When did black men and women start beefing?


Apr 16, 2013
How many of your exes were like this? I date nothing but black women and I've never had shyt like this happen. I seriously would like to know breh, because either I'm the luckiest man alive, or some of y'all nikkas are retelling a story you haven't experienced personally.

Of all the black women you've ever dated, NONE of them had a bad ass attitude, too damn sassy, baby daddy issues, no tats, called you out in public, or emotional issues?

Big ups to you my brotha if you've been that stress free.
Aug 12, 2012
And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there was any such thing as an Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities and all those "fine" sister in places like New York, Chicago and Newark. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organizations before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. They voice their concerning about "Black women and black men coming together to build the black community." They are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decide they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decide to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who also found herself a victim of black men's sexism. Note...black leaders abandoned Ms. Davis while she was in prison. Ironically it was women and white feminist who came to her aid.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do your research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decides to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson and Julian Bond who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. They are the generation that has grown up watching, reading and hearing all the contradictions black men put forth. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.

You have been dropping gems all evening! Carry on!:popcorn:


Apr 21, 2013
Breh, I can't tell you what black women were doing for 2 decades. Two decades ago I was 10. My only concern back then was Ninja Turtles, Nintendo, and fruit snacks :comeon:

Most the nikkas on this site ain't 40 plus, so bringing up what old bytches were doing when you were in grade school really don't mean shyt.

Until men start being men and handling our responsibilities as men, we deserve every criticism we get (and I'm including myself in that equation). Personally, I'm about to start teaching classes in the hoods of Atlanta showing cats how to get a career in IT started so they can get up out the hood and make some easy bread. I told my girl and she said she wants to help and started working on lesson plans for my courses. She also told her pops who hooked me with the 100 black men of Atlanta group who'll help me with some initial funding.

I'm doing my part, and I still take responsibility for the fukk ups of the group I belong to: black men. That's what men do. We don't sit back and point the finger at women about shyt that happened when we were still adolescents. We get off our asses and get shyt done.

So unless you're doing something to fix the problems you see, stop acting like you give a fukk. Because at the end of the day you're just as annoying as worthless as the bytches you complain about.

EDIT: And hell naw I ain't no church man.

Damn just got here and already got a fight on my hands?:wtf:

So goes the life of a black man...:obama:

Ok then bragamuffin, sincerely glad to hear you're doing something for the youth and all but jumping down my throat like you're the LAST ACTION NEGRO wasn't necessary. Just because you can't stand to hear the black woman get called out on her shyt is no reason to put your cape on and make a speech about black men needing to lead the charge. Black men know this shyt. We've been hearing it all our lives from everyone from the Pimped out pastor and his bible thumpin harem to that piece of shyt good for nothing white imperialist Obama. You aren't saying anything new there. :smugdraper:

But what you almost NEVER heard until recently was black women getting told that they too are fukking up and need to take responsibility for THEIR actions. It was rarely said cause ass-kissing p*ssy worshiping traditionalist bought into that bullshyt mentality of the man being responsible for all things that go wrong as if women were just perfect little angels or overgrown children that are not at fault for the things they do. That's why they run around doing the most outlandish shyt(WSHH) with no damn shame. Cause we filled their heads with all this QUEEN shyt as if they are born into it rather then having to earn it by behaving like QUEENS.:comeon:

If we had the balls to hold them accountable for their shyt we would have partners that stand next to us in battle rather then these agents stabbing us in the back for white daddy's approval. :birdman:

Goddamn...I'm ranting aren't I?...apologizes.:mindblown:

Anyway, yeah I'm doing my part, but no point in bragging about it cause to be honest, it's hardly making a fukking dent the problem is so huge. Hard to be proud of a handful that make it when a truckload of kids you watched grow up end up in the ground. But, as I said, so goes the life of a black man. :smugfavre:

Black women are not children, there was a time we knew they were warriors like us, but we forget that along with a shytload of other things a while ago.

Oh well...plenty of SIMPS around to take care of em these days anyway no matter how fukked up they are. Power of the vagina.:blessed:

Oh and I'm sorry to hear you think only people that were actually there can talk about the past. There's these things called history books that allow us to get past that barrier. There are even audio and video recordings...crazy I know.:whoo:
Aug 12, 2012
Of all the black women you've ever dated, NONE of them had a bad ass attitude, too damn sassy, baby daddy issues, no tats, called you out in public, or emotional issues?

