What ur zodiac sign


May 1, 2012
That's some heavy karmic shyt...Do you follow vedic astrology? Also, did an older relative die before right before or close to when you were born?

It really is man. I'm not heavy into Vedic astrology but my older relatives are....my nakshatra is satabisha.

Satabhisha Nakshatra, Satabhisha Nakshatras male natives, attitude

Most of those descriptions are accurate to the point where it's scary. No close relatives died when I was born to my knowledge, but I know my mom's prayed to a deity for a son and I am actually named after that deity.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Hmmm, interesting. Dude you need to make a thread long thread on signs and their detriment. Is every sign that isn't taurus, libra, or pisces a detriment when in venus?

Capricorn in venus is also a huge detriment as well from what Ive read.
Some planets are challenged in some signs but technically they aren't detriments. I forgot the term for it but it's one that hints neutrality.


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
LEO... My Pride & my Leadership make me a great trainer & reluctant leader... My birthday this weekend, wish me a good year...Mighty & proud..


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Virgos are more like detectives, Gemini is the jack of all trades. Dont even let me list all the Gemini artists.
Being an artist means nothing for the most part vigros are only under Aqaurius in terms of Genius..... Geminis are to scatterbrained


Mar 24, 2014
Being an artist means nothing for the most part vigros are only under Aqaurius in terms of Genius..... Geminis are to scatterbrained

Gemini intelligence benefits from the artistic element which renders one creative and inventive. The sign also has the ability to problem solve rapidly, the scatterbrainness you speak of is the sign multi tasking. Virgos from my experience are extremely alert and focused.
May 11, 2012
Hmmm, interesting. Dude you need to make a thread long thread on signs and their detriment. Is every sign that isn't taurus, libra, or pisces a detriment when in venus?

Capricorn in venus is also a huge detriment as well from what Ive read.

That's my placement......even more so than Virgo imo

Only good thing I heard said about that placement

is Cap in Venus people tend to age very gracefully.

They look older when they're younger & younger when they're older.

Applies to how they mature personality wise, also.

All that Saturn energy produces an "old soul" during adolescence/early adulthood.

They have a latent desire to embrace "youth" once they start hitting middle age.

Hence they tend to chill out and act "younger" as they get older.

They make the perfect older sibling IMO

That innate maturity makes them capable of tackling some paternal duties at a young age


Aug 6, 2015
That's my placement......even more so than Virgo imo

Only good thing I heard said about that placement

is Cap in Venus people tend to age very gracefully.

They look older when they're younger & younger when they're older.

Applies to how they mature personality wise, also.

All that Saturn energy produces an "old soul" during adolescence/early adulthood.

They have a latent desire to embrace "youth" once they start hitting middle age.

Hence they tend to chill out and act "younger" as they get older.

They make the perfect older sibling IMO

That innate maturity makes them capable of tackling some paternal duties at a young age

I primarly date Capicorn Venus men. Not on purpose - it just always happens.

8 out of 10 times - the men I meet or end up in a relationship with will be a Capricorn Venus. We are together for years but in the end we never work out. It's a serious and controlling energy. I'm a Libra Venus/8th House - and I don't like yall's love language. I now decline men with this placement.

I have a list...I think Cap Venus men are:

- VERY sexual. King of freaks.

- cold and non-emotional unless you about to leave they ass. Then water works, gifts galore and lots of word play being given.

- Not the biggest fans of PDA - but all up on you everywhere else.

- Loves professional and gorgeous women. Basically, your mate has to make sure they look good at all times - or you will silently judge them and knock points off.

- Very old fashion - when it comes to relationships and interacting with women. Wants to lead conversations and will tune you out when talking.

- Wants a woman who is superwoman - look good, be social, be a good mate, stay in shape and have food on the table when he gets home.

- Want to control you and your money - even if it's YOUR money.

- They love women with their own careers and money - self-employed - or successful in general.

- Want to comment on how much something cost when you buy it - but want you to rock it too - like they make a negative comment when you buy it - but want to show you off in it.

- They have a roaming eye - but very sneaky with it - and you wouldn't know they are cheating - unless they want you to know.

- Will go through your stuff on the low to see if you are doing anything.

- Wants you to walk around and cook in lingerie. Basically, be ready 24/7.

- The good stuff.... ummm... you all are loyal for the most part - if that means anything, good in bed, can dress, funny sometimes.... that's about it.


Venus in Capricorn Explained

Appearance is Everything
Venus in Capricorn will be very preoccupied with they way others perceive him. And no, I'm not talking about the way they dress or comb their hair. They will be very concerned with the image they project and they will strive to maintain that elusive, cool and calculated air they seem to have developed whilst still in the womb! Capricorn is not a fast-moving sign, because impulsiveness can lead to disaster, mistakes and general upset -- and these folks need a calm environment in which they can stay abreast of anything and everything important. Therefore, when they first meet someone they find attractive, they will probably go to great lengths to conceal their thoughts. And they will likely continue to do so until they are sure pursuing the attraction is a practical endeavor. Therefore, it could take you a very long time before you even realize Capricorn has his or her sights set on you. For this reason, only the patient and determined (qualities Capricorn will admire, by the way!) need apply for the role of significant other. And before you ask about those just seeking a fling.... Capricorn rarely entertains such ideas, so you fling seekers may want to set your sights on other signs like Aries or Gemini!

Slow and Steady Wins the Race
While it might seem like Capricorn is too slow-moving to accomplishing anything in love, that's not the case. Once Capricorn is sure of you, he will pursue you. And he will probably do it the old fashioned way. If it seems like he's moving so slowly that you'll never reach the alter, bear in mind that his goals are much, much bigger than that and he wants to have his entire life in order first. He works long hours because he wants to be totally financially secure before getting married and having kids -- which is what most of them do actually want. This is not a guy who's going to take you through a Vegas Drive-Thru Chapel and pop the question. This is the guy whose going to build you a castle first, and then, when he's sure he's successful enough to treat you like a queen, all the pieces will fall into place at once. It could be a long, frustrating wait for some women (ie, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, Leo) but it's well worth the wait if you can hang in there, because few men are more loyal, supporting and loving than a Capricorn man.

Finding the Chinks in the Armor
Venus in Capricorn may seem steely and cold, but there are chinks in that armor if you look for them. They are not particularly skilled at expressing their emotions, but that doesn't mean they haven't got any! These folks are very loving and caring people, but they hide it better than any other sign. If you are tender with a Capricorn it will probably intimidate them at first, because this is one area where logic and practicality will not serve a purpose. Therefore, you should start to express this tenderness in small increments and give your Capricorn a chance to absorb it. Watch their responses carefully, backing off or stepping things up in accordance with their reaction. Do not come on too strong, or you run the risk of watching them close down entirely. Patience is key, and if you bring loads of it to the table, you will be heavily rewarded.