What was some weird/f'd up/awkward sh*t u guys witnessed as a child?

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
When I was in about 6th grade, we went on a field trip. We were eating lunch outside, and our teacher pretty much gave us our space. So we're split off in groups all over the area. Some kids had powered kool-aid with their lunch. I don't know if kids do it now, but back then, kids would just eat/lick the kool-aid powder. Anyways, one of the kids got the bright idea to snort it, so about 3 kids snorted kool-aid in their nose (one kid had the powdered iced tea). Yeah, they were white.


I came from nothing
May 1, 2012
covert for your enjoyment....

Art Barr

*used to have them people's on the first camera phone doing surveillance in oh three, fa real.

first time having a contract phone in like a decade,...


Breh, I have no idea what the fukk you're trying tell me. Please stop speaking in riddles like this is an old batman movie

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
Oh shyt just thought of one. I was like 15 and I went to the store toilet but I had to a shyt (a standing shyt cos them mofos be dirty :birdman:) so both toilets are taken, I waste time by pissing in the urinal but shyt...both seats still taken. Now as im waiting I can hear both doors banging. Im like wtf is going on, the banging getting harder and harder but its not one door it's both together.

A young nikka curious so I bend to see they feet from the outside and i see one dude on the left hand side facing the wall standing up and one dude on the right hand side kneeling down.

So I get back up quick cos I don't want no one to come in the toilet and see me and think what the fukk is this lil nikka doing. As Im getting up the banging gets to it's loudest and all I hear is "ahhhh ahhh AHHHHHHHHHH" :wow:

Im just :merchant: I would leave but I needed to shyt brehs, I needed to shyt real bad. As im :dwillhuh: at the whole thing I slowly hear both doors start to unlock so I turn around real quick and open the tap like im washing my hands.

The first guy to come out was the kneeling right hand side guy. He was a white guy in a suit. Dude wiped his mouth and went about his business. I hear the toilet flush and the standing left hand side guy reveals himself and he looks like a street nikka. Dude looked straight at me like


I thought I was gonna get raped but the dude just walked out with this face :youngsabo: like he was proud of this homosexual act on some "I dont care nikka :umad:"




We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
im bout to find what i posted hold on bro

here it go this is the best way i can explain the story this was when i first came on this site

i was in hamtramck( arab hood) me and my homeboy was just thru the hoods
when for some reason we stopped at this abandon lookin house and started throwin rocks on some bored shyt
we walked up closer cuz we was just gonna smoke on the porch
while we was walkin up the door cracked open and something that looked like a dog stuck his head out the bottom, but it was weird cuz he didnt have any eyes or hair or wasnt barking or nothing.
he just stuck his head out to the side then disasppeared back into the house
i swear to god 5 seconds later something open the door that looked like a white man
but he didnt have any eyes, mouth nose or nothing he looked like a blank face
and just looked at us

the craziest part was i couldnt even move it was like time had froze i could feel whatever type of energy he was sending off it was crazy im getting cold thinkin about it now. we just stood there looking at him, like he was forcing us. after that it just backed away.

no it wasnt a bum
no we wasnt high
after that i truly believe there are people we walk pass everyday thats not human. i cant describe the feelin its been almost ten years

@Lewis Black

I've read dudes story before on here, and it's by far the scariest story I've ever read on here.
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Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
wtf this gotta do with anything tho...

weird shyt u seen as a child? u think sleepily riding down the street with cold n ur eyes and glancing to the left and seeing a swole as cracka with a big ass chain and like 30 other ppl about to battle at a closed gas station at 1am isnt weird?
May 2, 2012
From ages 8-14
All of this took place in the same park:
- Playing tackle football, one kid got tackled and landed on a syringe, got up screaming, the shyt was just dangling off his arm.
- Playing baseball in the baseball field in the park, 10 feet away there'd be fiends shooting up dope, snorting, having sex.
- Same baseball field, some nikkas were fighting dogs, one of the dogs broke away and jumped on this big nikka (like 6'8" 300+ pounds) the nikka caught a seizure, shyt was crazy to see that
- 3 dudes running a train on some project bytch under the slide in broad daylight.
- Saw a brawl between the project nikkas and other crew from a block away, saw some kid get slumped with a bat laying on the ground leaking and shaking looking like Cain in Menace when he got shot at the end, some other dude got stabbed a few times in the abdomen trying to run back to the to his block and passing out then getting stomped out.
- Various crack whores getting fukked in some bushes.

At the basketball court:
- Shootouts during summer league games during the night games.
- Some dude getting fouled hard, hit the pole and caught a seizure.

