the company you keep...maybe ask yourself why you attract a certain type.:smugfavre:

I used to think that it was only women who did that, but now I'm starting to see there's just as many emotional ass nikkas as there are emotional ass bytches. They just refuse to take any responsibility for the way their lives turned out.

It's always someone else's fault

She don't fukk with me cause she don't date black men :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she like thugs :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she just a gold digger :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she grew up in a single parent home :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she don't want a real man :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause cause she secretly love white men :pacspit:

Naw nikka, she don't fukk with you because you're an annoying socially awkward loser that noone wants to be around :nonikkas:

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I used to think that it was only women who did that, but now I'm starting to see there's just as many emotional ass nikkas as there are emotional ass bytches. They just refuse to take any responsibility for the way their lives turned out.

It's always someone else's fault

She don't fukk with me cause she don't date black men :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she like thugs :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she just a gold digger :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she grew up in a single parent home :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause she don't want a real man :pacspit:
She don't fukk with me cause cause she secretly love white men :pacspit:

Naw nikka, she don't fukk with you because you're an annoying socially awkward loser that noone wants to be around :nonikkas:

This your answer for everyone your a lame that can't get women. So when tyresse calls out black women is he a lame that can't get women.
Apr 11, 2013

-Feminism put in a positive light
-Black men the villains from start to finish
-Black women are heros from start to finish
-Black women are ever the leaders of the Civil rights Movement until evil men come an take it from them
-Evil men evil men everywhere
-Black men abandoned their families like scum just to get p*ssy(REALLY?)
-Black women tried to get black men to be PRO Black and but black men got pulled in by white p*ssy instead(REALLY?)

Let me guess? You are a black feminist? Cause this sure smells like feminist historical revisionism. Much like your white feminst counterparts try to through there men under the bus when it comes to slavery and jim crow and pretend they weren't stand right nest to their white men smiling next to the hanging and charred bodies of dead negroes. As if we can't watch them in videos spitting on kids going to desegregated schools. You do your White Feminist Sisters Proud.

I've heard this before though, black feminist all tell the same lies it seems:

Can We Build a Better World? Can Sex Change The World? - YouTube

Believe me...you don't want to play tic for tac with me. Unlike you and the rest of the "I read some bullshyt on a blog written by a black woman hating black man so it must be true" crowd I can actually CITE my sources.

I can go through each one of my points and refer you to a BOOK...many of which were written by BLACK MEN in their own words. :stopitslime:

I doubled majored in Biochemistry and History. So trust me...you're out of your league. I will shut you and anyone else spewing the "It's black women's fault B.S" DOWN and I will use the words of black men in your history books to do it. :bustback:


We Wavy
May 1, 2012
50East/Sacramento, CA
actually, it is pretty easy
Why are Black men so single?

:pacspit: :bustback:

Yeah, I do see it where I'm at in Northern California unlike a lot of posters in this thread. If you check the demographic chart, there isn't a more integrated area of races in the U.S. than Sacramento, where I live. There's a big reason for that cause there's plenty of black folks living here. A black girl I used to holler at mentioned an article on facebook about black men being so controlling. She's with some european looking dude, of course.

I think sometimes its me until I hear a LOT of other black dudes around my age , even older, who's single not really by choice, but because there isn't much DECENT black women out there. The fukk I want a black chick who's finally giving attention nearly a decade later I tried to get at for? I'm still in great shape, health , with more disposable income and no baby mama. Didn't want to talk to me when we were in our 20s:comeon: Now you're trying to get at a nikka after two kids, been around the block, and looking :flabbynsick: No thanks. But that's all I see over here. I don't want to be a hypocrite towards black women for I do find them more attractive than any other race but all I see where I'm at are is what Tariq Nasheed refers to as "war vets" . I don't see this disparity when I travel to different cities around the country. The black women in Dallas :obama: It is what it is but I don't let it affect my dating for I'm an equal opportunity dater race-wise.

Personally, I blame the black entertainment industry. From Beyonce & Destiny's Child's hoodrat anthems, to the aftermath of the film, Waiting to Exhale along with all of the trashy reality shows on VH1:snoop: Too many of them live by these negative stereotypes.
Apr 11, 2013
This your answer for everyone your a lame that can't get women. So when tyresse calls out black women is he a lame that can't get women.

I read your comments when I was simply lurking....sorry to say...but you are a lame.

I'm 100% straight but I can probably get more women than you if I tried.

Your personality, from what I've read on these treads, is off-putting. And more than likely that's the main thing putting women off. Not to mention you appear to have low self-esteem.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I read your comments when I was simply lurking....sorry to say...but you are a lame.

I'm 100% straight but I can probably get more women than you if I tried.

Your personality, from what I've read on these treads, is off-putting. And more than likely that's the main thing putting women off. Not to mention you appear to have low self-esteem.

Good stuff :spike:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
This your answer for everyone your a lame that can't get women. So when tyresse calls out black women is he a lame that can't get women.

Tyrese is a celebrity, his life ain't like our lives. Tyrese probably has to worry about gold diggers.

You on the other hand :usure:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012

Whats good y'all...


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I read your comments when I was simply lurking....sorry to say...but you are a lame.

I'm 100% straight but I can probably get more women than you if I tried.

Your personality, from what I've read on these treads, is off-putting. And more than likely that's the main thing putting women off. Not to mention you appear to have low self-esteem.



Apr 16, 2013
nikka, you have? What I look like having a broad talk sideways to me? The 1st thing I demand from a broad is respect. Under no circumstance will you disrespect the god, neither in word nor action. I don't even allow bytches to raise their voice at me.

I guess I was just raised differently, growing up both my parents would tell me never to tolerate bullshyt from no female.

Like I keep telling y'all nikkas, if broads constantly have bad attitudes or talking slick with, then you're the problem. Fix yourself and you won't have that problem anymore.

I've had my fair share of hoodrats. I call them.....my stepping stones.

I didn't read books or listen to lectures about females. I gained my knowledge through experience. And with trial and error.........let's just say I'm raising two kids with a helluva partner in time. I might not be too quick, but I am a thorough student of life.

****and I see what you're trying to do. and if that allows you to bag any of these females who post here, more power to ya, bruh.****


Apr 16, 2013
The problem is that hoodrat behavior has been associated with black women in general.

We are not a homogenous group. If the above has been your (only) experience, you need to get out more and examine the company you keep...maybe ask yourself why you attract a certain type.:smugfavre:

what part of Florida you transmitting from?


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there was any such thing as an Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities and all those "fine" sister in places like New York, Chicago and Newark. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organizations before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. They voice their concerning about "Black women and black men coming together to build the black community." They are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decide they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decide to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who also found herself a victim of black men's sexism. Note...black leaders abandoned Ms. Davis while she was in prison. Ironically it was women and white feminist who came to her aid.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do your research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decides to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson and Julian Bond who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. They are the generation that has grown up watching, reading and hearing all the contradictions black men put forth. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.



Apr 21, 2013
If we are supposedly so undesirable, let us be and keep our names out of your mouths on Twitter, Youtube, BM dominated forums, and all other manners of places. Why is that so hard?

I send that right back at you black women.:troll:

If we didn't care we wouldn't be bothering, and black women sure as hell are demanding that black men clean house so we're doing so, starting with black women. Truth hurts but it's good medicine.