Big ups to you my brotha if you've been that stress free.

The problem is that hoodrat behavior has been associated with black women in general.

We are not a homogenous group. If the above has been your (only) experience, you need to get out more and examine the company you keep...maybe ask yourself why you attract a certain type.:smugfavre:

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
Damn just got here and already got a fight on my hands?:wtf:

So goes the life of a black man...:obama:

Ok then bragamuffin, sincerely glad to hear you're doing something for the youth and all but jumping down my throat like you're the LAST ACTION NEGRO wasn't necessary. Just because you can't stand to hear the black woman get called out on her shyt is no reason to put your cape on and make a speech about black men needing to lead the charge. Black men know this shyt. We've been hearing it all our lives from everyone from the Pimped out pastor and his bible thumpin harem to that piece of shyt good for nothing white imperialist Obama. You aren't saying anything new there. :smugdraper:

But what you almost NEVER heard until recently was black women getting told that they too are fukking up and need to take responsibility for THEIR actions. It was rarely said cause ass-kissing p*ssy worshiping traditionalist bought into that bullshyt mentality of the man being responsible for all things that go wrong as if women were just perfect little angels or overgrown children that are not at fault for the things they do. That's why they run around doing the most outlandish shyt(WSHH) with no damn shame. Cause we filled their heads with all this QUEEN shyt as if they are born into it rather then having to earn it by behaving like QUEENS.:comeon:

If we had the balls to hold them accountable for their shyt we would have partners that stand next to us in battle rather then these agents stabbing us in the back for white daddy's approval. :birdman:

Goddamn...I'm ranting aren't I?...apologizes.:mindblown:

Anyway, yeah I'm doing my part, but no point in bragging about it cause to be honest, it's hardly making a fukking dent the problem is so huge. Hard to be proud of a handful that make it when a truckload of kids you watched grow up end up in the ground. But, as I said, so goes the life of a black man. :smugfavre:

Black women are not children, there was a time we knew they were warriors like us, but we forget that along with a shytload of other things a while ago.

Oh well...plenty of SIMPS around to take care of em these days anyway no matter how fukked up they are. Power of the vagina.:blessed:

Oh and I'm sorry to hear you think only people that were actually there can talk about the past. There's these things called history books that allow us to get past that barrier. There are even audio and video recordings...crazy I know.:whoo:

So If black men have been receiving criticism from everyone for so many years yet there still hasn't been any changes made to show for that criticism, what makes you think attacking black women in a similar way is going to work?

It keeps getting worse and I doubt if shifting the anger is going to work.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
Of all the black women you've ever dated, NONE of them had a bad ass attitude, too damn sassy, baby daddy issues, no tats, called you out in public, or emotional issues?

Big ups to you my brotha if you've been that stress free.

The only black women I know like that are from the hood.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Of all the black women you've ever dated, NONE of them had a bad ass attitude, too damn sassy, baby daddy issues, no tats, called you out in public, or emotional issues?

Big ups to you my brotha if you've been that stress free.

nikka, you have? What I look like having a broad talk sideways to me? The 1st thing I demand from a broad is respect. Under no circumstance will you disrespect the god, neither in word nor action. I don't even allow bytches to raise their voice at me.

I guess I was just raised differently, growing up both my parents would tell me never to tolerate bullshyt from no female.

Like I keep telling y'all nikkas, if broads constantly have bad attitudes or talking slick with, then you're the problem. Fix yourself and you won't have that problem anymore.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Damn just got here and already got a fight on my hands?:wtf:

So goes the life of a black man...:obama:

Ok then bragamuffin, sincerely glad to hear you're doing something for the youth and all but jumping down my throat like you're the LAST ACTION NEGRO wasn't necessary.

I say the same shyt to everyone. My family is Jamaican and my pops is a Pan African, so growing up I saw him reach out to help people all throughout Jamaica. So by his actions he taught not to sit back and complain like a lil bytch, but man up and make shyt happen.

