What is the meanest/shadiest thing that u have done to someone?


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
i use a pair of hair clippers to trim my pubic hair. one time my friend asked me if i had clippers so he can cut his hair and i said yup i do
he cut his hair with the same clippers i trim my taint and nut sack with :huhldup:

when i was still in HS i'd go vandalizing people's shyt on halloween. one time we broke into someone's house while they were away and smashed everything. pulled down all the cabinet doors, kicked holes through the walls, broke the toilet, pissed in the fridge :snoop:
:what:Y'all were some evil mothafukkas!!!


Fear me
Apr 17, 2013
oklahoma city
:mjlol: please tell us how this went down
I had friend who is nurse who would take photos of cancer patients x-rays. I would then tell these dumb broads I didn't have long to live :to:. And that I wanted my last time before I got to sick :shaq: , to be with them

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Nothing too terrible, as a teen (around 17) we'd go bust out car windows with tire irons and bricks. Everything I've done that's been somewhat scandalous has never been out of jealously, strictly pleasure orientated, I like to be amused, what can I say?


May 1, 2012
Back in middle school, me and some of my friends were chilling after school chopping it up. In one of our conversations, we were talking about this one cat that rode on our bus. Just the other day I was hanging in the neighborhood and homie that rides our bus asked me if I could "loan him a goat". At the time I had no idea what it meant so I just said "nah" and kept it moving. I brought it up during our conversation and my friends let me know what he meant...we joked about it for a while and I said, jokingly, "next time he says that I'm gonna slap the shyt out of him".

Fast forward a few days later, me, 3 of my homies, and about 5 cats that hung out with homeboy on the bus were chilling at a pool area not too far from the bus stop after school. As we were all just chillin, the dude suddenly comes thru to kick it with his friends. Immediately, he begins asking everyone sitting at the table if they can "loan him a goat". As soon as he asked me, one of my friends, instantly, was like "Yo Reggie, you remember what we was talking about the other day :krs:"....and another one chimes in "Yoooo I remember! Aye you gonna let him say that? :lolbron:". Feeling the pressure from my friends, I reluctantly rise from my seat, look the guy in the face, and promptly slap him....it was so bad that you could literally see my handprint in his face. As soon as it happened, everyone began cracking up....his homeboys, still laughing, were like "bro you just gonna let him do that to you :wtf:" and he began copping pleas like " Bu-bu- but Reggie is just playing around right? :lupe:". His homeboys continued to clown him until they just told him to leave.

I legit felt really bad afterwards because I didn't actually mean it when I said I would slap him. I was actually pretty cool with him too. Watching him get ethered in front of everyone and not doing a thing about it was too much of an embarrassment...I kinda hoped he would at least retaliate in some way


Director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation
May 1, 2012
Martin, TN
I stole this girls cat that called me lame. I gave the cat to my grandma. Also got her fired from her job

How you get her fired breh :lupe:

when I was a teenager, me and my boy at the time were at the mall one day. As we were walking, he sees this fly ass chick working at hot dog on a stick, and he goes "no bammer, go up and ask for that chick's number for me. I'll buy your lunch if you do". We were both blazed btw.

So I go up to the counter FULLY expecting her to reject him (he wasnt that good looking --- he had been in a serious accident as a kid which kinda deformed his nose), but to my complete shock, she looks at him and says "SURE...I'd love to go out with him".

She writes down her number as happily as could be, and hands it to me to give to him. When I gave my boy the number, you literally woulda thought he hit the lotto. This chick was bad...my man was elated....I was HEATED...

The whole rest of the day Im stewing, and kicking myself for not asking her for her number. Anyway, we finally get back home, and he goes to take a sht leaving the phone number on a nightstand. Thinking quickly I grabbed a pen and changed 2 of the numbers...1's into 7's. He goes to call right after taking a sht and he hears "the number is no longer in service".

Im like "that bytch...she gave you the wrong number!". I take the number like imma throw it in the trash, and give some quick excuse about needing to go home. I run home, call her, and was fukking her the next day.

I LOVE it, best story so far... love that you went for it and it paid off, the shyt we do for some puss :myman::salute:

Anyway i once stole a few hundred dollars from an ex who i was trying to get back with. It wasn't her money, she was holding the money for her girl or her girl had left it in her car...can't really remember which but my ex mentioned it to me in passing and i didn't like this particular gf of hers cuz she was always trying to get her to go out with other nikkas and kicking dirt on me at the same damn time. I took it to get ole girl mad at my ex, and it worked just not as potently as i had hoped...they squashed it after some time went by but they were never super close again after that so i'll claim that W. :banderas:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Also I've done some other devious things like roll down my window while someone else was driving and spit on nikkas, throw glass bottles at nikkas, throw piss in a bottle with the cap off as well.


Concerned Aunt
Jun 1, 2012
The Front Porch
Back in middle school, me and some of my friends were chilling after school chopping it up. In one of our conversations, we were talking about this one cat that rode on our bus. Just the other day I was hanging in the neighborhood and homie that rides our bus asked me if I could "loan him a goat". At the time I had no idea what it meant so I just said "nah" and kept it moving. I brought it up during our conversation and my friends let me know what he meant...we joked about it for a while and I said, jokingly, "next time he says that I'm gonna slap the shyt out of him".

Fast forward a few days later, me, 3 of my homies, and about 5 cats that hung out with homeboy on the bus were chilling at a pool area not too far from the bus stop after school. As we were all just chillin, the dude suddenly comes thru to kick it with his friends. Immediately, he begins asking everyone sitting at the table if they can "loan him a goat". As soon as he asked me, one of my friends, instantly, was like "Yo Reggie, you remember what we was talking about the other day :krs:"....and another one chimes in "Yoooo I remember! Aye you gonna let him say that? :lolbron:". Feeling the pressure from my friends, I reluctantly rise from my seat, look the guy in the face, and promptly slap him....it was so bad that you could literally see my handprint in his face. As soon as it happened, everyone began cracking up....his homeboys, still laughing, were like "bro you just gonna let him do that to you :wtf:" and he began copping pleas like " Bu-bu- but Reggie is just playing around right? :lupe:". His homeboys continued to clown him until they just told him to leave.

I legit felt really bad afterwards because I didn't actually mean it when I said I would slap him. I was actually pretty cool with him too. Watching him get ethered in front of everyone and not doing a thing about it was too much of an embarrassment...I kinda hoped he would at least retaliate in some way
Excuse my ignorance but :lupe: what does "loaning a goat" mean?


May 2, 2012
chick would drive over an hour to Suck and fukk... then buy me dinner....thus went on couple of weeks.. then round Christmas I told her to buy me a comp.. she asked what would I get her.. I said what do u want.. she said I want u to b my bf..... and that was the last time we spoke.. until 2 years later when she had a different bf.. told her I'd go over to give her the day since I never did... I never went and we haven't spoke since.


May 4, 2012
Doesn't matter, if you do that to the wrong nikka he def gonna bang on you
Huh no shyt u don't say :dwillhuh: , nikkas get killed over hand gestures and sneakers. Or literally no reason at all.

I'm laughin at him doing a scumbag move like that for 600, he should've did it for the full 'bow of that stank @TheMoneyteam

Im just saying if I gotta burn a bridge let it be a 3000$ bridge instead of a rickety 600 bridge feel me