What are "Southern Values" when it comes to progressive policies?


Nov 9, 2017
I'm a southern progressive Dem. I preferred Liz for president. It's not that we are against the progressives, it's based on IF YOU CAN GET THE WORK DONE. I believe most black people are progressive but have witnessed too many times those policies getting no traction down here.

On the West and Northeast, the majority of the people are progressive and their Senators and Reps vote as such. Here, we're outnumbered by racist Republicans and Democrats and have to consider every option when casting our vote.

To me, Liz laid out how to get the progressive agenda moving through detailed policy which sounded feasible, instead of just rhetoric of revolution.

Bottom line, better some change than none.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Im comparing and contrasting between ECONOMIC rights and "Southern Values"

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
I'm a southern progressive Dem. I preferred Liz for president. It's not that we are against the progressives, it's based on IF YOU CAN GET THE WORK DONE. I believe most black people are progressive but have witnessed too many times those policies getting no traction down here.

On the West and Northeast, the majority of the people are progressive and their Senators and Reps vote as such. Here, we're outnumbered by racist Republicans and Democrats and have to consider every option when casting our vote.

To me, Liz laid out how to get the progressive agenda moving through detailed policy which sounded feasible, instead of just rhetoric of revolution.

Bottom line, better some change than none.
I can understand the argument in the generals if there were 3rd parties or something but how does that explain Biden or the Primaries?

Before we could hide it behind the narrative of "Beat Trump" or "My Black friend obama" folks in the south still voted for Hillary and pretty much any establishment candidate cable news throws at them.

The south in general votes lock step with cable news even when the logic is applied to general elections with Fox News.

Jesse Jackson presidential run is probably the one time I can think of where the South broke rank with the establishment and backed a Progressive.
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Jun 8, 2012
Wow. I appreciate your due diligence but you admitted you don’t understand purity politics and why they are hurtful.

When you are apart of a team you compromise. That’s why Bernie “he’s consistent” hurt him.

Joe Manchin is a Democrat. He takes votes he might not like for the Dems and against the Dems.

Old Black people may not be the most progressive on some issues but they compromise with the progressive side care about LBGTQ rights that are at odds.

You don’t undermine your team or say that they are idiots who don’t understand what is good for them.
you still dont get it.
black people were not riding with gay marriage. when it first hit and thats even on the west coast. you know how i know? i saw the No Signs when those propositions came up. But thats besides the point. black folks aint evil either.

Progressive Social stuff is not what we're talking about and thats the problem non of yall understand. we're talking about progressive ECONOMIC policies.
You're idea of compromise has people like bloomberg with so much money they could Almost, by up all the black mayors across the US trying to buy the black vote.l mean they even had my guy bobby rush riding for him. Bobby...black panther rush was riding for bloomberg. Bloomberg almost bought an election.

how did he get that kind of cash? how is that even possible when you have the homeless issues we have in the US?
how is that possible when you have so many uninsured or under insured in the US. how is that possible when you have so many people trying to file BR due to hospital bills. how do you have so many people with college debt when you have a select few people running around with enough money to literally fix the problem on the spot and still be ultra rich?

it doesnt make sense to keep doing things the same exact way over and over and over again. its not smart.that means quite a few of your demands can't be compromised. especially not this early on. you have to stay the course.

yall saw what happened to MRS compromise liz. the moment she started compromising and saying "i'm just a player in the game" which is code word for i'll play along and compromise galore with the rest of you." and then she started compromising on M4A. thats when he numbers took a nose dive and she lost all that love she was getting when she had a chance to ride the wave. Yall are not smart, nor strategic enough to push for real actual change. you guys are coming from an old angle that has never really worked for black folks as a whole. sure it could work for a select few. but not most of us. and thats the problem. yall want to do it the old fashion way. NOPE. its time for a REAL CHANGE. not just talk, not a "reach across the aisle" and you end up reaching so far your plan turns from progressive to a conservative republican idea. naw we off dat.

