There are wind currents from West Africa that can take you directly to the coast of sail required....a white man (i know people need white people to document stuff first to believe it) has done the trip multiple times. There's oral history with the Ancient Malians that Abubakari abdicated the throne, which was considered a great shame to them from what I read, to travel to the new world. He and all the boats he took was never seen again. Mali was the second most powerful/richest nation on Earth at the time. White people doubt the Malians could reach America with all their wealth and power but, they accept that the Vikings, a group of poor uneducated thieves, did. Again, Mali was the second most powerful/richest nation on Earth at the time. Had their own university already. There's oral history in the new world that the Africans made it over. There’s also peculiarities with other ancient groups having plants, goods and other products that could only be found in the Americas which suggest there was some level of communication between the two continents.
White supremacy is the only reason they deny Malians getting here before Columbus. They've been brainwashing the world since 1500 on the lie that white people are superior so they lie about the fact black people been sailing to America hundreds to thousands of years before any white man.