Abolish the police. Won't happen so:Here are a few recent articles attempting to tackle the question...
How to reform American police, according to experts
Opinion | There Is a Playbook for Police Reform
Police Reform: What Could It Look Like?
What type of reform would you like to see?
Ban all ability for police unions to donate to local DAs and judges.
Set up a database required by the feds for departments of every death in police custody. Any failure to comply, no funding
Every investigation into a police shooting is conducted by a 3rd party group non police review board with the power to bring charges. Take the power away from DAs to sweep under the rug.
All police related body cams and video are released at the conclusion of all investigations after 30 days
Any DA or judge who suppresses evidence or derelict of their duty is brought up on obstruction of justice
Remove all militarization of the police
End no knock warrants
End qualified immunity
Apply accomplice laws to police wrt to murder charges
Any cop found guilty of misconduct or has 3 credible complaints are banned from any police job for life and loss of pensions upon termination
Police unions pay for settlements and lose certification if too many members are convicted.
The DA, judges and unions are the biggest issues of fostering police misconduct
And plenty more I can't think of right now.
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