You can stay on that all you want. but nothing will actually change for the better for most black people and more working class/poor people. it wont. and we know this is true because we have data to prove it. its not even up for discussion.

the only people you compromise with are those that also care about the people. GO back and read that article about bernie being the mayor. read that section from the conservative republican dude who owned a lot of stuff in that town and how him and bernie were enemies at first and became friends and got things done for the town. because even though he may have had a different approach to do it. he was sincerely concerned about his fellow citizens in that town. a lot of these politicians (dems and repubs) dont give a... about you and i. they really dont. and thats the main problem with compromising with people like that. so if that means bernie loses. it is what it is. the fight moves on to younger politicians.


Jun 8, 2012
I'm a southern progressive Dem. I preferred Liz for president. It's not that we are against the progressives, it's based on IF YOU CAN GET THE WORK DONE. I believe most black people are progressive but have witnessed too many times those policies getting no traction down here.

On the West and Northeast, the majority of the people are progressive and their Senators and Reps vote as such. Here, we're outnumbered by racist Republicans and Democrats and have to consider every option when casting our vote.

To me, Liz laid out how to get the progressive agenda moving through detailed policy which sounded feasible, instead of just rhetoric of revolution.

Bottom line, better some change than none.
liz laid out plans that she would over compromise on a lot of them and the plans would end up being ultra lite versions of the original. and to that point you would end up with more or less broken promises.

And you say bernie is just talking about a revolution. this is why i know yall are not well informed. well informed is not watching MSNBC, and CNN all day. or listen to black people like karen hunter who is just another card carrying democrat establishment type. no matter who she has on her show. there's a few other black shows out there that are more or less a slightly black version of MSNBC. you can hear how they speak about things they sound like parrots.

You're asking the wrong questions or not asking questions at all.

how is it possible that a bernie revolution could actuall work? is there any historic info we can gather that will prove it could work? YES. Pretty much every single real life movement we've ever had in this country was when people were revolting against the status quo and they said enough is enough and things must change. THE PEOPLE, not just some one person leader. THE PEOPLE had to go on strike, do sit ins, bombard their elected officials about the issues, etc, etc, etc. for something to change. This is always the way it has been for REAL Lasting CHANGE. this is the way it still has to be. there's a reason doing it the liz way doesnt work to actually CHANGE whats broken.

If my leg is broken, and liz comes around and gives me a nice bandage wrap and a leg brace with a boot. i would be able to get from point A to point B. but my leg is still broken and it wont heal properly if that happens. liz will promise me surgery where i get the pins in my leg. but after all that compromising i will end up with a big bandage, and a nice Boot. more than what a republican would give me or a joe biden thats for sure. But what bernie is talking about is Rapbeats needs surgery RIGHT NOW on that broken leg. FIX the broken LEG. dont give him pain meds and a walking boot as if that is going to fix the underlining problem. If yall ever want to fix the real problems you and i will have to revolt to get them fixed. now if you aint ready for that. i understand why you go for a liz type or why some would think biden is an option.

like i said, if you want to see bernie sanders in action doing some revolting within the system, to fix the issues. go read that article i posted about him being mayor. its the closest 1 to 1 example you're going to get. not him passing a bill in the senate, thats not how it would work as president.
Apr 30, 2012
Sad how much support they gave to a business as usual politician...hopefully they will stop complaining about certain policies/conditions

People in here trying to be slick cause these old black people aren’t playing by Bernie style purity politics.
These same old conservative blacks didn’t believe in gay marriage but didn’t abandon the progressive movement towards full gay rights.
But I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative that they don’t know what’s good for them?
Progressive Dems got it passed and old black people said okay. It’s done.
Deal with it. Bernie didn’t seal the deal.
stop. Christian pastors juelzing scriptures to appease the gay mafia because of the known consequences
What's the consequences for not backing progressive candidates, if I could still preach about hardships to secure donations


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Sad how much support they gave to a business as usual politician...hopefully they will stop complaining about certain policies/conditions

stop. Christian pastors juelzing scriptures to appease the gay mafia because of the known consequences
What's the consequences for not backing progressive candidates, if I could still preach about hardships to secure donations

Dude they just won without the majority black vote. They pulled enough of a coalition to get the the state bans overturned. It took them decades but it happened.

