-Civilian review boards with firing power
-Mandatory bodycams. Not operating a camera is a suspendable offense, and all cam data can be obtained by request.
- Settlements paid out from union dues/private insurance policies/pension funds.
-Abolition of qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.
That's the main thing. If police unions can somehow be removed or limited in power that would go a long way.
-Body cams can never be turned off.
-Every state website needs to have individual police disciplinary records on their website.
-Blanket impunity removed.
-Extensive mental health evaluations and background evaluations overseen by indepedent people appointed by city council and the mayor followed by a government issued psychological examination. (There's still states who don't do this)
-State AG handles police brutality accusations rather than the DA. If the State Congress or Governor feels the AG is compromised, they can appoint a independent prosecutor.
-Ban chokeholds.
-Independent city police oversight committees with subpoena power to investigate corruption and brutality and make termination recommendations. Members of these committees would be ordinary citizens who would apply and interview with city council and the mayor.
-Termination for officers who participate in the police blue wall of silence if behind the scenes corruption is uncovered and nobody speaks out.
My thought are kinda all over the place.
I agree with all of this and I would also like for the pay of police to increase so it would be viewed as a more prestigious job that attracts a different type of person.
-Civilian review boards with firing power
-Mandatory bodycams. Not operating a camera is a suspendable offense, and all cam data can be obtained by request.
- Settlements paid out from union dues/private insurance policies/pension funds.
-Abolition of qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.
That's the main thing. If police unions can somehow be removed or limited in power that would go a long way.
-Body cams can never be turned off.
-Every state website needs to have individual police disciplinary records on their website.
-Blanket impunity removed.
-Extensive mental health evaluations and background evaluations overseen by indepedent people appointed by city council and the mayor followed by a government issued psychological examination. (There's still states who don't do this)
-State AG handles police brutality accusations rather than the DA. If the State Congress or Governor feels the AG is compromised, they can appoint a independent prosecutor.
-Ban chokeholds.
-Independent city police oversight committees with subpoena power to investigate corruption and brutality and make termination recommendations. Members of these committees would be ordinary citizens who would apply and interview with city council and the mayor.
-Termination for officers who participate in the police blue wall of silence if behind the scenes corruption is uncovered and nobody speaks out.
My thought are kinda all over the place.
The AOC tweet? It completely ignores the trappings of poverty.