Just because you can't stand to hear the black woman get called out on her shyt is no reason to put your cape on and make a speech about black men needing to lead the charge. Black men know this shyt. We've been hearing it all our lives from everyone from the Pimped out pastor and his bible thumpin harem to that piece of shyt good for nothing white imperialist Obama. You aren't saying anything new there. :smugdraper:

At one point black men used to lead the charge. From the Civil Rights movement all the way back to when we would overthrow the slave ships on the way to the Americas. The modern day black man however is a disgrace to our heritage. The shyt I hear from this site, and the shyt I see from some cats I know I don't see anything worth respecting. I see grown men complaining and shifting blame for their own shortcomings instead of doing what men are expected to do. Take charge of the situation and fix it. And no where did I absolve black women from any blame. I said until we get our house in order, we have no ground to stand on.

But what you almost NEVER heard until recently was black women getting told that they too are fukking up and need to take responsibility for THEIR actions. It was rarely said cause ass-kissing p*ssy worshiping traditionalist bought into that bullshyt mentality of the man being responsible for all things that go wrong as if women were just perfect little angels or overgrown children that are not at fault for the things they do. That's why they run around doing the most outlandish shyt(WSHH) with no damn shame. Cause we filled their heads with all this QUEEN shyt as if they are born into it rather then having to earn it by behaving like QUEENS.:comeon:

Again, why am I concerning myself with what black women are doing when we have so many issues we as men need to fix? We have too many men not fighting tooth and nail to be in their children's lives. Too many men not wanting to take responsibility for the fukked up communities they live in. Too many men not having enough discipline to sacrifice and get their own lives together. The black community fell apart when men stopped being the men of the community. Instead we do something we typically blame women for: blame everyone else for our problems.

If we had the balls to hold them accountable for their shyt we would have partners that stand next to us in battle rather then these agents stabbing us in the back for white daddy's approval. :birdman:

Most men don't even hold themselves accountable nowadays. What don't nikkas on this site blame black women for :pachaha:

I'm holding myself and all black men for the downfall of the black community. And I'm doing my part to help fix it by educating the nikkas in my hood, helpding them get their economic situation right, and giving them to tools to hopefully build businesses and have something of their own they can pass down to their seeds one day.

Goddamn...I'm ranting aren't I?...apologizes.:mindblown:

Yes you are breh....yes you are :merchant:

Anyway, yeah I'm doing my part, but no point in bragging about it cause to be honest, it's hardly making a fukking dent the problem is so huge. Hard to be proud of a handful that make it when a truckload of kids you watched grow up end up in the ground. But, as I said, so goes the life of a black man. :smugfavre:

It's not making a dent because there's too many nikkas running their mouths talking and not enough nikkas actually doing. Black men nowadays just love talking. We're worse than women. No one wants to pick up the torch of manhood and say I'm gonna be the trailblazer, y'all nikkas gonna either get down or lay down. Instead we blame black women for shyt that happened in the damn 90s when we were fukking 10 years old. It's a week argument started by a group of faceless hurt nikkas on the internet mad that the bytches they wanted, didn't want them back.

Black women are not children, there was a time we knew they were warriors like us, but we forget that along with a shytload of other things a while ago.

Black men ain't children either. Too many of us act like children though. A lot of these nikkas complaining about black women seem to take joy in knowing that they're getting shytted on. It's like they think it's some sort of cosmic payback instead of realizing that when they get shytted on, we get shytted on right along with them.

Oh well...plenty of SIMPS around to take care of em these days anyway no matter how fukked up they are. Power of the vagina.:blessed:

Oh and I'm sorry to hear you think only people that were actually there can talk about the past. There's these things called history books that allow us to get past that barrier. There are even audio and video recordings...crazy I know.

nikka you talking about shyt you heard from SWP and the rest of the angry nikka conglomerate, stop acting like you created some form of original thought on your own. The issues you have with black women are less because of what happened in the 90s and more because of your own shortcomings as a man. The same way a black woman can't keep blaming everyone else but herself as to the reason she can't find the man she want, men can't keep blaming everything else but themselves for the reason they can't have the woman they want. I put the problem and the solution squarely on the shoulders of men. Because in every other culture and society on this planet, the men are the leaders. In current African American culture, the men have a victim persona. Black men during the Civil Rights era used to get dogs sicked on em, beat, spit on, locked up, brush themselves off and keep moving. nikkas nowadays don't get the attention they feel they deserve from a woman and they run online to vent like little bytches.