On my block:
- Saw 2 sisters getting trains run on them at the same time in their hallway, door wide open during a normal afternoon.
- Saw some dude laid out with some of his brain exposed, got shot, pretty sure he died.
- Some kid crossing the street getting slammed by a speeding car, flew like 20 feet and hit a mailbox head first, blood everywhere thought he was dead for sure but ended up surviving.
- This homeless guy we use to call "Paw/Paul" died and wasn't found for days, stunk up the block something serious, then we found him. First dead body I ever saw couldn't stop staring.

At home:
- Me and my brother shared a room, he was 19 at the time, I was 10. He moved his girlfriend in, they came home late after partying, they thought I was asleep, started fukking. My brother got locked up the next day, a month later we found out she was pregnant. I was there for my niece's conception, lol.
- My grandmother lived next door with my aunt and uncle, my aunt was "possessed" and had to have an exorcism performed. She was really pale, looked like she was dead but was still alive, like a zombie, and was screaming and speaking in tongues. shyt was a crazy sight to see.

In DR:
- Went to a weird ass ladies house once, now that I think back at it, I think she was a bruja (witch). As soon as we walked in the door we saw a male, was tall and really skinny, like 6'0" 80 pounds (no lie), with the longest fingers and toes I ever seen, looked like a cross between a skeleton and a big ass baby wearing a diaper and and a hat like this:

Sitting in a baby chair and moaning aggressively and rocking back and forth when he saw us.
Had me like :merchant: then I ran outside scared shytless.
May 18, 2012
ZONE 6 edgewood
Both my parents were gangbangers so I seen shyt I shouldn't have seen.

Seen my moms cook crack in thr kitchen.

Seen my mom stomp out a woman over some weed. (Moms didn't like her and was looking for a reason to beat her ass.)

Seen my first AK when I was with my pops headed to go see a friend. At the time the shyt was half my size.

Seen my brother's leg catch fire. (Long story on that :snoop:).

First person I ever saw die was crazy. Mexican dude, he was shot up and the ambulance had him out on the street naked and pumping his chest while his wife looked on screaming.

Lived on Figueroa and Florence and that was just an adventure in itself. Anyone who lives in LA can tell you that Fig is a major hoe stroll. The shyt I seen as a kid was :scusthov:

I seen the riots in 92 crack off. I was standing on the corner with my cuzzins trying ti figure out what's going on.

Seen a pimp chasing after a hoe and get hit by a car. He didn't die but he shyt his pants real bad.

Seen p*ssy and had sex with said p*ssy at 8 years old.

Seen a homeless dude rob me and my brother for a bike, my brother was riding and i was on the handlebars. Told fam when we got back and seen the same dude dead in the alley a week later.

Saw my aunts body hit the floor after some nikkas did a drive by on my mama's house. She was the youngest of nine, just turned 20 and she was 8 months pregnant at the time. RIP Kay-K :to:

This was all before the age of 10 and what i can remember off the top of my head and what i can mention.

this all happened in the city of angels :ohhh:

Jesus Is Lord

Give Thanks, Repent, and Forgive
Apr 30, 2012
What if when you was 5 years old and you spent the night at ya boy Dooley house and when you were asleep on ya stomach, someone put a cigarette in between ya toes and started smoking, you slowly open ya eyes and peek... but no one is there, so you go back asleep. 10 minutes later you are awakened by a loud girly scream in the house so you creep out of the room slowly and go down the dark hallway, you see a door open with the light on and all you hear is BLAAAWW! BOOF! BLAAAW! BOOF! and liquid dripping, next you feel somebody pouring mad warm honey down ya back, so you arch ya back and let it drip down to ya calves and you close ya eyes and whisper to ya self, "I love honey on my calf muscles"

So now you look to see where the noise is coming from and you see ya boy Dooley hanging from his wrists from the ceiling, naked, with a lit cigarette in each nostril wearing his green belt from his karate class, being hit with cartons of school milk and smacked across his back with a pair of wet South Pole jeans by his pops, who is rocking just a white t-shirt with a pack of Newport 100's rolled up his sleeve, wearing a pair of ice skates with no strings in them. Dooley sees you and says" Daddy, there goes my friend Bubby, he just woke up. His pops looks at you and says in a Kimbo Slice voice" go over there and stand behind the turntables and play some music Bubby Bub". So you play "Success" by Jay-Z and Nas. You start cuttin' up the song nice, doing tricks and everything and all of a sudden you feel Dooley pops come up behind you and crack 2 brown eggs on ya chest and say" you remind me of Funk Master Flex when he was little".........

What would you do? Run back to bed, keep playing music or find out who put the honey on ya calves?