No idea. sob story for sympathy or no other position to fit their rhetoric. Let me just say that I have lived in, traveled around or visited all of the following cities many many times: Queens, Newark, East Orange, Elizabeth NJ, Brooklyn, BX, Manhattan, been to Philly a number of times, Baltimore, Southern Maryland..DC.. while alone, at night, middle of the night, trains.. walking, etc etc as a single woman.. and never ever had those experiences or felt threatened or "attacked". At the most, little compliments or comments here and there like in any other place, in any other city, amerikkka .. but nothing ever considered close to that and I consider myself to be very aware of my surroundings. majority of black people are not looking to start any shyt unless they have previous issues with you or you go into a situation expecting or agitating something to go down.. most people are out here minding their business, the same as you.caught a few women on my social media making up black bogeyman kidnap stories.
"A group of pimos tried to kidnap me at walmart, white men and black men"
"Some guy catcalled and chased me downtown, i told him fukk off and he ran!"
What is all of this for, what is the end goal?
anybody that does any little amount of basic research or follows any studies knows that statistics and research findings show that black men are not out here raping, confronting or attacking black women (or white women)... its a very very miniscule percentage (if you can even call it that). fohwtbs.
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