this is a tough scenario. Ive honestly had a similar type of situation happen before to me. A few years back I was out in Vegas leaving the club with my chick. Im walkin down the strip and 4 drunk azz dudes started talkin shyt to the chick I was with. Like these fools were saying real disrespectful shyt talking about how phat her azz was and carryin on. Of course, I stop like "what nygga?"
I was so gatdamn heated that these MFs would disrespect me like that I was ready to scrap in the middle of the street in front of Planet Hollywood. I tuck my chain in, tighten up my belt and realize that 1 of these MFs pulls out a knife.
I acted like I didnt see that shyt, I grabbed my chicks hand, did a 360 and walked my black azz back into the casino as a yelled "fucc yall nyggaz"
nyggaz can say I punked out, but that night I played it smart. Why risk 1 of them cats slicing me or my chick up? Maybe I would have tried to fight 4 of em if i didnt see the knife, who knows.
sometimes u gotta think smart and think with your head and swallow your pride.
Some of y'all are talking about getting into a fight or coming back later with backup. fukk that. This isn't high school. I don't know some random dude off the street or what he's capable of. Any man is capable of killing another man, whether its someone looking like Bob Sapp or a wimpy nerd who buys a gun. I'm not scared of taking an ass whooping, I AM scared of getting killed or permanently injured. That's why I'd try to avoid a fight whenever possible.
This is one of the problems nikkas never seem to address on here. Guess you wouldn't know that this is a frequent issue unless you were in the situation
If you got a Bria Myles lookin broad for a girlfriend, nikkas WILL try you![]()
lol @ deafening her when your getting stomped to death by 5 dudes in her presence. Id rather be a p*ssy in her eyes then a corpse.
so someone blatantly disrespects you and your woman and you are thinking about how you can avoid the confrontation?
This shyt doesn't happen that much, you get dudes saying what's up to your girl and staring and shyt like that.
Some of y'all are talking about getting into a fight or coming back later with backup. fukk that. This isn't high school. I don't know some random dude off the street or what he's capable of. Any man is capable of killing another man, whether its someone looking like Bob Sapp or a wimpy nerd who buys a gun. I'm not scared of taking an ass whooping, I AM scared of getting killed or permanently injured. That's why I'd try to avoid a fight whenever possible. to all the dudes that wanna get all Steven Seagal in a situation, ask yourself this: If your girl looks at you and even demands that you throw down with some dude you don't even know, does she really love or even care about you in the first place? I wouldn't want any female I care about to risk getting her face sliced by some crazy chick just to prove a point.
Some dude earlier in the thread said his girl deliberately didn't tell him what happened until 15 minutes later because she didn't want her man to get in trouble...that's what you call a SMART woman.
If your girl is backed in a corner and there's no other way out, that's different. Other than that, a REAL woman will understand walking away from a situation. But saying that, most of y'all dudes deal with brainless ratchet chicks anyway, so.....
If you were out with your girl, you're far away from your neighborhood and you're not strapped...and this nikka walks up, looks you right in your eyes then he grabs your girls ass and say she needs to leave with him...
Your girl is offended and doesn't say shyt...she just looks at you to see what you will do...What do you do?
A.) Act like you didn't see it and argue with your girl on the car ride home
B.) Fight the dude and get the love of Jesus beat out of you
C.) Say fukk it and just break up with her there cause its a loss either way.
For all you single nikkas who can't relate, make pretend your girl is super duper bad, she is smart and runs her own successful business. Plus she looks like this...
Remember, you have NO weapon (no makeshift weapons) and you're out the hood so you can't call your homies to help and you have to make a move NOW.
Here is the demonically beastly looking nikka here...
That shyt is disrespectful breh
lol @ deafening her when your getting stomped to death by 5 dudes in her presence. Id rather be a p*ssy in her eyes then a corpse.
i got jumped back in the day so to me an ass-beating is a ass-beating...thats just me tho i can understand why some people would run, but if you run away from 1 dude its even worse