What are some truths/patterns you’ve learned about people throughout your life?


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Sometimes, you have to be an a$$hole, as a man.

From machiavelli:

"Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires."

"it is much safer to be feared than loved because ...love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails."
What’s next? Some dude quoting the 48 Laws of Power?

Coli Neolibrals strike yet again


You are too young to be so pessimistic and cynical. Are you depressed?
You mean a realist? :unimpressed:
Dec 19, 2017
Toronto, Ontario
Your parents did not "sacrifice" for you. They were not selfless demi-Gods who you forever owe for their "hard work" and "sacrifice" in raising you. And if your parents are the types to constantly repeat this, know you were raised by a set of selfish miserable a$$holes with crippled, fragile self esteem issues themselves who had no idea how to truly be parents and raise you and you were robbed of your life, true potential, and full self-esteem.

Your parents are just two people who fukked, had you, and you lived with them until you could live on your own. Thats it.

I wish more young black folks would understand this and reclaim themselves and their mental health from toxic parenting but we are so steeped in this "muh ancestors" elders-are-above-criticism, "strong black mother" bullshyt tropes in our culture. Instead we internalize this and really believe that being demeaned as kids and demeaning our own children is not just perfectly fine but that its an essential part of disciplining a child into adulthood.

Your parents were not "strong black people" for talking down to you or treating you like a burden and a sacrifice.

I know some "parents" who would go buy a fukking DOG and give that dog the damn world let alone food shelter and water with nothing but love and compassion for this pet in their mind. But then will turn to their own fukking kids and treat them like a burden that they are making "sacrifices" for. And then will spend their whole miserable lives guilt tripping their children for being alive.

Having a child and a family is a God blessed PRIVILEGE not a sacrifice.

If your parents do this shyt stop praising them all the time and tell them to finally fukk off. You were not a "sacrifice" and you don't deserve to be treated like one by the people that chose to bring you here.

And if you are a parent and you do this shyt to your kids, demanding constant acknowledgment and praise for your "work" and "sacrifices" PLEASE STOP THIS shyt. Please stop telling your kids they are a sacrifice. Stop fukking their heads up and fukking up their still budding self esteem because youre too insecure to just be a fukking parent and keep it moving. Stop it.

Mr. Velvet soul, could you tell me what your earliest memory of your mother and father was? and please, take your time.
Nov 18, 2016
Lol I ain't on that weird antisocial wave

But school and the workforce prove it true
society as a whole
the world could be a lot better if people actually wanted it to
but they don't and they know it
can't feel better than others if everyone starts to be become more of the same
people are full of shyt and want to be evil because they just want to
like I mentioned earlier people only care about hierarchy this is why you have to put yourself first and see everyone as pawns as sociopathic as that sounds you will be better off because EVERYONE else is doing it
see how much people care for you when your "perceived" status drops
I only care as much as anyone else does
Once you transcend the keeping up with other people game that most people don't grow out of past high school, you win because you realize why am I making decisions based on the thoughts of others, beyond the point of being practical?
People are cowardice and your best friend/family will throw you under the bus to protect their position in whatever group they think they should be in
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Oct 26, 2014
society as a whole
the world could be a lot better if people actually wanted it to
but they don't and they know it
can't feel better than others if everyone starts to be become more of the same
people are full of shyt and want to be evil because they just want to
like I mentioned earlier people only care about hierarchy this is why you have to put yourself first and see everyone as pawns as sociopathic as that sounds yo will be better off because EVERYONE else is doing it
see how much people care for you when your "perceived" status drops
I only care as much as anyone else does
It's sad too because there's tons and tons of good or decent people our there

But too many grimy a$$holes
Nov 18, 2016
It's sad too because there's tons and tons of good or decent people our there

But too many grimy a$$holes
Have you ever watched the Joker?
Perfect microcosm of what I mean
No one is perfect but what is wrong with decency?
People don't want decency
That's the truth
It's a spectrum of slave and master
Look at the general behavior of people everyone becomes an a$$hole eventually it's inevitable because of OTHER PEOPLE
Too many sociopaths, psychopaths, pathics, apathetic people, and cowards to be decent
You need the right combination of good and evil to make it in this world
LUCK is what people ignore in their lives
Everyone wants to hype themselves up instead of being grateful for luck and not being consumed by the evil around them
Others are not so lucky
People complain about the world but deep down they don't want it to be better and are just as evil as the people they complain about
This is why you have to always put yourself first. ALWAYS.
Only give empathy to those who deserve it from countless TESTING
So many multi-faced people out there I trust no one
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