What are "Southern Values" when it comes to progressive policies?


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Blacks(As a community) have always been conservatives who vote dem because rethugs are racist.
Progressives fooled themselves into thinking our vote against racist rethugs was/would be support for their progressive agenda.
They are getting their wake up call, and i thought I’d be more amused, but its actually kinda sad watching all these class > race brothas cry over what’s happening.

That said, Pressure is right, this is just a vent thread.

This is nonsense. There used to be a large amount of Conservative Dems in the South and Midwest. White and Black.

They haven’t died yet. They are exactly the age Bernie is losing.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
People in here trying to be slick cause these old black people aren’t playing by Bernie style purity politics.

These same old conservative blacks didn’t believe in gay marriage but didn’t abandon the progressive movement towards full gay rights.

But I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative that they don’t know what’s good for them?

Progressive Dems got it passed and old black people said okay. It’s done.

Deal with it. Bernie didn’t seal the deal.
Jul 26, 2015
I didn't even see this thread before I posted my thoughts in the Bernie thread. Interesting that others are wrestling with this same conundrum and I'm glad because it's definitely a conversation long overdue and desperately needed.


May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Maybe progressives have subpar persuasive skills? :yeshrug: I mean the condescending, long-winded, absolute language filled and moral grandstanding form of communication is off putting on a message board filled with college grads, and I don't think it works out well with working class folks either. Behavioral psych and ancient texts on the role/impact of rhetoric could have prepared dudes for American voters to "disappoint" them.


Jun 8, 2012
Nah, that’s too much to ask. Who wants to talk to us idiots anyway? :heh:
i've seen these type of replies multiple times. yet no answers. hows about southerners answer. but the problem is, non of yall southerners are old heads like that. or most of yall aint so yall dont know specifically either. until yall can call up these southern coli members parents. we wont get the direct answers from them.

I know for a fact my well educated mother in law voted for joe and she lives on the west coast but she's a southerner. so why? i know why, because she told me and my wife. her answers back in 2016 were what was fed to her by MSNBC which is what she watches literally all day long and a little cnn. now she aint a sit around old head. she's making moves. dont get wrong.but when she settles in. that TV pops on and its MSNBC until one of her shows comes on on another channel and back to MSNBC. She's listening to propaganda all day all night, every day, every night since 2016 about how bad, mean bernie is and his supporters, socialist like castro and russian communist, look at russians helping him, and he's the reason hilary lost, he's going to destroy the dem party and he really aint a dem anyway, medicare for all is bad, how's about medicare who want it or a public option.

The lady has repeated most of these talking points. me and her had a long discussion about it. and i said mama in law, are you afraid to vote for someone that they call a socialist because you and i have been taught for a very long time that that word is a bad word? and i explained to her in detail what it actually means, and how it actually doesnt have one meaning at all. and what bernie means by it. she agreed with every single policy, except for m4a, because she repeated what she heard on TV, (why can't i keep my healthcare..and let the other people have the option to join into medicare).

I told you guys i work in the industry. i broke that down to and why thats a horrible idea in reality. and why M4A will give you better medicare and you wont need a medicare replacement plan or supplment insurance that you still pay for since you're retired. and she said at least have a choice. i told her not really. did you actually have a lot of choices when you retired? NOPE. they had one option. UHC. there is no choice. then they recently changed her over to another plan that was more expensive without asking them. That aint choosing. but she's stuck on that idea why? because she's listening to propaganda all day...all night, every day...every night.

I dont care how strong willed you are, i dont care how smart you are. you listening to something like that for that long it will start to change your thinking. no one wants to admit this but its true. there's a reason they study the human brain like they do. these people want to know how to get you caught up in incorrect ideas to keep you watching and to keep you from voting for your best interest and your fellow neighbors best interest.

She wouldnt admit to be afraid. but thats exactly what it is when you get that age. you are fearful of anything new. this is why they push back on new tech (a lot until you show them a 1000 times how much better it is for them, unless they are a techy type of old heads.) this is why they push back on most things that were not what they were use to all the way to the food they eat. they wont even try new things a lot of times for this very reason. not all, but most old heads are similar in that regard. they become more conservative in their thinking out of fear of too much change may mean a bad thing.


Jun 8, 2012
Maybe progressives have subpar persuasive skills? :yeshrug: I mean the condescending, long-winded, absolute language filled and moral grandstanding form of communication is off putting on a message board filled with college grads, and I don't think it works out well with working class folks either. Behavioral psych and ancient texts on the role/impact of rhetoric could have prepared dudes for American voters to "disappoint" them.
and you're wrong. it does work well for the working class. which is why sanders BY FAR has the most diverse coalition bar none.

who it doesnt work well on are selfish people that hide their selfishness. and it doesnt work on people that live on MSNBC/CNN as their main news outlets.

#1 is selfish and that is their underlining reason. the #2's are being hit with too much propaganda from the establishment/elites to know better.

