When did black men and women start beefing?

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Why does saying you're independent need to be said at all? You have a job and take care of yourself? Congratulations, so do 250 million other Americans :stopitslime:

Keep that shyt to yourself, no one cares and it definitely doesn't make men more attracted to you. It's annoying at best and a huge turn off at worst.

:dwillhuh: I'm guessing you missed the first 5 words in my post.


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012

But why/when did black men even stop taking care of their families in the first place?

Divorce is no longer looked down upon, same with having kids outside of wedlock
crack era
job losses



Mar 2, 2013
Basically you had black folk come to a foreign land against their will stripped of everything and forced to work under servitude of white men who became something of a god- a paternal figure, now black men and black women reacted very differently under their respective oppressive conditions. Black men have always been aware that White men are THE threat. They didn't develop the same sort of complex that black women have with white women
because they realize that white men are the king piece, you take the king, you win the game. So black men have always been ambivalent about white women from the getgo.

Black women on the other hand developed a sort of resentful stepchild complex in regards to white women as well as a warped savior view of white men in general when it's really white men that's behind their unhappiness because without the white male power system, none of this white beauty shyt could even exist. Notice how black women gush whenever a white man pays them attention but when their own men does it, it's doesn't mean as much. They kind of want the white mans stamp of approval because it means that much more. Who's more important, your father or your brother? Black women's "loyalty" as a concept is dependent overall on whether or not they feel validated imo.

Good post


Jul 15, 2012
When Marcuz gave a reason for why black women did the whole strong and Independent phase. You gave him a dap, but you keep asking me to show you proof that it even happen.

Go back and read my post. I said show me proof that all black women said they don't need a man.

I then said, you turned being independent into something negative.

I made two different statements. PLEASE don't try to twist my post because anyone in this thread can see what I said.

I will even quote it for you:

So every black woman told you that she didn't need black men? Interesting because I don't even know you.

Also, you would make being indpendent a negative thing. I bet three threads from now you will be going on and on about how black women are too dependent (e.g. living off of child support and welfare).

One statement addresses your "I don't need a man comment" and the other statement addresses the fact that you think being independent is something negative. Where did I say black women weren't independent? I asked you when did all black women say they didn't need black men. Those are to different things because you can be an independent/self-sufficient person without saying you don't need anyone.

When are YOU going to address what you said and what I asked you instead of trying to twist my words? I'll wait.
Apr 11, 2013
Good post

And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there was any such thing as an Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities and all those "fine" sister in places like New York, Chicago and Newark. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organizations before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. They voice their concerning about "Black women and black men coming together to build the black community." They are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decide they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decide to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who also found herself a victim of black men's sexism. Note...black leaders abandoned Ms. Davis while she was in prison. Ironically it was women and white feminist who came to her aid.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do your research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decides to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson and Julian Bond who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. They are the generation that has grown up watching, reading and hearing all the contradictions black men put forth. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there ever any such thing as a Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organization before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. All are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decided they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decided to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who too found herself a victim of black men's sexism.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do you research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decided to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson, who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.


Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Go back and read my post. I said show me proof that all black women said they don't need a man.

I then said, you turned being independent into something negative.

I made two different statements. PLEASE don't try to twist my post because anyone in this thread can see what I said.

I will even quote it for you:

One statement addresses your "I don't need a man comment" and the other statement addresses the fact that you think being independent is something negative. Where did I say black women weren't independent? I asked you when did all black women say they didn't need black men. Those are to different things because you can be an independent/self-sufficient person without saying you don't need anyone.

When are YOU going to address what you said and what I asked you instead of trying to twist my words? I'll wait.

Why are you asking for something that you know can't be proven?


Apr 21, 2013
could you blame them though? It wasnt like how it is not when we had some of chance too work and make a living. Being a woman in the 70s, thats one strike but being black :whew:. Had to feed their family and it just involved into the fukk up we see today

Can I blame them for falling into the white man's trap? YEP:childplease:

But the black man fell into it too so there ya go. :deadmanny:

Thing is that about 25% of black men and women figured out the game and got the fukk out of the hole. Now all they have to do is find each other and start rebuilding this shyt and let the hoodrats and thugs destroy each other. :myman:

Cynical Thoughts

All Star
May 17, 2012
Lol their boss isn't a black man and they're not super heroes.

:dwillhuh:Bernie Mac wasn't their boss?

:comeon: you know exactly what I'm tryna say. super hero, as in crime fighters.

They are playing an empowering role for women. And their boss is man. While three chick singing about doing stuff theirself(while still having to check-in:heh:)

:heh: seeing the direction of this thread in regards to black women, the color of the boss may not even matter.:manny:in this debate.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
:dwillhuh:Bernie Mac wasn't their boss?

:comeon: you know exactly what I'm tryna say. super hero, as in crime fighters.

It was called Charlie's Angels not Bosley's Angels. All he basically did was tell the girls when Charlie wanted them or what Charlie wanted them to do. He was Charlie's assistant. Lol I'm quite sure Charlie was white.