What was your first nikka wake up call like?


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
So, I'm not black but am Asian and was raised in a predominately white town.
I was in elementary school. I don't remember which grade I was in but, our class was going to another room. While walking in the halls, there's another class that is in line, but they are all younger and in a lower grade. This white kid goes, "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, what are these?" while he uses his fingers to slant his eyes up and down and then points at his nipple region. And then he start laughing. It's like kids said that to me who were in the same grade. Now, it's like, the younger kids are okay with that? There is no equivalent reverse insult to that to say back to a white kid.
One summer, I was at a toy store. I had played a lot of tennis that summer and was pretty tanned. I get tanned brown, so I was kind of like in between Derrick Rose and Alex Rodriguez skin tone if you need a point of reference. This white boy from out of nowhere asks me if I'm black. Not in a racist way, more of a confused way. I answered no.

:mindblown:Man, I don't understand how at that age they come up with stuff like or how they even recognize racial traits... I could understand making fun of someone because their weight or the fact that person is ugly.
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Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
I wonder what c00ns think when they got nikka wake up calls

"huh ok... but what about black on black crime...?"

When I ask Dude-C00ns about this, they always say the same thing "That's how white girls are"
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Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
My lil squad of friends when I was a kid was mainly black, but we had a few Hispanic and white kids. One day a new neighbor wanted to join our game. Some skinny white kid. So we were like aite cool, whatever. We already had about 2 white kids in the squad so no one was tripping about race. We start playing and I notice this new kid is wack as fukk. All he'd do is stand near the QB asking for the ball, and if you gave it to him he'd fall on the ground and catch feelings if someone touched him (we played touch football). Obviously we stopped passing him the ball, and he started getting upset. So aite, I'm the QB now, we snap and I'm trying to find someone to pass to while the defense counts to 12, then the new kid runs up and slaps me in the face and says "PASS ME THE BALL NEGROSS."

:merchant: as in this cac took the words "negro" and "gross" and mixed them shyts together to create an entirely different word. This cac was out chea creating racist words like they were crafting items in Skyrim, b.

I pushed him - it wasn't even hard, it was more of a shove - and this cac falls down. Everyone started laughing at him and he ran away crying. So we continued the game like nothing happened.

20 minutes later multiple cops cars show up. The cops point to me and some others and tell us to come with them, and I quickly realize they're only picking the black ones. One of the white kids in our group speaks up and says he's coming with us because anything we did, he did too. So they take him too. That white dude is still my nikka to this DAY :to:

The cops literally drove us to the police department and had us in the front waiting room before putting us in some big ass office room for 30 minutes. Everyone's parents came eventually and got us out tho.

Turns out that sissy white boy went home and claimed all the black and Hispanic kids started beating on him, and his parents called the cops on us. This dude didn't have a single scratch on him. He wasn't even sweaty either since he technically wasn't playing with us, he was just falling whenever he caught the ball.

The next day this cac's parents had the audacity to come to my house and apologize on some "your son hurt my son, but we didn't mean for the police to do what they did" shyt. Nah I didn't hurt nobody, I shoved him. My mom told his mom to get the hell out of our drive way


aite so more than a decade later me and some of my childhood homies went to see a movie and guess who was the janitor? That white cac fukkboy. All my friends graduated college and were chilling together, turns out that sissy fukkboy was working custodial jobs and didn't finish his education. I gave him the mean mug like I was gonna do shyt, then I gave him a black man nod and he flinched. TRUE STORY :pachaha:


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
:mindblown:Man, I don't understand at that age how the come up with stuff like or that recognize racial traits like that... I understand making fun of someone because their weight or the fact that person is ugly
Not surprised. I am neither Chinese nor Japanese, but that's what they thought, there are two kinds of Asians and that's it.
I'm pretty sure there are tons of white kids who still think that, now, in 2014.


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
Already posted mine, but I saw this thread and asked my younger brothers (25 and 20) to tell me their stories.

Middle brother got his the latest. Freshman year in college playing basketball in the Pac-10... 1st conference game he plays, some folks from the other (VERY prestigious basketball) school got his number and said left FOUL messages on his phone about him and the rest of the fam.

