What's this Black folk were in America before slaves were brought over????

May 16, 2012
The fukk does this have to do with white people???

Everything. Cause they're the ones that control this planet right now and have been controlling the information that gets out to people. Ever heard of the saying "he who wins the war writes history"? Well that's what has happened here. White people won the war, enslaved us, and have been rewriting history ever since.

If you are an even halfway knowledgable black person, you know white people lie about EVERYTHING associated with us. They lie about us being violent. They lie about us being unintelligent. They lie about us never having any civilizations in Africa. Lie after lie after lie. And now they tell us that no black person was here in the Americas before Columbus and all of us came over here on slave ships.

You really think this is the first time they're gonna tell the truth about us? Or is the narrative that we are ALL descended from slaves they brought over from Africa just another lie in the long line of lies they've been telling about black people for the last 500 years?


Nov 21, 2013
Basically you got a small minority of Black people who think cuz a few AA's have Native American look a likes, that means we the same people. They literally have no proof besides a few books written by cats they never met before and YouTube videos made by nut cases who ask silly questions like "where the slave ships at then?"

It's really no different than joining other movements like the Flat Earthers, the Hebrew Israelites, etc. It's a way to be one of the few "woke" ones who knows the "truth" while everyone else doesn't.

So the words of explorers who were there mean nothing too right?

If so what do we base it on whether it’s true or not? :jbhmm:
May 16, 2012
I believe there were Africans in America pre-Columbus but I don't use that to say that slavery never existed.

Please cite one person on here who has said slavery never existed?

We know slavery existed. We also know we're black and ultimately of African origin. Stop trying to misrepresent what is being argued. Nobody is trying to run away from our African or black roots. Our argument is very simple. We (black people/Africans) were here on this continent first. And we kept coming to this continent from Africa many times before Columbus or any other European.

Now the question becomes what percentage of the current black population in the Americas is descended from that aboriginal population and how many are descended from slaves brought over during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade? Nobody knows the answer to this question exactly. My guess is that there are far more descendants from that aboriginal black population than there are from slaves brought over here during the slave trade. Why is that? Very simply I don't trust white people. They lie about everything. If most of us weren't descended from the aboriginal population on this continent, they wouldn't have had to lie about none of us being here. The fact they're lying and saying no black person was here before Columbus lets me know that there numbers of how many of us were here before Columbus must have been significant.

Also the logistics of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade makes no sense. There is no way they could have transported as many slaves as they claim were transported from Africa to the Americas so as to explain why there are so many of us here in the Americas. Just look at Brazil. It has the second largest population of black people in the world next to Nigeria. That alone should let you know that there is no way they coulda transported that many of us across the Atlantic to make a country outside of Africa the second largest black population in the planet. A lot of us had to have been over here before any European to make the numbers work in terms of how many black people are now currently in the Americas. This is why I believe most of the black population currently living in the Americas are descended from the aboriginal black population rather than the population of slaves brought over here.


Nov 21, 2013
I honestly don't understand how more people don't get this. No matter how you spin it, these myths and rumors are pretty obviously an attempt to divorce blackness from Africa and Africans and more specifically, enslaved Africans. This becomes especially obvious when you consider the ones who want to flat out deny slavery ever occurred or happened on a dramatically smaller scale.

It just sounds like a bunch of historical revisionists saying 'well yeah I'm "black" but :whoa: not one of THOSE blacks'.

Or it’s too say that blackness isn’t limited to Africa :coffee:

It’s also funny that you nikkas fight to defend the slave narrative
May 16, 2012
What’s sadder is that we all should know cacs love to lie yet we will fervently defend the sh*t they indoctrinated in our consciousness from the moment we began consuming their mediums of propaganda (school, books, paintings, television, radio etc).

Exactly. Too many black people are married to the slave narrative and the victim ideology it espouses. They don't want to learn that we were actually the first people to enslave white people in the past. That it was us that enslaved millions of white Europeans and imported them into North Africa creating the current mulatto populations of North Africa.