That doesn’t mean the anti side hasn’t keep pushing back along religious lines but black people haven’t in large protested it. They won so moved on.

White conservatives are the ones holding Trump style anger to fuel them.


Nov 9, 2017
liz laid out plans that she would over compromise on a lot of them and the plans would end up being ultra lite versions of the original. and to that point you would end up with more or less broken promises.

And you say bernie is just talking about a revolution. this is why i know yall are not well informed. well informed is not watching MSNBC, and CNN all day. or listen to black people like karen hunter who is just another card carrying democrat establishment type. no matter who she has on her show. there's a few other black shows out there that are more or less a slightly black version of MSNBC. you can hear how they speak about things they sound like parrots.

You're asking the wrong questions or not asking questions at all.

how is it possible that a bernie revolution could actuall work? is there any historic info we can gather that will prove it could work? YES. Pretty much every single real life movement we've ever had in this country was when people were revolting against the status quo and they said enough is enough and things must change. THE PEOPLE, not just some one person leader. THE PEOPLE had to go on strike, do sit ins, bombard their elected officials about the issues, etc, etc, etc. for something to change. This is always the way it has been for REAL Lasting CHANGE. this is the way it still has to be. there's a reason doing it the liz way doesnt work to actually CHANGE whats broken.

If my leg is broken, and liz comes around and gives me a nice bandage wrap and a leg brace with a boot. i would be able to get from point A to point B. but my leg is still broken and it wont heal properly if that happens. liz will promise me surgery where i get the pins in my leg. but after all that compromising i will end up with a big bandage, and a nice Boot. more than what a republican would give me or a joe biden thats for sure. But what bernie is talking about is Rapbeats needs surgery RIGHT NOW on that broken leg. FIX the broken LEG. dont give him pain meds and a walking boot as if that is going to fix the underlining problem. If yall ever want to fix the real problems you and i will have to revolt to get them fixed. now if you aint ready for that. i understand why you go for a liz type or why some would think biden is an option.

like i said, if you want to see bernie sanders in action doing some revolting within the system, to fix the issues. go read that article i posted about him being mayor. its the closest 1 to 1 example you're going to get. not him passing a bill in the senate, thats not how it would work as president.

Breh I understand the break the system to fix it methodology and am not against it. But people fear the unknown and while they may not be where they want to be, they are more comfortable with knowing than not knowing what to expect.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just an insight on how things are viewed down here.

Not voting for Bernie doesn't mean you're not interested in change, some feel there's other ways of achieving it.

Whether y'all believe it or not, some strong movements of change were birthed in the Souf.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
you still dont get it.
black people were not riding with gay marriage. when it first hit and thats even on the west coast. you know how i know? i saw the No Signs when those propositions came up. But thats besides the point. black folks aint evil either.

Progressive Social stuff is not what we're talking about and thats the problem non of yall understand. we're talking about progressive ECONOMIC policies.
You're idea of compromise has people like bloomberg with so much money they could Almost, by up all the black mayors across the US trying to buy the black vote.l mean they even had my guy bobby rush riding for him. Bobby...black panther rush was riding for bloomberg. Bloomberg almost bought an election.

how did he get that kind of cash? how is that even possible when you have the homeless issues we have in the US?
how is that possible when you have so many uninsured or under insured in the US. how is that possible when you have so many people trying to file BR due to hospital bills. how do you have so many people with college debt when you have a select few people running around with enough money to literally fix the problem on the spot and still be ultra rich?

it doesnt make sense to keep doing things the same exact way over and over and over again. its not smart.that means quite a few of your demands can't be compromised. especially not this early on. you have to stay the course.

yall saw what happened to MRS compromise liz. the moment she started compromising and saying "i'm just a player in the game" which is code word for i'll play along and compromise galore with the rest of you." and then she started compromising on M4A. thats when he numbers took a nose dive and she lost all that love she was getting when she had a chance to ride the wave. Yall are not smart, nor strategic enough to push for real actual change. you guys are coming from an old angle that has never really worked for black folks as a whole. sure it could work for a select few. but not most of us. and thats the problem. yall want to do it the old fashion way. NOPE. its time for a REAL CHANGE. not just talk, not a "reach across the aisle" and you end up reaching so far your plan turns from progressive to a conservative republican idea. naw we off dat.