During the game whenever he touched the ball, some girls in the student section started the chant of "DARKNESS, DARKNESS."(He's very dark skinned.)
He preceded to score the most points a freshman scored in his 1st conference game, complete with the Reggie Miller crotch grab.:umad:
When reporters asked why he did so well, he answered that the school sent him racist text messages.

When he got back to campus, the Athl. director fined him by taking money out of his scholarship check.

The baby probably had the worst experience. His sophomore year in HS, he went to a school out near Malibu, so most of his friends were rich non-whites with nothing better to do than to do dumb shyt. He was walking out of Best Buy after buying some stuff with his friends when a cop tackles him into the parking lot. He has scars on his chin and They handcuff him to a sign with his shirt off and arrest him knees from where he landed.
Got arrested for shoplifting. Meanwhile, his (white and Asian) friends bailed on him... With about $700 of merchandise in their bags. Mainly video games and universal remotes.

He got off and his record was cleaned because of the security footage.
To this day, he's :pacspit: to any and all cops.
If you're wondering what he bought... it was a portable hard drive for my birthday. The 1st thing he did when he got picked up from jail was go to FedEx to ship it to me.


Why did they fine him?


Jun 7, 2012
Not black but Mexican .

I lived in the caciest of cac neighborhood. I was in like3rd or 4th grade. I went to my friends house for the first time. So we are hanging out and it's time for dinner , the moms got some burgers and hot dogs and shyt which was cool. She asks me if I wanted a burger and I said yes please. Now, I eat really slow, always have. So they're all done with there burger and I'm about half way. This fukking mom actually looked at me and said " if you don't like the burger I have some beans if you'd like. I was polite and said I'm ok but I always look back and think I should have thrown the can of beans at her head.
Jun 21, 2013
Crenshaw P's Coat Hangers
For being too uppit-i mean, for "going too far outside the script parameters."

All schools that have sports make (male) athletes say those cliché, "We're just glad to be here/ Take it one game at a time" b.s. answers when they really wanna say "We can win the whole thing/ We're the best team in it."

My bro didn't give the answer they wanted.

Some schools let the coaches punish, some don't.

And my brother said that only the black athletes got fined... :mjpls:

Once told me a white O lineman high on coke put an officer through a table with a spinebuster and another in a sleeper hold on some wrestling shyt.

Started the next day.
It was Rivalry Week, after all. :mjlol:
Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
Not black but Mexican .

I lived in the caciest of cac neighborhood. I was in like3rd or 4th grade. I went to my friends house for the first time. So we are hanging out and it's time for dinner , the moms got some burgers and hot dogs and shyt which was cool. She asks me if I wanted a burger and I said yes please. Now, I eat really slow, always have. So they're all done with there burger and I'm about half way. This fukking mom actually looked at me and said " if you don't like the burger I have some beans if you'd like. I was polite and said I'm ok but I always look back and think I should have thrown the can of beans at her head.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
Not black but Mexican .

I lived in the caciest of cac neighborhood. I was in like3rd or 4th grade. I went to my friends house for the first time. So we are hanging out and it's time for dinner , the moms got some burgers and hot dogs and shyt which was cool. She asks me if I wanted a burger and I said yes please. Now, I eat really slow, always have. So they're all done with there burger and I'm about half way. This fukking mom actually looked at me and said " if you don't like the burger I have some beans if you'd like. I was polite and said I'm ok but I always look back and think I should have thrown the can of beans at her head.
lol Jesus....

I can't imagine what'd I say if beans were substituted for fried chicken in that story :dead:


Jun 7, 2012
lol Jesus....