White people want us to have this slave mentality because they're afraid of what we can do if we remember who we really are. We're the first civilizers on this planet. We were the first conquerors. We were the first colonists. We were the ones who were dominating them. They flipped the tables on us for the last 500 years and they want us to think that's how its always been. They want us to think all we've ever been was slaves because they know what we are capable of. And that is causing their genetic annihilation.
May 16, 2012
I don't think being transparent with African history is somehow wanting to start black people off with slavery. We don't want to only be the slaves, but we can't begin to speak African history in hyperbole. It's disrespectful to other cultures, and self hatred permeates the premise , because we spend so much time trying to be the 1st everyone else, but not Nearly enough time just being our wonderful African selves. Right now we have segments of blacks playing tug of war with being the 1st muslims, the 1st Hebrews , the 1st native americans, the 1st greeks, the 1st asians, the 1st europeans, meanwhile we can't get our own community together while we are telling everyone else how we gave all their culture to them. We are void of a culture ourselves but want to argue how we started Buddhism. We look crazy

I'll just be black African and satisfied with that. All this finders keepers with the white man is mental gymnastics isolated to social media that gets nothing in real life done.

Btw Africans have a long rich history our contributions to the world is deep which is why all came into Africa to learn and not the other way around. I'm not trading a rich nearly 100k history to come play in mud and be some fake indian. I'll pass

But what is those are all true? Isn't discovering the TRUTH the purpose of studying history? Or are you just interested in getting pats on the back from crakkkas and other races? If you are black and not a white agent pretending to be black, then that's how you come off. You trying to be that "reasonable" c00n the whites will prop up.

The truth doesn't care about other races emotions. The truth is the truth. And just because our current predicament is dire doesn't mean we should not be proud of what our ancestors did. Regardless of what whites and other races say, the FACTS are on our side. We were the first Hebrews. We were the first Muslims. We were the first Americans. We were the first Asians. We were the first Greeks. We were the first Europeans. THOSE ARE FACTS. Other groups might not like to hear it but I sure as hell don't give a fukk. I got the proof to back it up so if any crakkka wants to go at it with me on any one of these topics then bring it on.

I'm only interested in the TRUTH. I'm not interested in other races feelings about us. And the truth in this case is what will uplift our community. Cause once we remember who we really were, the sooner we can get out of this situation. Why else do you think white people have lied so much about our history even in Africa and white-washed it? They know what we are capable of if we remember who we really are. Right now they've done a good job brainwashing us into thinking our history started with slavery. The more we know the TRUTH the closer we can get to regaining the glory of our past.
May 16, 2012
I’m saying that 300 n*ggaz on the bottom of a boat for 6 months with no fresh water or food sounds like a fantasy sold to gullible n*ggaz

Not only that but think of the numbers breh. They claiming they transported tens of millions of people from one continent to another. That shyt had literally never happened before in human history.

Like I said in an earlier post, the second largest black country in the world is Brazil. Only Nigeria has more people of African descent. HOW THE HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE unless many of us were already over here?

Its not just they brought some black people over in ships. Its the fact that the numbers they claim they brought over are so astronomical that its patently impossible.


All Star
May 2, 2012
Exactly. Too many black people are married to the slave narrative and the victim ideology it espouses. They don't want to learn that we were actually the first people to enslave white people in the past. That it was us that enslaved millions of white Europeans and imported them into North Africa creating the current mulatto populations of North Africa.

White people want us to have this slave mentality because they're afraid of what we can do if we remember who we really are. We're the first civilizers on this planet. We were the first conquerors. We were the first colonists. We were the ones who were dominating them. They flipped the tables on us for the last 500 years and they want us to think that's how its always been. They want us to think all we've ever been was slaves because they know what we are capable of. And that is causing their genetic annihilation.

They also want us to believe that we are incarnated on a spinning rock hurdling in the middle of an empty vacuum.
May 16, 2012
you put one month in the response :snoop:

i said 30 to 40 days was the average, what would prolong it is conditions. you then conveniently stopped in that paragraph and omitted this part :

"In the later years of the slave trade the journey took a lot less time due to the building of better and faster ships." which is damn near the next sentence

where in that article does it say they didnt have food or water?

secondly it confirms what i said to you earlier, that the slaves were considered cattle (article says cargo) and wanted to preserve as many as they could for the sake of reselling them :

"The slave traders did not consider the slaves as humans but rather as cargo. The traders did not want the slaves to die or to get ill; not out of compassion but rather out of a desire to protect their cargo and to generate a profit."

now here is a article that talks about "dancing the slaves" as a means to keep the slaves healthy and this article also speaks of how they fed the slaves and gave them water :

"Dancing The Slaves" – A Look Into The Inhumane Treatment Of Africans Aboard Slave Ships

lets just stop there breh, this is getting embarrassing. dont call others out for being fools when you have clearly never taken the time out to fully research the subject. you just want to believe what you want to believe. and that is sad and how religions get started. smh

Now tell me how they could have transported enough slaves from Africa to account for the hundreds of millions of black people currently in the Americas? I'm not doubting that some slaves were brought over. I just don't believe it was tens of millions. MAYBE tens of thousands. MAYBE a hundred thousand. But no where close to the numbers needed to explain why there are so many black people today in North and South America.

