@junie.. inquiring minds would like to know???
@junie Are you fabricating details? - "White supremacists frequently like to manipulate crime statistics in order to claim that nonwhite minorities, particularly African-Americans, are far more crime-prone and the source of most violent crime against whites. Indeed, it is a core belief that this is the case, and many white nationalist ideologues — including politician and pundit
Patrick Buchanan,
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, and the Council of Conservative Citizens — all have made considerable hay out of proffering “studies” laden with risibly bad statistics and other evidence to make their case."
White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study
(But let me fall back tho. Last time I confronted a non-black or in this case, (a perceived to be non-black or feminist), I was threatened and told that I was violating "forum rules" even tho said person was repeatedly attacking my character and telling me to "shut the fuk up or else".. lol. But I digress.)