What was some weird/f'd up/awkward sh*t u guys witnessed as a child?

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
When I was 10 living in Kenya some goons came to rob my house in the night. We lived in a small neighborhood far from the rest of the neighbors so they used the woods behind my house to creep up. I woke up to what sounded like 20 people running around outside my window trying to find a way in. I was so scared I didn't even dare look outside. My pops locked all the kids in the room. All I could hear were voices outside

We already had bars on the window and a reinforced door cuz break ins were common back then... nikkaz used to go straight thru the walls with battering rams :damn: So one bright nikka decides to stick his leg thru the window and my pops stabbed him and held him there screaming then let go. Nikkaz tried everything and finally gave up on getting in. But they ain't leave, they raided our chicken coup and even took the time to slaughter and bag the chickens right there.

Next morning i go outside n all I see is blood and feathers :heh: some of the chickens ran into the woods during the raid and started coming back one by one. Turns out the nikka he stabbed was my barber:what:

Dude was fukked and he hid out for a while to hide his injury but my pops knew what was up. He eventually turns up at his shop like nothing happened :childplease: My pops beat the nikka and shut down his business then bulldozed his shack :dead:

Then my pops went out to get some protection for the crib and came back with a bow and arrow...:snoop: :dead:


May 1, 2012
Both my parents were gangbangers so I seen shyt I shouldn't have seen.

Seen my moms cook crack in thr kitchen.

Seen my mom stomp out a woman over some weed. (Moms didn't like her and was looking for a reason to beat her ass.)

Seen my first AK when I was with my pops headed to go see a friend. At the time the shyt was half my size.

Seen my brother's leg catch fire. (Long story on that :snoop:).

First person I ever saw die was crazy. Mexican dude, he was shot up and the ambulance had him out on the street naked and pumping his chest while his wife looked on screaming.

Lived on Figueroa and Florence and that was just an adventure in itself. Anyone who lives in LA can tell you that Fig is a major hoe stroll. The shyt I seen as a kid was :scusthov:

I seen the riots in 92 crack off. I was standing on the corner with my cuzzins trying ti figure out what's going on.

Seen a pimp chasing after a hoe and get hit by a car. He didn't die but he shyt his pants real bad.

Seen p*ssy and had sex with said p*ssy at 8 years old.

Seen a homeless dude rob me and my brother for a bike, my brother was riding and i was on the handlebars. Told fam when we got back and seen the same dude dead in the alley a week later.

Saw my aunts body hit the floor after some nikkas did a drive by on my mama's house. She was the youngest of nine, just turned 20 and she was 8 months pregnant at the time. RIP Kay-K :to:

This was all before the age of 10 and what i can remember off the top of my head and what i can mention.



May 11, 2012
I was waiting for the bus once at like 1am. Nobody but me. The van stops by the red light and I hear this woman shout out help me help me, someone call the cops, just begging and crying. At the time I was really young and had no cell phone and just kind of ignored it, i feel like I should have called the cops or had more sense in me.

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
saw 2 girls kissing in middle school :whew:

i stood there awkwardly :skip: and ran away when they saw me :snoop:

never talked to them again, even throughout high school

shyt was fukking weird. i never told anyone and it was like an understood thing between us 3, we had a weird connection.

one turned emo and the other was a cheerleader... go figure

u aint blackmail them hoes :wtf:


rill rill
Oct 14, 2012
this didnt happen as a kid, more during time while in college....my mom died from cancer & hearing her say she wants to die to take away the pain & all i could do was drop down and cry. worst fuccked up moment of my life

I know that feel.


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
When I was 10 I spent the night over a friends house. The next day her dad was taking me home and got into a high speed chase. Evidently the dad got high and owed someone drug money or something. They start chasing him...we jump in the back (it was a old school station wagon) Finally he pulls over...they beat his ass. When I say they beat him, they beat him...afterwards I saw the imprint of the bottom of their shoes on his back. Anyway...as he dropped me off at home he drove off so fast that he slammed my finger in the door. I went upstairs crying with a bloody finger. My daddy put me in the car and drove right back to their house. As soon as the man pulled up my daddy punched him in right in face and laid him out on the street. Funniest shyt I ever seen.

are you still friends with that friend, friend?

Brock Landers

AKA Tyler Hands-thorough
May 3, 2012
Torrance, CA
My pops was rounded up by officers from an invading army force, where they took him, pistol whipped him, nearly broke his face with the butt end of an AK-47, then dumped him on the side of the road in front of our house almost half beaten to death, bloody and bruised. I was maybe 4-5 years old.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
When I was like 4, I always wanted to follow my dad, but he wouldn't let me go. One day, my mom was like, let him go. So my dad drives over to the next neighborhood and stops in front of a house. It was dark. Some chick comes out and they start making out and doing stuff like all on the car. She had on a short skirt so her ass was right on the window. I was shook. The next day, my mom asked me where we went. I didn't say nothing. Wasn't the first or last time he cheated, but first time I knew. :wow: I felt guilty for a long time, but it he got caught soon after that and we moved.

