What was your first nikka wake up call like?


Old Member
May 12, 2012
What a fukking bytch. So this bytch is basically implying that as long as "David" isn't around 'have fun, kids.':camby:
Nah, it was more like she was trying to stand up for black folks but at the same time grouped all minorities into the same like boat. Like saying we're all the same. It was like "Ok cool the teacher stood up for me....but she thinks I'm black??"


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
i read every page :wow:

i have a few of my own....

from not being invited to birthday parties...

to having some white kids just act like my presence annoyed Tf out of them and picking on me...

to teachers acting shocked when i would get A's on tests

to employees answering me in dry curt tones but perking right up for the white lady behind me

but none of them top the time I went to a party with my friend and im standing behind her and shes talking to her cousins boyfriend. hes introducing her to some mexican guys he was with and hes like "yeah you would like them, they love ******s too" my friend was like " :wtf: HEY! STFU! " and he turns around and sees me standing there and looks like :whew: and starts apologizing. i just walked off and went inside the party. that guy saw me like 5 more times that night and kept apolozing.


Jun 11, 2013
Probably not my first but I remember in 9th grade I was in an honors English class with a bunch of white kids. Me and this african kid were the only black people in the class. We handing in our first book reports of the year, and the teacher (old white dude) calling us up individually to hand them in. Just about everybody hands their reports in, not a word from him. He calls me up to hand in mine, l hand him my paper and he straight up says "You expect me to believe you read The Odyssey?", like dude legit didn't think I was capable of reading a book longer than 10 pages. shyt caught me so off guard I had to have been standing there like:dwillhuh:. Plus I'm hearing a few of the kids holding back laughter. I still look back on that legit heated at myself for not snapping on the entire classroom the second he said that slick shyt.

Then a month or two later same class, this cac got the nerve during some random lecture to say "So when @distinguishedNOW says The Odyssey is one of the best novel he's ever read I believe him". I'm sitting there like :rudy:"fukk outta here nikka".
Apr 3, 2014
can't speak on it since i aint black. but i do have several 'fukk you, cracka' moments. couple months ago i was at the grocery store in line at the checkout. this black broad was in front of me and was short couple dollars on her items and just stood there staring the cashier. i volunteered to pay for the difference and she mumbled something like, "thats the least you can do" rolled her eyes at me and walked away. me and the cashier i was like :upsetfavre:.

:skip: :what:

Don't you see the title of this thread?

CAC ALERT!!!! :camby:
Apr 3, 2014
I was invited to a party that one of my friends were having. They were Filipino and they stayed in a really nice neighborhood. I knew them from taking Tae-Kwon-Do. Well, like I said they was in a really nice home and I saw it was about 40-50 kids that was at the party. I also came to realize that I was the only black person there.

That moment when you realize you're the only black person in a crowd of folks:


Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012
I went to a very liberal private school until grade 6.......mainly white Jewish kids. I was the shyt, but when I look back sometimes i feel like whenever I left the room they teachers made sure the students went out of their way to not be racist. But maybe not.......We were all basically in the same classes since kindergarten.
Then my parents got divorced and I moved to basically the hood in grade 7. :whoo: Culture shock lol.

Never lived in the suburbs though, always the city so people are usually on their best behavior and not too comfortable. Im lowkey afraid of getting lost in the stix alone where there are no people of color......Im always afraid that people could gang up on me including the cops and there would be nothing I could do about it.

In college I studied engineering with one other black dude in my program but he was basically a genius and helped me get through. He was black excellence personalized so he actually made me look good.
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King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
was waiting for a friend one day in Washington square park.

Some old dude comes wheeling up on his bike, stops by me and whispers "are you selling" , and he got scared and wheeled off when he saw the shocked look on my face.

I was 16 brehs, but the 16 looking 14 shyt. Fukking sad.

I am glad that I grew up in the Bronx so I didn't see this type of racism in school, especially in a neighborhood where all different types of races are.
I remember me and some of my homies hanging out at Union Square when this shady looking white dude came out nowhere and asked me and my brehs if we wanted pills. We knew what time it was because he looked too shady. I hit him with the "Nah, officer. I'm good." :childplease: and we skated off.
If you grew up behind enemy lines and actually remember your first wake up call you severely lack perception skills :mjpls:
Not necessarily. I like to think I'm pretty perceptive and aware and I was still shocked by racism sometimes.
had some before the one i'm talk about, but this one was the last one I ever needed:

was about 12, in a mentor program for brothas...they helped us get summer jobs, encouraged us since we came from bad neighborhoods, etc. shyt like that...anyway, i'm riding with one of the mentors, and he decided to get a cut from one of his boys in the projects, cool....i'm waiting in the car, listening to the radio, when I glance in the side mirror and see a cop running up with his gun drawn....at the same time, a cop comes in front of the car with his gun drawn...and they both yelling for me to get out the car with my hands up.....i'm thinking what the fukk?!?!....so i get out the car and they start frisking me....at this point, the mentor cat is coming out the building, sees what's going on, and starts he's yelling at the cops saying i'm with him and asking what's going on....that's when the cops explain what's happening...convo went like this:

mentor: what's going on? he's with me...I was getting a cut, he was waiting in the car....i realized it was taking long, so i was coming to get him....what's the problem?
cop: we got reports of a man running around with a gun...
mentor: he doesnt have a gun...he's only 12...what was the description?
cop: black man..........wearing a purple shirt..
mentor: his shirt is white!...
cop: hey, no need for the attitude...we just doing our jobs...
mentor: but he doesn't fit the description
cop: our mistake...have a good day..