The long winded posts are not to convince any of you. yall know what it is, we didnt need to tell any of you on here what bernie was about. go look it up stop being lazy. he has a 30 + year track record. i did you some solids and posted his time as mayor. you have more than enough info on this guy to know if he's about that life or not. and if you still choose someone else. then its clear that you're a #1 and or you're afraid to try out of a fear of disappointment.


Apr 30, 2012
Maybe progressives have subpar persuasive skills? :yeshrug: I mean the condescending, long-winded, absolute language filled and moral grandstanding form of communication is off putting on a message board filled with college grads, and I don't think it works out well with working class folks either. Behavioral psych and ancient texts on the role/impact of rhetoric could have prepared dudes for American voters to "disappoint" them.
You aren't kidding. Outside of the condescension, its the the utter inflexibility to believe that any of the other candidates have any type of upside that people gravitate towards.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
And this is why people don’t take progressives seriously. Y’all get very emotional, hyperbolic, talk in absolutes and talk crazy shyt. With this attitude you win elections.

I mean, people who talk about "Southern Values" who criminalize homeless people and the working class with some of the worst economic rights in a first-world country, according to the UN. I thought the example of Jesus Christ would make people a bit more considerable on economic policy in the southern states, but I now know why. The contemporary issues with it goes back to the last few years of MLK's life and him leading the poor people's movement.

It would be nice to have a proper counter attack against racist conservatives that run a huge portion of America with an iron fist. :ld: Guess the legacy of slavery, racism, and white supremacy is way too strong.


Jun 8, 2012
People in here trying to be slick cause these old black people aren’t playing by Bernie style purity politics.

These same old conservative blacks didn’t believe in gay marriage but didn’t abandon the progressive movement towards full gay rights.

But I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative that they don’t know what’s good for them?

Progressive Dems got it passed and old black people said okay. It’s done.

Deal with it. Bernie didn’t seal the deal.
you just said nothing in regards to bernie at all. purity politics. so you're saying these black folks dont believe in those policies because they're purity policies? or are they real policies that will assist them and people that look like them?

these no purity politic old head black voters on medicare right now and on medicare supplement plans. could all be on one better medicare for all plan. but they dont understand that. it would take a year of reverse brainwashing to get that thru their heads.

how something so simple as, you pay $300.00 in payroll tax per year and you pay $1000 less in premiums for healthcare a year. is a savings of $700. people just dont get that. how? i do not know. its math. simple math at that. but if you listen to propaganda news all day you think any extra tax is bad no matter what the rest of the story is. thats more on the listener then it is on some campaign to convince them. you have to stop being sheep and yes my older black folks are more sheep than people want to admit. so are a lot of poor whites as well as middle class whites.

if bernie says we going with a federal jobs guarantee. and we know .....

The Black Workforce by the Numbers
1. In total, black Americans make up about 12 percent of the workforce. That’s about 18,758,000 black Americans in a workforce of about 155 million people.

2. African Americans are overrepresented in the federal government, which was one of the first sectors to integrate. Just over 20 percent of the black workforce is employed by federal, state and local governments.

Then common sense would tell you a lot more black people would get solid paying jobs on that alone.

i posted what a minimum wage hike to $15.00 would help black people out a lot as well.
^that was when they were fighting to put it up to 10.10.

these are simplistic policies that SHOULD resonate with black people, latins. if not. something is wrong with your ears, you have been brainwashed, or you are so selfish you refuse to pay any extra pennies in taxes to help your fellow citizens. you're good so you dont care about anyone else.


May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
and you're wrong. it does work well for the working class. which is why sanders BY FAR has the most diverse coalition bar none.

who it doesnt work well on are selfish people that hide their selfishness. and it doesnt work on people that live on MSNBC/CNN as their main news outlets.

#1 is selfish and that is their underlining reason. the #2's are being hit with too much propaganda from the establishment/elites to know better.

The long winded posts are not to convince any of you. yall know what it is, we didnt need to tell any of you on here what bernie was about. go look it up stop being lazy. he has a 30 + year track record. i did you some solids and posted his time as mayor. you have more than enough info on this guy to know if he's about that life or not. and if you still choose someone else. then its clear that you're a #1 and or you're afraid to try out of a fear of disappointment.

:lolbron: Thank you for proving my point with this post.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
you just said nothing in regards to bernie at all. purity politics. so you're saying these black folks dont believe in those policies because they're purity policies? or are they real policies that will assist

Wow. I appreciate your due diligence but you admitted you don’t understand purity politics and why they are hurtful.

When you are apart of a team you compromise. That’s why Bernie “he’s consistent” hurt him.

Joe Manchin is a Democrat. He takes votes he might not like for the Dems and against the Dems.

Old Black people may not be the most progressive on some issues but they compromise with the progressive side care about LBGTQ rights that are at odds.

You don’t undermine your team or say that they are idiots who don’t understand what is good for them.