What would you do if a dude blatantly DISRESPECTS your girl while she's WITH YOU?


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
It depends, I respect brothers in here saying they would scrap regardless, but as a man you need to lace your pride with intelligence. If it happened on my bricks I would scrap without a doubt, but if im ot and the nikka is bob sap (:stopitslime:) then id take the lick and make a couple of calls after.
May 2, 2012

I would probably just look at it as an L and not hold it against dude as long as he tried.

That's whats up. Quick question tho...Did you watch the fight? Did you see how he slammed that chinese dude on his neck?

With that being said...How long would you stick around to change his diapers and feed him when your man is looking like this?


Kinda hard to imagine him catchin to out there like that, I keep mine wit me for this very purpose, at this point in the game I'm too based to be rollin in the dirt wit some nikka, but just following the question, I'd shoot the one wit dude, win or loose for like month after that I'd just post up where ever I ran into him at wit my piece and wait for our paths to cross again

Realistic answer...Respect

Family Feud:

*good answer....good answer*

This is a situation where you have to use your brain and your mouthpiece to get the fck outta dodge. Aint nothing a normal man can do against a monster like that, except accumulate gargantuan medical bills. The most important thing is getting out of that situation safely. Shootin' a fair one with that nikka is suicide. All you have to keep in mind is that this nikka is a loser who is jealous of the relationship and what we have, theoretically, as a couple. Aint no use in sinking to his level so he can damage our lives, possibly permanently.

nikkas act like they aint watch the highlight video of dude dropping nikkas on they head...like this nikka will leave you looking like Stephen Hawkin...

Take my ass whoopin like a man.

Realistic answer...Respect.

I agree....and this is all well and good, if your girl is as level headed as @Juicy

Most are gonna either pop off at the mouth to this guy/shove him away (both of which will escalate the situation) or they'll step back and look at you like:usure:

Now if you go down the route of simply walking away (assuming this guy just lets y'all walk away) you'll almost certainly have to cut ties with this chick.

Like I said in one of the options...just say "fukk it" and break up with her there cause its a lose either way.

yall should try to avoid these scenarios.

like when u go to the movies, sit at the very top. dont sit where u have to turn around. u wanna be able to see everything so if sh1t happens u can prepare.

i was faced with a couple of situations. i'm at the movies one time. i kept hearing these lil kids running around and making noise. my girl was acting very pissed cause that sh1t was one hell of a distraction. she was turning around and giving these kids the mean mug. i felt like damn it. now i goto do something about this cuz my girl was just losing it. i didn't know who brought this kids here cause all this sh1t was happening behind me. could be some brolic n1gga. so i had to weigh my options. hope to god the noises stopped. but it didn't. the sh1t went on for what seemed like eternity till i finally lost it. turn around and screamed "would yall shut the fucck up?? the fucck is wrong with you!".

the theater went silent instantly. my girl lit up and started giggling. grabbed my hand and started to cuddle. there was a couple of white girls a few seat away form us, i saw them from the corner of my eye give me that look like "oh thank you so much". cause i knew that sh1t was bothering them too. they were fidgeting the whole time.

when we got out the theater she couldn't wait to get on phone to tell her friends/mother about what just happened and how when "my bf told them to shut the fucck up, the whole theater went completely silent".

lol. it felt good that day. but i knew i was lucky. it was most likely a chick that brought those kids there that day. so she aint want none of this lol.

You got lucky breh, now you really don't have to prove nothing to her no more.

Depends on what reaction I get from my girl.

If my girl is looking at me like :usure: Ima have to take that L and get lumped up. Hopefully he leaves enough for my moms to identify me

If my girl is looking at me like :whoa: I'd be like "Word? You just gon disrespect my girl nikka? Ima fukk you up! WATCH B!!!" Then proceed to get in the car and drive away talking shyt about he lucky Ima Christian now


man.....I understand..... but I disagree..... I spent half my life walking away from fights knowing that I could fukk up the other guy up in a second, I cant honestly think back and remember a time I had a streetfight other than when I was running a club...

most of the time shyt aint worth it and I would walk away in a second...

however a guy disrespecting my loved ones is crossing the line and he would get checked.....

The greatest thing boxing gave me isnt the ability to fight, but the ability not to be afraid of fighting someone bigger or stronger, it also makes you very calm and controlled ....