...havent needed a nikka wake up call since....
Ay, breh. I'm legit sorry you ever had to go through some shyt like that. No child should ever have to. :to:
i agree 100%
what you are describing is referred to as institiutionalized racism...............its when the racist has defined such a racist system that even after his demise it is perpetuated even by non racist.................for example trying to hail a cab in nyc while most taxi cab drivers are themselves minorities
Breh, I had a cab driver curve me the other day. Dude literally sped around the corner to avoid having to pick me up. I've experienced it before, but it still smarts every time. Spent that night wishing he wrapped his car around a pole. :wow:


May 7, 2012
i think i got mine when is i was high school. me and mom were at some department store and a lil white kid bumped into. he apologized for not watching where he was going, i just said don't worry about it. as i walked away his dad walked up to him and said in a low tone of voice as to not draw attention, "you don't need to apologize to them!" i was so young and taken aback by it, i just stood there like :dwillhuh: i wasn't even sure how to respond at that age so i just kept walking :to:


All Star
Oct 10, 2013
I moved for the second half of 5th grade fall semester I was one the smartest kid in the class and my teacher accused me of stealing and cheating in the semester and a half I was there for just 5th grade. I got into this selective public middle school for 6-8th and that fat nasty CAC bytch teaching was like this after I told her I was applying to this selective public middle school.

"You have to be smart to get in there." :sas2:

Then I finally got accepted and she was like

"How did you get accepted there?" with a face like a was shooting out Dragon Balls or some shyt from the palms of my hands.:dwillhuh:

I was on that "Look at my grades!!! I improved them up to As and Bs!" tip She gave me bad grades when I first got there even though I was a strong student before I moved.:sadcam: Then she was just like whatever in this "take advantage of it to get away from these other minorites" tone of voice.

Also a mexican girl got knocked up and had to leave and comeback for her EOG test which was fukked up considering I was only in the 5th grade and you shouldn't be getting pregnant that early.(She was 13 because she repeated a grade and a lot of the guys liked her because she was one of the only girls to develop "breasts" and she could have effortlessly pass as an 18 year old for someone only in the 5th grade)

Looking back on that shyt now, I realized how fukked up that lady was. I always noticed she would treat the white students nicely like they were "victims of district lining that sacrificed their innocence to the savage negro and wetback children." The only white kid she hated was the poor one who acted like eminem and she viewed him in this "corrupted by those filthy negroes" mentality and felt pity. Her legs was like cottage cheese, she was condescending as a motherfukker and looked like this but with those Harry Potter Style glasses.


That bytch was like 70 something all those years ago so she is probably dead now because of how fat and out of shape she was at the time when I was 10. I don't like to wish any teacher ill will or disrespect the dead but I do weep for her ONE BIT. fukk HER!!!!!
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Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Got pulled over when i was like 18 on the way to the barbershop and i had my wave cap on. White cop asked me:

"Do you have any drugs on you i should know about?"


"You sure you don't have anything?"


I was disgusted, all the crime in this city and this is what the cops spend time doing :snoop:
5 years later, rinse & repeat:

On my way back from my job interviews in Houston, pulled over by a lil andy milanokis looking dyke cop.

"I pulled you over for doing 75 in a 65" :duck:

*Proceeds to ask 21 questions then does the same shyt to my cousin in the car putting her head in the window looking around, then makes him get his ID to give her*

Ran my id and his, then gonna get out and ask me am i nervous, bytch you kept me standing in this hot ass sun for 10 minutes :why:

"Have you ever been arrested? You have any weapons on you i should know about?"

"No :beli:"

"You sure you don't have anything"


Pissed me off, got me wanting to plot


Mar 24, 2014
i read every page :wow:

but none of them top the time I went to a party with my friend and im standing behind her and shes talking to her cousins boyfriend. hes introducing her to some mexican guys he was with and hes like "yeah you would like them, they love ******s too" my friend was like " :wtf: HEY! STFU! " and he turns around and sees me standing there and looks like :whew: and starts apologizing. i just walked off and went inside the party. that guy saw me like 5 more times that night and kept apolozing.

If you werent standing there, would your 'friend' have later told you what was said?

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Cant remember the first time. Ive always lived in well diverse neighborhoods. but being abroad throws some people off. which is weird cause there's loads of africans, but for some reason being AA throws people off, esp white americans. I have a bit of a superiority complex esp with ignorant people, so I brush shyt off my shoulders a lot, and don't really 'catch on'.

but I remember this one lebanese dude was like "so what brings you to china", Im like living and work. he's like so what do you do? "im like lots of stuff", he's like yea but how do you live, how much do you make, how are you able to live here. and I kept diverting his answers with, "I get by:manny:" anyways my homegirl whos black and from alabama was LIVID. went off on that dude. I just kept fukking with dude on some troll shyt, and she wasnt having it. I told her to calm down it was coo, he aint shyt, why get mad at stupidity its his problem not ours. I was holding her back, dude got scared, got up and left and she was doing her impersonation of big head rico from the belly "I dont like that shyt, I dont like that shyt". I guess me being from cali, I see it more lowkey, his stupidity was more humors something I could play with like a ball of yarn, she on the other hand probably grew up with it more blatant and has less tolerance, I dunno.

anyways 2 days ago I had some spanish chick at the crib, she lives downstairs. We at my house eating dinner, She's like "Im sorry to ask, Im from a small village north of madrid but ive always wanted to ask this (we were watching the wire so this might have been what prompted this)" she goes "why do black people call each other ******." all bold with the ER, I mean, it sounded harsh with her accent. I was legit like :wtf: so I explained but told her she needs to never say that in public ever, and I dont want to hear that from her again. She was like "nooo never. thank you for explaining."

same girl made a :wtf: face when I told her black people invented her beloved rock. :snoop: she actually went home and researched it and text me back like "wow I had no idea, crazy" :snoop:
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