When we moved, we moved to my mom's hometown. It was a drugged out little town of wannabe thugs and still is now. My cousins were shining examples of that life. One day while we're spending the night at my grandmother's, an older female cousin walks in. Its dark, so I guess she didn't see us. She sits on the bed me and my sister are sleeping in. The she wispers, come in, nikka. The only light you could see in the room was shining on her, and this big dude comes in and just wears her out, right on the end of the bed. I'm trying to keep quiet and see what I can. My sister is giggling to no end. After they finish, they both leave and my little cousin who is also in the room, turns on the light and opens a drawer. She pulls out a bag of white powder. I'm like 4 so I don't know what it is. This girl was like 3. She reaches in, grabs a little and rubs it on her nose, and snorts. My sister said, "ooooh, that's cocaine, drugs are bad". Then we hear some steps. Another older cousin, who is supposed to be this good girls walks in and looks in the drawer, then grabs the bag, snorts a little, then walks off with it, laughing.

Once watched this set beat this white dude to a damn near pulp. My dad called 911, a everybody was yelling for them to stop, but they wouldn't.

In high school I saw this book hit the ground in the crowd of people going to class. I picked up the book and said, hey, didn't somebody drop a book. A folder fell out, and the pictures fell out. It was a dude I knew from class. He was dressed up like a woman, had on make up and everything. Other pictures had him holding hands with a dude and kissing the dude. I had class with him the next morning. Didn't know what to say. Just waited until class was over, and said, I think you lost this. He was scared. I just said, you dropped it yesterday. I was trying to give it to you. I mean not shocking that someone was gay and crossdressing, but I felt like I was the first person outside of his boyfriend that knew. I think he was worried I was a homophobe or wanted to beat him up, so it was always awkward silence whenever I was around him in class.

My mom invited my little cousin to live with her while she was going to college. She called me one day and said, she found some toys in her room and I should drop in on her. I was like, damn, I don't want to know. Got there and rounded the corner to her room. I could hear her. Thought it was just her. Then heard a dude's voice. Then another dude, and another dude. So I went to the window. I could only see a little, but it was like 4 dudes assez and her bent over. Damn.

When I was 9, it was summer and I was looking for my little brothers. They liked to run around our street, playing. I heard them laughing, so I snuck behind the storage shed in the backyard. They were all 5 or 6. They and their friend, had this little white girl hemmed up against the storage house. They all had their pants down, grinding on little girl one at a time. She had a big smile on her face, and they were laughing and screaming. To this day, they don't know I saw that. Ninja status.

Last one. My aunt had left her husband because he beat on her and drank and cheated. My aunt, her new bf and kids and my family were at my great grandmothers house. He just busted in all drunk and pushed my great grandmother into her chair and it fell down. The he knocked the hell out of my aunts new boyfriend. Like knocked him out. He was tall and fell down like Kevin Hart talkin about Shaq fallin. Then he like busted through the door and took off driving fast. He crashed and died like minutes later. Everybody was so mad they just didn't care. Even his kids are still mad at him and that was like 30 years ago.


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
I remember some time back in high school when Metal Gear Solid first came out. It was back in October. I went to the mall and EB games let me pick it up the night before it was supposed to come out. My mom wouldn't let me play it though because it was too late.

The next morning, I got up bright and early to go to school. I left to walk to school and then I circled back to the house to wait until my mom left to go to work. Once she left, I went back in the house through the back door so I could play my game.

I was playing it non stop for a couple hours. Then, I heard what sounded like a door opening. I ran to the window and saw my mom's car in the driveway. I knew she would kick my ass if she found me home so I turned off the game real quick and ran and hid in her closet. She had a big walk in closet so I could crawl all the way to the back under the clothes and she would never know I was there.

She ended up coming in the house with one of the deacons from my church. They ended up coming to her room and having sex. I just sat in the closet while listening to this nikka blowing her back out and her screaming and sucking his dikk. That shyt was really a life changing experience. I don't know how long it lasted since I didn't have a watch but it seemed like hours. I still remember that was bragging to him afterwards about how long she had been waiting to suck his dikk.

I wanted to die then. I later snuck out the closet when they went downstairs and then I made a sound to make it seem like I just came in the back door. It also seemed that everytime he saw me at church, he had a grin on his face.


:damn: at yo mama though


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
You know whats crazy I've been through Deming before on I-10 on a road trip from TX to LA....Actually got stuck there overnight with a snowstorm last winter. Had to stay at some hotel in Deming. They closed down I-10 from the border past Deming. That area is nothing but DESERT. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to me...:ohhh:

yeah new mexico state as a whole is weird as fukk...our first n only time stopping that trip i never thought bout how weird them ppl were until after all that shyt happened..

n as fast as those black unmarked suv's came upon us..out of nowhere...

n how they all jus disappeared afterwards...fukked me up...

i asked why we didnt jus tell em what happen..he was like they woulda made us believe we didnt see shyt anyway...we was out gunned

it was best for us to charge it to the game n keep goin


May 1, 2012
Guess when I discovered my brother's porno stash, then when we got the illegal cable box, and I clicked to the Spice Channel. :lolbron:


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
fukked up shyt as a younger was being blinged up with the family on our way to a wedding and getting carjacked :wow:

I was in the backseat and everyone got out but i was still in the back (like 4 years old). This one goon with the toolie reaches in, grabs me by the arm and flings me to the side of the road. I hit the sidewalk hard breh and landed on some rocks :to:

We ended up getting a ride to the wedding. We aint even enjoy it