Yeah I feel you but we all have to realize that if we fight a nikka like that we will most likely end up in the ICU, unless u built like that nikka @Ronnie Lott or some shyt

Real shyt, these nikkas act like they aint watch the highlights...he dropped that chinese nikka on his neck with ease...these nikkas must be super heros...

6'4 340lbs

I'll take the L. Not getting hospitalized over some girl. At the end of the day even if I get beaten to a pulp and she's happy I defended her, months later who knows this relationship might not even work out. Get my ass beat for nothing

Yeah, she'll be happy you defended her but she wont be happy when she has to change your diapers and feed you for the rest of your life.

My girl is going to pull away, reach in her bag, pull out her mace, spray him and then we gonna look at him like :shaq: and do the Ali Shuffle before we make him into one of those black gum stains in the street. I have a brown belt in Brazillian Jiujitsu. Im more worried about what i might do to him if he struggles, then what he'll do to me if he ko's me cuz the backup blade is comin out her purse if i take that L and he doesnt let it go. You got to body both of us.

You are a fighter so you should be more realistic than all of us here. Dude is a trained fighter and he (more than likely) out weighs you by a couple hundred pounds. Dog...you probably nice, but you not beating this nikka in no street fight...

Yeah that's true but you would risk your girl looking at you like a punk. I would prolly pull my girl away and tell her to wait outside and then go grab a brick or bottle and pull the ol "I'm in the car, He on the ground, tryna figure out what the fukk just happen"

Jamie Foxx - bytchalism - YouTube

I already said no weapons. Tell you girl wait in the car...as soon as she leaves, tell the nikka that you;re a Christian and Jesus still loves him. Then get in the car and tell your girl that you got a lucky knockout punch on him and that someone called the cops so yall got to get far away quick...:troll:

My BF is short and over 30. That negro better not try to fight no big ass dude like that. You can get over verbal disrespect but it takes a long ass time to get over the embarrassment of getting your ass beat in front of your girlfriend.

Smart girl...

my foot, his balls.

or im slappin the soul out that nikka, open hand 5 finger mom slapping her child style slap and taking my L.

Exactly, Imma FIFA world cup that nikka in his nuts and hall ass...

nikka be like bu bu bu baby I tried.


LOL...But peep how Gina ain't even want to give him a peck on the lips after he got the beats...she ain't suckin you off cause "you tried" and still got ya ass whooped.

this is a tough scenario. Ive honestly had a similar type of situation happen before to me. A few years back I was out in Vegas leaving the club with my chick. Im walkin down the strip and 4 drunk azz dudes started talkin shyt to the chick I was with. Like these fools were saying real disrespectful shyt talking about how phat her azz was and carryin on. Of course, I stop like "what nygga?"

I was so gatdamn heated that these MFs would disrespect me like that I was ready to scrap in the middle of the street in front of Planet Hollywood. I tuck my chain in, tighten up my belt and realize that 1 of these MFs pulls out a knife.

I acted like I didnt see that shyt, I grabbed my chicks hand, did a 360 and walked my black azz back into the casino as a yelled "fucc yall nyggaz"

nyggaz can say I punked out, but that night I played it smart. Why risk 1 of them cats slicing me or my chick up? Maybe I would have tried to fight 4 of em if i didnt see the knife, who knows.

sometimes u gotta think smart and think with your head and swallow your pride.

Good story...You did the smart thing...Respect.

This is why its so tough. On one hand I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror knowing another nikka punked me out. On the flip side,it would be embarrassing as fukk to get your ass beat infront of your girl.

But I didn't think of what my breh @Born2BKing said:ohhh: Make her wait in the car during your ass beating.

After you wake up and stumble to the car, just tell her his face looks just like yours. Don't forget to tell her to park a block away though:ufdup:

That's if you lucky enough to be able to walk away from the situation...

99 percent of you nikkas are typing this shyt in the comfort of your laptop playing hero...all of yall nikkas are backing down if a nikka that size with mike tyson punching power stepped up to you

the real thing is your girl need to be keen enough to know your ass would get kicked, and she advises you to leave.

if you fukking a hoodrat bytch with no sense, RIP because they are the ones with that trivial "prove your manhood" bullshyt

Even tho she was disrespected, if she really loves you she would want to see you walk away with your health...

