you don't think them Eagles defenses were Elite
so your blaming the Eagles defense then for McNabb never getting a ring
5 NFC Championships he should of at least got one ring.
The Eagles werent very good against the run up the middle so what Jim Johnson did was utilize Trotters straight line aggressiveness to his favor with a series of run blitzes. The Eagles would literally run blitz with Trotter for much of the game and that helped to keep him from having to play in space too often and it helped to slow down the oppositions running game. Oh yeah, and he made a Pro-Bowler out of Trotter once again in 2005 and 2006.
Jim Johnson wasnt afraid to take chances and he understood that he had to take the fight to the other team rather than reacting to what they did. He was like a General in the military who did a masterful job of assessing his troops strengths and weaknesses and those of the team he was getting ready to do battle against. If circumstances changed on the battlefield, he changed with them.