I can't imagine what'd I say if beans were substituted for fried chicken in that story :dead:

I was too young but for some reason it always stuck with me

Like my inner racist radar wasn't fully developed yet but my brain kept it in my sub conscience for further review once I was older


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
The first time I went to school with white folks was in the 6th grade at a mostly jewish town. Didnt make much friends but I got close with this small Jewish kid (David) that everyone clowned, he was cool. Then this new kid Black kid (Anthony) came to class.... both of us were raised in a hood so we gravitated to each other. He was troublemaker though and every time the teacher (white would call Anthony out, I'd get lumped up along with him) and one day David pulled me aside, like he was my father :what:, and said "Dont act like them you're different".... the shyt didnt hit me at first so I just said ok. My militant Uncles always talked some like this would happen so I stopped talking to him a week later. What really bugged me out was that I was one of the quietest kids in the class, the teacher even said it in my progress reports. :what:

I realized as my generation really doesnt give a fukk about self respect when in high school I lost friends over allowing a white teammate to say nikka. Because he was "cool" aka he allows us to run in his circle of preppy cacs with money :beli:
I went to a private school k through 12 filled with Jewish kids and they always would make those comments about how I am "different", that really made me dislike white people. I am on some fake nice art of war shyt with many white folks now.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
I got hit with one of the classics. To this day I don't know if I chalk it up to being black or if it's just cause it was 7/11 and those fools got robbed/stolen from all the time or a combination of both. But it did lead to my first kinda solidarity moment.

When I was 14 I would go to the same 7/11 every morning and every afternoon to get a little snack or whatever. I had money on me all that year so it was a nice treat for me. Sometimes I even had a little left over to get myself a gaming magazine or one of those with the booty models.

Anyway, one morning I go in and I start at the magazines and I guess I lingered too long cause I noticed the dude behind the counter looking at me. I keep browsing and then he says something to me that I can't remember. What I do remember is that I responded with "I got money, man." while showing him my wallet.

At the same time, the delivery man, black dude, was in there and we both looked at each other and he looked more offended than I did. Then we both shook our heads and he left and I followed right after him.

After that, I bought all my snacks from the liquor store little ways further up the street. The real reason it bothered me is because I hate when people think I'm gonna do something I had no intention of doing, especially stealing. I came up with reasons early on as to why I would never physically steal from somebody.

El negrito de tejas

Fukk the govt I got my own Deficit
Jun 12, 2014
The country of myself
I wouldnt say they were wake up calls up just reminders
- Freshman year of college I was walking from the rec center to my dorm room its probably about 11pm. I tend to pause my music when I'm walking by a group of people cause there have been times when people were talking about me and I didn't know it cause my headphones were too loud.
So as Im walking I see about maybe 15-20 white people and you can see from their faces their laughing and having a good time drinking.
As I hit the pause button I hear this white boy say, "You see I told you they look like Monkeys" pointing to me and all the white people erupt in laughter.

-I was detained by a police officer that said I looked like a known drug dealer even though he saw me walk out of my dorm with a dvd in my hand to return to a friend.

- When Obama won the election in 2008 these white girls that lived above us opened their front door(We had our front window open) and screamed, "OBAMA SMELLS LIKE COCO BUTTER!!!!"

- Being followed in the mall numerous times before eventually I got fed up with it and confront the employees about following me in the store.

-My girl friend getting called a ****** by her mexican roommate and that she needs to be hanging from a tree like a ****** should. We knew this girl for 3 years and defended her when their white roommate used to make racist comments about illegal mexicans.

Man I could go on.


Sep 15, 2013
So.ILL/Raider Nation
Back in 6th grade, when I was 12....My science teacher an white/latina butch looking dyke had us doing assignments for our upcoming science project. I had a partner that didn't have much money (neither did I), so he depended on me to get the supplies (which I did thanks to my step father). One of the supplies I have gotten was some cardboard paper where we had to write the info on, but we were all supposed to have a poster board sheet, which I couldn't get.

I knew she would say something so presentation day comes and she asks to see our project. When she saw it, she just lost it started going off on me. She went on like a 7 min rant talking about how poor and pathetic I was, how I kept making excuses and to top it all off she said "Your nothing more than just a dumb black ghetto boy".

All the students were shocked and I think it even shocked herself. I walked out the school, went home, told my mama and she showed up in the classroom with all kind of rage. My teacher later ended up copping mad pleas and apologized, but she ended up leaving the country for Mexico.

she also ruined my love for Reeses as a kid because she always said the factories would put horse shyt in the crust, but I realized she was probably stupid.