That's a long ass post breh

But I'm bored so I'll answer.


Apr 21, 2013
And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there was any such thing as an Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities and all those "fine" sister in places like New York, Chicago and Newark. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organizations before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. They voice their concerning about "Black women and black men coming together to build the black community." They are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decide they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decide to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who also found herself a victim of black men's sexism. Note...black leaders abandoned Ms. Davis while she was in prison. Ironically it was women and white feminist who came to her aid.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do your research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decides to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson and Julian Bond who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. They are the generation that has grown up watching, reading and hearing all the contradictions black men put forth. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.


-Feminism put in a positive light
-Black men the villains from start to finish
-Black women are heros from start to finish
-Black women are ever the leaders of the Civil rights Movement until evil men come an take it from them
-Evil men evil men everywhere
-Black men abandoned their families like scum just to get p*ssy(REALLY?)
-Black women tried to get black men to be PRO Black and but black men got pulled in by white p*ssy instead(REALLY?)

Let me guess? You are a black feminist? Cause this sure smells like feminist historical revisionism. Much like your white feminst counterparts try to through there men under the bus when it comes to slavery and jim crow and pretend they weren't stand right nest to their white men smiling next to the hanging and charred bodies of dead negroes. As if we can't watch them in videos spitting on kids going to desegregated schools. You do your White Feminist Sisters Proud.

I've heard this before though, black feminist all tell the same lies it seems:

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All Star
Jun 21, 2012
And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there was any such thing as an Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities and all those "fine" sister in places like New York, Chicago and Newark. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organizations before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. They voice their concerning about "Black women and black men coming together to build the black community." They are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decide they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decide to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who also found herself a victim of black men's sexism. Note...black leaders abandoned Ms. Davis while she was in prison. Ironically it was women and white feminist who came to her aid.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do your research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decides to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson and Julian Bond who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. They are the generation that has grown up watching, reading and hearing all the contradictions black men put forth. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.

You just said all the things I had been saying on this board but never felt like putting in one post because it'd only fall on biased, sexist ears. :ohlawd: Rep pending


Apr 21, 2013
So If black men have been receiving criticism from everyone for so many years yet there still hasn't been any changes made to show for that criticism, what makes you think attacking black women in a similar way is going to work?

It keeps getting worse and I doubt if shifting the anger is going to work.

But there have been changes made.Why do you think brothers are getting tired of dealing with black women? Why do you think they are dating outside the race in record numbers? If brothers really were no damn good then why do other races have no problem with them? Why is it only black women that can't seem to get along with the black man(outside of racists of course)? Despite all the negative portrayals in the media and so on when black men are encountered personally people see it's bullshyt.

Now look at the other side of this. Why is the black woman the least desired woman of all the races? Why is it that when they are encountered in real life they are still undesired? Why do relationships with them not work out with most of them?

This blaming the black man business has left black women stunted because they are rarely called out on their shyt whereas black are always called out, always challenged, always have to go above and beyond to prove they aren't a THUGS or criminals. Black women just have to prove they aren't loud, aggressive, and drama queens....yet they can't seem to prove that most of the time...why is that? Why do most black women fit the bill? When you meet a black woman that has her shyt together more often then not she hats most other black women. Why?

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
You just said all the things I had been saying on this board but never felt like putting in one post because it'd only fall on biased, sexist ears. :ohlawd: Rep pending

Typical black woman have a white man as her savior and the black man as her opposer.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
But there have been changes made.Why do you think brothers are getting tired of dealing with black women? Why do you think they are dating outside the race in record numbers? If brothers really were no damn good then why do other races have no problem with them? Why is it only black women that can't seem to get along with the black man(outside of racists of course)?

Black men have the highest divorce rates in IR than any other group by far. The rates are astronomical in context really.

As far as undesired and desired, I think Black men should keep believing they are highly desired by all races of women if that's what makes them feel better. Whatever floats your boat and gets you thru the day. Just leave Black women out of it. If we are supposedly so undesirable, let us be and keep our names out of your mouths on Twitter, Youtube, BM dominated forums, and all other manners of places. Why is that so hard?