Well said. Now that we have identified the problem, what do we do? Are we creating some sort of space for the antithesis of this thinking , are we actually reaching out to the men and women who are susptible to this kind of thinking? Because I think the youth who are nursed on the digital teat are who we need to try and get to. But what do we do to actually asuage their fustrations? We're dealing in an age where digital dissociative identity disorder can be a very real thing. I'm currently trying to mentor young men away from the hatred of women, black women especially. But the reach we have and the reach these other pathways as you put it have are very different scopewise.
Only real way of challenging it is instilling a different mindset for the future generations to apply. Most of the people now, are too deep in their own miseries to see otherwise.
You cannot change the person, only the circumstance. Only then they can appreciate what is truthful.
You either grow up a fighter ( even it's only in your mind) or you always have a pacified population at your hands (join in if you want.)
To break down the philosophy I just spoke about. it's like I can live a modern every day life shyt maybe even beyond that probably into a futuristic lifestyle as technology expands, and still have the OG ifa energies of ancestral influences mentally thinking and doing as how they lived (or if they lived bad and shameful, use their energies to avoid what NOT to do). Feel me?
So if I'm pharaoh in my being why am I going to accept lesser for myself? Deal with set backs okay no problem but never settling for less.
Instill this kind of thinking into your children when they are humble they will be able to change the world man when they get grown. Real talk