You can stay on that all you want. but nothing will actually change for the better for most black people and more working class/poor people. it wont. and we know this is true because we have data to prove it. its not even up for discussion.

the only people you compromise with are those that also care about the people. GO back and read that article about bernie being the mayor. read that section from the conservative republican dude who owned a lot of stuff in that town and how him and bernie were enemies at first and became friends and got things done for the town. because even though he may have had a different approach to do it. he was sincerely concerned about his fellow citizens in that town. a lot of these politicians (dems and repubs) dont give a... about you and i. they really dont. and thats the main problem with compromising with people like that. so if that means bernie loses. it is what it is. the fight moves on to younger politicians.


Keep it up. People dont understand why poor black people deserve to have better wages and shorter working hours. That affects the quality of life.


Jun 8, 2012
Breh I understand the break the system to fix it methodology and am not against it. But people fear the unknown and while they may not be where they want to be, they are more comfortable with knowing than not knowing what to expect.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just an insight on how things are viewed down here.

Not voting for Bernie doesn't mean you're not interested in change, some feel there's other ways of achieving it.

Whether y'all believe it or not, some strong movements of change were birthed in the Souf.
But there is no other way of achieving that level of change. We all know this. old heads know it better than we do. they remember. they never forgot. the truth is, a lot of those old heads were not marching with MLK early on. They were afraid way back then. and were waiting for approval of others to do so. thats MOST people. so that aint news.

I said one of the possible reasons for them voting that way and against policies that were for them and a way to get those policies that they have known works for years. is that they are afraid, just what you said. i said this already. its fear. I told my own mother in law its fear and she started stuttering saying no no...thats not it. and i was like ok so what is it? she never answered. because it is fear. and thats ok. but you have to get to a place where you first admit its fear. then we can talk. if you never admit it. you can't hear the truth. its as if you not admitting the real issue makes you go deaf to the truth. most people stay / remain in bad relationship, bad situations because they're more comfortable in that bad setup then anything new. because new is unknown. no matter how bad we on the outside see their current situation as being. they only see it as i dont like it but im use to it. these type of people have to be drug to the truth until they can see it working then they get on board. but you cant do that in a primary. so you will lose them there.

all those crazy white folks that wanted no parts of so called "Obama" care. got that ACA and started going to the doctor on a regular basis for the first time in their life and they were like this ACA aint half bad. not bad at all. only after they saw what it did could they get on board. now even republican voters be like "naw naw republican politicians hands off my ACA." before it was hans off my insurance which half of them didnt even have legit insurance. they had some nonsense that they were paying for that would not even kick in to save their lives if it was something serious.
Apr 30, 2012
Dude they just won without the majority black vote. They pulled enough of a coalition to get the the state bans overturned. It took them decades but it happened.
That doesn’t mean the anti side hasn’t keep pushing back along religious lines but black people haven’t in large protested it. They won so moved on.
White conservatives are the ones holding Trump style anger to fuel them.
the point is that Black folks didn't protest against it along religious lines because of the consequences from gay mafia and it becoming apart of Dem politician agenda
There was no coalition, it was the constitution via the Supreme Court that overturned the state laws after a few lawsuits by gay couples, supported by gay right orgs

Yet those same Black folks voted against their best interest when it became necessary to help corporate Dems' agenda

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Breh I understand the break the system to fix it methodology and am not against it. But people fear the unknown and while they may not be where they want to be, they are more comfortable with knowing than not knowing what to expect.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just an insight on how things are viewed down here.

Not voting for Bernie doesn't mean you're not interested in change, some feel there's other ways of achieving it.

Whether y'all believe it or not, some strong movements of change were birthed in the Souf.
You're making it a bernie thing but they wasnt rocking with any candidates for changing anything. :dead: Not steyer and reparations, not yang and UBI, not liz's plans etc.

Like of all people they chose the candidate pushing nothing in particular for policy