What was some weird/f'd up/awkward sh*t u guys witnessed as a child?


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Sister pulling a knife out and breaking open a locked door to try and stab my mom's boyfriend at the time because he wouldn't get off the phone. When I was 6.

Sister strung out on drugs. Random times when I was 6-9.

Mom telling me if she doesn't wake up in the morning to call the police. Waking up to the police knocking at my door to get her some "help". At 9.

Cousin used to make me fight other kids in his neighborhood and all the old heads would bet money on us. At 6. I was a cannon tho...

Seen my steppop take his last breath and die from cancer. At least he died at home. At 15.


Mar 12, 2014
North London, UK
Mine aint nothing compared to some of the stories on here

- Saw a car flip over in front of my house on xmas eve/new years eve (can't remember which one), he was drink driving

- Seen a dog rip another dogs ear, clean off :scusthov:

- In a club, right before my eyes, a guy slammed another dudes head into the sink in the bathroom and just walked out like it was nothing (edit: just realised this was not a child)

- Being 15 at a rave and taking MDMA for the 1st time.....:noah: amazing time :shaq:

- My friend got stabbed in the hand on the way home from school and the knife went right through the palm :sadcam:

- Saw another guy from my school teasing a Rottweiler through a gate and the dog bit his hand, the tooth went right through and there was blood everywhere :huhldup:
Sep 14, 2013
Walking home from school[11 years old],an older methhead mexican chick[looked in her late 30s] pulled up in station wagon saying "hey cutie want a ride?" Im like no thanks...But she kept following me saying "come on mijo get in"
"youre really cute" "come on lets have fun just get in please" Then I swear I seen some one laying low in the backseat....maaaan I ran like forrest gump,cutting through alleys with dogs barking,hoppin over fences till I got home.:whew: whats funny I forgot to tell my mom and dad because Pokemon just started:pachaha:

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Let's see....my dad was a real problem drinker and it affected me in so many ways.

My dad fell asleep at the wheel drunk more than a few times. This one story happened in 1992.

I was 12 at the time and it was about 5:45 in the afternoon. I was THE LAST kid in school that day and the teacher who stayed behind to watch after me, folks she was PISSED!!!! It was a warm ass Friday afternoon in May, and she was in her mid 20's, so she prolly had an evening/weekend planned and shyt. Just waiting on my ride home. She was like, "aren't you old enough to take the bus?" :birdman: <---with an evil ass glare like that. Truth is nikkaz was hopping on the bus and fukking with kids in private school uniforms, and I went to a private school, so moms wasn't having me riding the bus. My dad came to the school to scoop me and she was like, "Finally!" It didn't take long for me to know something was wrong. My dad was stumbling and slurring his words and shyt. But she just pushed me out the door, closed it, and locked it up behind me. We head to the car and my dad eyes are brake-light red. He couldn't walk straight....and I knew that if there were more than that one school teacher at the school, someone would've noticed. But we had to get into the car and drive about a 25 minute drive home w/traffic. So we're in the car and, God must've been with me in a special way that day, cause he was driving perfectly. Prolly fortunate that it was a lot of traffic so he had couldn't drive too fast and had to at least keep enough awareness to stay on the break enough. We almost home...and I'm scared as hell. Not only because we might get into an accident, but what if a cop sees us? We stop a red light, about 7 blocks from our house, and this nikka just puts his head on the wheel and was out cold. I was :dwillhuh::sadcam: as this nikka was asleep in-an-instant! We start rolling a bit and he pops up, calmly puts the car in park, and goes right back to sleep. The light turns green. He didn't move. Cars are honking. You know how nikkas be when it's humid + rush hour + on a friday :damn:. And because of the traffic they couldn't detour around us. So I shake him....nothing. I shake him more violently and yell 'Daddy wake up! It's a green light! He wakes up...looks at me, and gives me the 'gimme one second' hand gesture. He calmly shifts gears from park to drive, and we go on our way. Mannnnnnnnnn the rest of the ride I had my eyes on that nikka just in case he started drifting off again. I give my dad credit on one thing tho, he was the BEST drunk driver I've ever seen (How sad is that tho :snoop:). We get to the house :whew: and he parks the car on the street. I look at the house and I see the front door wide open. I'm like, "Dad you left the door open?" :mindblown: We lived in Newark, NJ so I'm like dam he must've been REALLY fukked up! But I'm just glad to be home...so I get out the car, but I notice the engine is still running and my dad aint get out the car. I'm like 'C'mon dad help me do my homework.' I aint really need help...I just aint want him to drive again. nikka dozed off again in the car. Other neighbors and kids was outside and was witnessing and whispering and laughing and shaking their heads. So I make sure the windows are up and I take the key out the ignition. This seems to snap him awake and he gets out the car and goes in the house. The whole block is staring at me at this point. If my dad's alcohol abuse was indeed a secret, the secret was out now. But it was one of those things where it was so sad that not too many had jokes. I told my mom this story..... and I started taking the bus ever since.