Fight.....I could careless how big the dude is....disrespect is disrespect and everybody can get dropped....

Okay let me be serious....dude is huge and I'd stand no chance in fighting dude....so I'd use my superior intellect to talk to him and show him the error in his ways....



I feel you, but as a man my number 1 job is to protect my woman, and keep her out of harms way. Now the way OP laid out the situation, both her and I are in a extremely vulnerable position. No disrespect intended whatsoever, but if you shoot one with that nikka, in an unfamiliar hood with no backup, there is a good chance you're either gunna get KTFO, or severely incapacitated. Now what happens if Bob Sapp takes advantage of your woman? If you woke up from your "sleep" to find that your woman was beaten and possibly sexually assaulted, would you still consider your actions the right course to take when you could have walked away ? There is no coming back from the latter as a couple.

To me, this is a keeping it real goes wrong situation if one chooses to scrap. Any animal knows that in the law of the jungle, there is a time to fight, and a time to retreat. Never confuse the two.

You're right, but its my hope that I would be with a woman who values commonsense over her own ego. Ideally when we get back in the car I would hope my woman would say " you know it took a real man to walk away from that crazy nikka, and not do anything stupid because of male pride. Aint nothin more important in this world but you and us, and that situation was fcked up but you handled it perfectly cause we're good. Now let me take you to popeyes, on me, get whatever you want, and after imma suck the skin off ya dck"

Now thats ideally. Now im sure she would feel a certain way about it because of emotion, and the way we are socialized as a society, like you said. We should have the strength and space as a couple to talk about it, and for her to hear my side, and the way I assessed the situation and the actions taken. If she cant respect it, then she aint the one to move forward with as my woman. Point blank.

Exactly...find out what type of girl do you have...
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May 2, 2012
How many of yall nikkas would be willing to die for the respect of a man you dont' know from a can of paint...

Cause jumpin bad off of that is basically what you are agreeing to

shyt is animalistic.... nikkas need to think more than one second ahead


What kind of female is just gonna do nothing and let another man grope her and disrespect her like that? I get that dude's intent is to indirectly diss me, but he's still doing it directly to her. Would that shyt be okay if she were single? No, she'd tell him to fukk off.

lmao at a girl who would just say nothing and look at me. It would have me seriously questioning what exactly she is up to when I'm not with her. If your girl is the type to let men do things to her and say nothing, you are sharing that girl.

She could be frozen in fear...this nikka is 6'4" 340 muscle :merchant:

i'd tell him we need to get out of here. i get messed up from strangers touching me in non-sexual places so being sexually assaulted + watching my bf get beat up would be too much for one day

also who is to say that when my bf is laid out that big dude won't walk back up to me like :shaq: "time to go"

Exactly...he could clean up ya man then be right at you...

Some of y'all are talking about getting into a fight or coming back later with backup. fukk that. This isn't high school. I don't know some random dude off the street or what he's capable of. Any man is capable of killing another man, whether its someone looking like Bob Sapp or a wimpy nerd who buys a gun. I'm not scared of taking an ass whooping, I AM scared of getting killed or permanently injured. That's why I'd try to avoid a fight whenever possible.

Real shyt...

First that Larry Merchant smiley was probably a PERFECT facial expression for that moment. 2:whew: that was a smart move, fam. I feel you, I got kids...if my woman or myself is in danger, I fight to the death. If there is no danger unless i press a stupid situation, I find the best way to make it home to my kids. If I get killed, who's protecting them and my lady then?:rudy:

Respect...Real shyt right there...

This is one of the problems nikkas never seem to address on here. Guess you wouldn't know that this is a frequent issue unless you were in the situation :troll:

If you got a Bria Myles lookin broad for a girlfriend, nikkas WILL try you :manny:

That's why I always took girls way out the city...where the suburb kids be at...no problems :win:


May 1, 2012
That's whats up. Quick question tho...Did you watch the fight? Did you see how he slammed that chinese dude on his neck?

With that being said...How long would you stick around to change his diapers and feed him when your man is looking like this?


Realistic answer...Respect

nikkas act like they aint watch the highlight video of dude dropping nikkas on they head...like this nikka will leave you looking like Stephen Hawkin...

Realistic answer...Respect.