Hannibal Fox

May 2, 2012
Death To Spookism
Baba Sertima was a treasure trove of knowledge, too bad most folks do him a disservice.

Threads like these are mad disrespectful when you consider Van Sertima's theory hangs on the idea that meso-american culture had AFRICAN origins.

So all that anti-african shyt some of you are kicking needs to stop.

I wonder how many of those folks have actually read the book thoroughly if at all!

How many of you ever picked up his journal of African civilisations?

A lot of tricknowledge is getting kicked around here recently.....if the dude in my Avi was still here......man :francis:

The fact dudes around here think they can kick knowledge like Van Sertima, Diop, Chancellor Williams or Barashango is just:martin:
May 16, 2012
They also want us to believe that we are incarnated on a spinning rock hurdling in the middle of an empty vacuum.

:mjlol: real talk. But that's another topic for another day.

At the end of the day, every conscious black person should know this one basic truth: Everything and I mean EVERYTHING we are taught about this world by the white supremacist education system is a LIE. Everything.

And the moment black people realize that is the moment we'll be able to move forward.


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
But what is those are all true? Isn't discovering the TRUTH the purpose of studying history? Or are you just interested in getting pats on the back from crakkkas and other races? If you are black and not a white agent pretending to be black, then that's how you come off. You trying to be that "reasonable" c00n the whites will prop up.

The truth doesn't care about other races emotions. The truth is the truth. And just because our current predicament is dire doesn't mean we should not be proud of what our ancestors did. Regardless of what whites and other races say, the FACTS are on our side. We were the first Hebrews. We were the first Muslims. We were the first Americans. We were the first Asians. We were the first Greeks. We were the first Europeans. THOSE ARE FACTS. Other groups might not like to hear it but I sure as hell don't give a fukk. I got the proof to back it up so if any crakkka wants to go at it with me on any one of these topics then bring it on.

I'm only interested in the TRUTH. I'm not interested in other races feelings about us. And the truth in this case is what will uplift our community. Cause once we remember who we really were, the sooner we can get out of this situation. Why else do you think white people have lied so much about our history even in Africa and white-washed it? They know what we are capable of if we remember who we really are. Right now they've done a good job brainwashing us into thinking our history started with slavery. The more we know the TRUTH the closer we can get to regaining the glory of our past.
truth has to be met with a scientific method, and tested and tried procedures that validate that truth, otherwise its simply what you want to believe. and you cant go "white man white man white man" whenever somone doesnt believe as you believe. i dont want just any truth that sounds good. i want a truth that can be validated and stand against scrutiny. otherwise im passing off falsehoods creating this super hero negro people that get stomped whenever the world of academia cross examines the evidence presented

the facts are, we are not the 1st muslims, greeks or hebrews, the facts are we are africans and our customs might have influenced those other traditions, but they only became "ours" during slavery and self hatred. this is why the "truth" is these traditions were forced on us and its many cases of us rejecting it. how can we be the 1st muslims but have islam coming into africa and sacking our kingdoms burning them down and forcing us into slavery based on africans being the heathens? same with christianity and judaism, research the hamitic hypothesis, which was used by all the abrahamic traditions to justify our enslavement. many like talking about africans selling other africans but exclude the role that religion played in that.

the most we can say is we were the originals in many discoveries, but we are not the 1st greeks , we are not the 1st europeans, they learned and studied among us, some of us did exist in their societies, but we were not them. and they not us. so if your interested in the truth scrutinize the entire premise and dont just run with some shyt cause it makes you feel good.

much of what happened is understandable, we went about 2 centuries with white folks saying everything black and african was bad and useless, many historians like j.a rogers simply went around painting everything black, saying everyone with darker skin is black and african. more information has been presented though. darker skin doesnt make you black african, simply a people that cultivated land and made civilization in zone 2, or by the equator. that does not make them us. furthermore it speaks again to those using this we are from everywhere premise to hide their self hatred as they impose themselves on everyone else culture, but have done very little to master their very own.

again this is not me saying we didnt travel and its not evidence of africans being in all civilizations, but there is huge difference in saying that then trying to be everyone else but yourself.