As a kid i was friends with my neighbour and his Dad would often get drunk and basically rain cash on the kids in the hood while we cheered and laughed. We had no idea he was an alcoholic who would squander his weekly pay. His wife would be mad at us for taking the money and I never u derstood till I got older :to:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Almighty Garden State
More childhood memories:to:

What if you was chillin' walking down the block eating a bag crunchy cheese doodles and chicken fingers when all of a sudden you see a crowd of 79 people in a circle screaming "ooohh" and "look at that bytch titties"!! So you run to see the titties cause you never saw titties before. Soon as you get there you see niqqas watching a hand held DVD player and on the screen it's ya grandmother and your father fighting butt naked on a trampouline, but she wearing some Macho Man Randy Savage shades and some tight beef and broccoli Timbs so no one can know its her. Ya pops dont give a fukk cause he baby oiled up, holding a small pack of fish tank gravel his artifical hand that got blowed off in on Vietnam. Anyway ya pops joint is maaaad hard cause ya grandmoms do go some fat titties, so he tied his doo-rag around it and taped it to the inside of his leg so ya grandmoms cant see his joint. The only time you can see it is when he does a split kick in mid air. So ya grandmoms tried to jump mad high and tie her Timbs in mid-air and all of a sudden Ya pops is shooting this bytch with mad fish tank gravel through a White Castle straw, I mean he straight stinging this bytch legs and back area. So all of a sudden you hear in the background of the video, "Block with you titties, block with your titties!!" It's ya paralyzed Puerto Rican uncle "Little Man" sitting on the porch with no shoes on. So ya pops says "oh yeah, you trying to help niqqa". Next thing you know ya pops takes the whole bag of leftover fishtank gravel and throws that shyt mad fast, he making it rain on ya uncle, shyt sounded like sleet, "Brrraaapppp". Little Man says "aaarrrrggghhh, my eyes" but he cant wipe it cause he paralyzed. So next ya pops smacks this niqqa with a water hose filled with sand "BLAAAAAWWWWIE" and screams "YOU AINT PARALYZED NIQQA!!!" So,you realize that your dikk got hard too from watching ya grandmoms titties, do you keep watching or run home and squeeze one out?



King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
Both my parents were gangbangers so I seen shyt I shouldn't have seen.

Seen my moms cook crack in thr kitchen.

Seen my mom stomp out a woman over some weed. (Moms didn't like her and was looking for a reason to beat her ass.)

Seen my first AK when I was with my pops headed to go see a friend. At the time the shyt was half my size.

Seen my brother's leg catch fire. (Long story on that :snoop:).

First person I ever saw die was crazy. Mexican dude, he was shot up and the ambulance had him out on the street naked and pumping his chest while his wife looked on screaming.

Lived on Figueroa and Florence and that was just an adventure in itself. Anyone who lives in LA can tell you that Fig is a major hoe stroll. The shyt I seen as a kid was :scusthov:

I seen the riots in 92 crack off. I was standing on the corner with my cuzzins trying ti figure out what's going on.

Seen a pimp chasing after a hoe and get hit by a car. He didn't die but he shyt his pants real bad.

Seen p*ssy and had sex with said p*ssy at 8 years old.

Seen a homeless dude rob me and my brother for a bike, my brother was riding and i was on the handlebars. Told fam when we got back and seen the same dude dead in the alley a week later.

Saw my aunts body hit the floor after some nikkas did a drive by on my mama's house. She was the youngest of nine, just turned 20 and she was 8 months pregnant at the time. RIP Kay-K :to:

This was all before the age of 10 and what i can remember off the top of my head and what i can mention.


Jun 11, 2012
i'm still convinced that half of you made shyt up since ya think it's cool to have rough lives and shyt. don't know why some people think that shyt is cool though to go through some shyt. it reminds me of the real world casting people that had no business being on a tv, being exploited when they need to see their local shrinks.

i remember being rescued from this apartment that i was being babysat at when i was a toddler or something like that. there was a thick black cloud of smoke or something like that. don't remember anything else BUT i do remember that. sometimes, i think the smoke might have caused some permanent brain damage.

speaking of some bullshyt though... since this is a saturday. as a kid, i had several bullies on my block. at that time, they were mostly female. one of them was in jr. high or high school at the time. anyway, she was chilling with her boyfriend and i decided to go act silly and try to troll her with one of my doggie dolls. i was only joking around. however, her boyfriend decided to follow me home and pull a knife out on me on some "try that shyt again shyt".

then there was the time when my mom and me, back when i was like 4, went over to our landlord's apartment for something and right there.... he was chilling in some chair with a gun on the table for who knows what reason. dude was waiting for somebody or whatever.

but some other things are so cringeworthy that i can't even bring it up because it involves other people and it's not cool like how some people are making it seem. it's very sad. i myself never had a rough life and happy that i didn't although i'll admit that there were some things that happened back in the day that had a major impact on how i am today especially with how i deal with people.
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Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Both my parents were gangbangers so I seen shyt I shouldn't have seen.

Seen my moms cook crack in thr kitchen.

Seen my mom stomp out a woman over some weed. (Moms didn't like her and was looking for a reason to beat her ass.)

Seen my first AK when I was with my pops headed to go see a friend. At the time the shyt was half my size.

Seen my brother's leg catch fire. (Long story on that :snoop:).

First person I ever saw die was crazy. Mexican dude, he was shot up and the ambulance had him out on the street naked and pumping his chest while his wife looked on screaming.

Lived on Figueroa and Florence and that was just an adventure in itself. Anyone who lives in LA can tell you that Fig is a major hoe stroll. The shyt I seen as a kid was :scusthov:

I seen the riots in 92 crack off. I was standing on the corner with my cuzzins trying ti figure out what's going on.

Seen a pimp chasing after a hoe and get hit by a car. He didn't die but he shyt his pants real bad.

Seen p*ssy and had sex with said p*ssy at 8 years old.

Seen a homeless dude rob me and my brother for a bike, my brother was riding and i was on the handlebars. Told fam when we got back and seen the same dude dead in the alley a week later.

Saw my aunts body hit the floor after some nikkas did a drive by on my mama's house. She was the youngest of nine, just turned 20 and she was 8 months pregnant at the time. RIP Kay-K :to:

This was all before the age of 10 and what i can remember off the top of my head and what i can mention.