Like I said in one of the options...just say "fukk it" and break up with her there cause its a lose either way.

You got lucky breh, now you really don't have to prove nothing to her no more.



Real shyt, these nikkas act like they aint watch the highlights...he dropped that chinese nikka on his neck with ease...these nikkas must be super heros...

Yeah, she'll be happy you defended her but she wont be happy when she has to change your diapers and feed you for the rest of your life.

You are a fighter so you should be more realistic than all of us here. Dude is a trained fighter and he (more than likely) out weighs you by a couple hundred pounds. Dog...you probably nice, but you not beating this nikka in no street fight...

I already said no weapons. Tell you girl wait in the car...as soon as she leaves, tell the nikka that you;re a Christian and Jesus still loves him. Then get in the car and tell your girl that you got a lucky knockout punch on him and that someone called the cops so yall got to get far away quick...:troll:

Smart girl...

Exactly, Imma FIFA world cup that nikka in his nuts and hall ass...

LOL...But peep how Gina ain't even want to give him a peck on the lips after he got the beats...she ain't suckin you off cause "you tried" and still got ya ass whooped.

Good story...You did the smart thing...Respect.

That's if you lucky enough to be able to walk away from the situation...

Even tho she was disrespected, if she really loves you she would want to see you walk away with your health...


Exactly...find out what type of girl do you have...

Mace + 2 people with knives = dead man. The real question is, do i want to catch a case.


Oct 29, 2012
Slash him in the face with a knife. Even if he beats my ass after, everytime he look in the mirror that scar will be there as a reminder.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The :ducktales: in here are ridiculous

Yall wouldnt do shyt and if you had a gun you wouldnt shoot it anyway

95% of people would pretend like they didnt see he disrespect


Jan 7, 2013
If you were out with your girl, you're far away from your neighborhood and you're not strapped...and this nikka walks up, looks you right in your eyes then he grabs your girls ass and say she needs to leave with him...

Your girl is offended and doesn't say shyt...she just looks at you to see what you will do...What do you do?

A.) Act like you didn't see it and argue with your girl on the car ride home
B.) Fight the dude and get the love of Jesus beat out of you
C.) Say fukk it and just break up with her there cause its a loss either way.

For all you single nikkas who can't relate, make pretend your girl is super duper bad, she is smart and runs her own successful business. Plus she looks like this...






Remember, you have NO weapon (no makeshift weapons) and you're out the hood so you can't call your homies to help and you have to make a move NOW.

Here is the demonically beastly looking nikka here...


I'm 6'3 225lbs which is no difference because size ain't sh!t. I could be a blackbelt for all that n!gga knows. Seriously if she can't stand up for herself and check him...I don't want to be associated with her in any way form or fashion.

Probably go for C


Apr 30, 2012
You look me in the eyes while doing some shyt like that you better hope God is looking out for you that night. I'd probably handle it like this guy


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Fredrick Thuglas said:
If you were out with your girl, you're far away from your neighborhood and you're not strapped...and this nikka walks up, looks you right in your eyes then he grabs your girls ass and say she needs to leave with him...

Your girl is offended and doesn't say shyt...she just looks at you to see what you will do...What do you do?

That mufukka will get my size 11's right in his nutsack then put in a wristlock while I drag him around by his arm and make him apologize to her or else I'll dislocate his shoulder.

Before you ask, yes, I've done it twice before with no hesitation.​


Sep 1, 2012
Honestly, I don't think any man would feel comfortable and confident enough to try me like that. Just to be hypothetical though, I will play....

First off, I will have to take that L because I have a temper and i'm not afraid of an ass whoopin. If he came up and touched my girl, I would start throwing bombs without a word being said. On a side note, I wouldn't shoot if I had a strap though, i'm not going to prison for life over a nicca touching my girl.
Jun 15, 2012
:snoop: so someone blatantly disrespects you and your woman and you are thinking about how you can avoid the confrontation?

Are you interested in dying by the hands of a random stranger? Or going to jail because you couldn't handle someone running their mouth? That's on you I guess. I'm not. Fighting is for children. If he truly feels the need to test himself against me I'd offer to go to the gym and have a sparring match in a safe environment.

And if a dude is laying hands on my woman and she's doing nothing...I'm already sharing that girl. What does she do if I'm not there, let him take her home and fukk her?