What are some truths/patterns you’ve learned about people throughout your life?


Sep 23, 2014
Your parents did not "sacrifice" for you. They were not selfless demi-Gods who you forever owe for their "hard work" and "sacrifice" in raising you. And if your parents are the types to constantly repeat this, know you were raised by a set of selfish miserable a$$holes with crippled, fragile self esteem issues themselves who had no idea how to truly be parents and raise you and you were robbed of your life, true potential, and full self-esteem.

Your parents are just two people who fukked, had you, and you lived with them until you could live on your own. Thats it.

I wish more young black folks would understand this and reclaim themselves and their mental health from toxic parenting but we are so steeped in this "muh ancestors" elders-are-above-criticism, "strong black mother" bullshyt tropes in our culture. Instead we internalize this and really believe that being demeaned as kids and demeaning our own children is not just perfectly fine but that its an essential part of disciplining a child into adulthood.

Your parents were not "strong black people" for talking down to you or treating you like a burden and a sacrifice.

I know some "parents" who would go buy a fukking DOG and give that dog the damn world let alone food shelter and water with nothing but love and compassion for this pet in their mind. But then will turn to their own fukking kids and treat them like a burden that they are making "sacrifices" for. And then will spend their whole miserable lives guilt tripping their children for being alive.

Having a child and a family is a God blessed PRIVILEGE not a sacrifice.

If your parents do this shyt stop praising them all the time and tell them to finally fukk off. You were not a "sacrifice" and you don't deserve to be treated like one by the people that chose to bring you here.

And if you are a parent and you do this shyt to your kids, demanding constant acknowledgment and praise for your "work" and "sacrifices" PLEASE STOP THIS shyt. Please stop telling your kids they are a sacrifice. Stop fukking their heads up and fukking up their still budding self esteem because youre too insecure to just be a fukking parent and keep it moving. Stop it.
I'm sorry if you don't have a good relationship with your parents breh, but e everything you said is correct. A lot of people have oppressive parents and dont even realize it.

Pegasus Jackson

Trump's Amerikkka
Nov 17, 2014
- Most men will fukk ANYTHING under certain conditions

- Pay little attention to what women say, just what they do

- Women are the best liars on Earth

- Most people are lemmings and followers

- Americans have a problem with texture and consistency when it comes to food and miss out on some tasty shyt


Oct 9, 2012
- Most men will fukk ANYTHING under certain conditions

- Pay little attention to what women say, just what they do

- Women are the best liars on Earth

- Most people are lemmings and followers

- Americans have a problem with texture and consistency when it comes to food and miss out on some tasty shyt
Can you expound on the last point


Oct 9, 2012
Your parents did not "sacrifice" for you. They were not selfless demi-Gods who you forever owe for their "hard work" and "sacrifice" in raising you. And if your parents are the types to constantly repeat this, know you were raised by a set of selfish miserable a$$holes with crippled, fragile self esteem issues themselves who had no idea how to truly be parents and raise you and you were robbed of your life, true potential, and full self-esteem.

Your parents are just two people who fukked, had you, and you lived with them until you could live on your own. Thats it.

I wish more young black folks would understand this and reclaim themselves and their mental health from toxic parenting but we are so steeped in this "muh ancestors" elders-are-above-criticism, "strong black mother" bullshyt tropes in our culture. Instead we internalize this and really believe that being demeaned as kids and demeaning our own children is not just perfectly fine but that its an essential part of disciplining a child into adulthood.

Your parents were not "strong black people" for talking down to you or treating you like a burden and a sacrifice.

I know some "parents" who would go buy a fukking DOG and give that dog the damn world let alone food shelter and water with nothing but love and compassion for this pet in their mind. But then will turn to their own fukking kids and treat them like a burden that they are making "sacrifices" for. And then will spend their whole miserable lives guilt tripping their children for being alive.

Having a child and a family is a God blessed PRIVILEGE not a sacrifice.

If your parents do this shyt stop praising them all the time and tell them to finally fukk off. You were not a "sacrifice" and you don't deserve to be treated like one by the people that chose to bring you here.

And if you are a parent and you do this shyt to your kids, demanding constant acknowledgment and praise for your "work" and "sacrifices" PLEASE STOP THIS shyt. Please stop telling your kids they are a sacrifice. Stop fukking their heads up and fukking up their still budding self esteem because youre too insecure to just be a fukking parent and keep it moving. Stop it.
I see what you are saying with this statement, but who should get the credit if a kid turns out well

Hollywood Co

Primetime Reppin
May 1, 2012
Eastside Atl -
I can only speak from my experience, but anytime I've done wrong I definitely paid the price and whenever I moved righteously I've been handsomely rewarded.

Most definitely

I truly believe you reap the seeds that you sow and personally God usually lets me know quickly if I’m moving out of order.

Womb Raider

movin' thru the city streets
Aug 23, 2014
Fo Nem
Sometimes, you have to be an a$$hole, as a man.

From machiavelli:

"Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires."

"it is much safer to be feared than loved because ...love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails."


All Star
Oct 31, 2014
Your parents did not "sacrifice" for you. They were not selfless demi-Gods who you forever owe for their "hard work" and "sacrifice" in raising you. And if your parents are the types to constantly repeat this, know you were raised by a set of selfish miserable a$$holes with crippled, fragile self esteem issues themselves who had no idea how to truly be parents and raise you and you were robbed of your life, true potential, and full self-esteem.

Your parents are just two people who fukked, had you, and you lived with them until you could live on your own. Thats it.

I wish more young black folks would understand this and reclaim themselves and their mental health from toxic parenting but we are so steeped in this "muh ancestors" elders-are-above-criticism, "strong black mother" bullshyt tropes in our culture. Instead we internalize this and really believe that being demeaned as kids and demeaning our own children is not just perfectly fine but that its an essential part of disciplining a child into adulthood.

Your parents were not "strong black people" for talking down to you or treating you like a burden and a sacrifice.

I know some "parents" who would go buy a fukking DOG and give that dog the damn world let alone food shelter and water with nothing but love and compassion for this pet in their mind. But then will turn to their own fukking kids and treat them like a burden that they are making "sacrifices" for. And then will spend their whole miserable lives guilt tripping their children for being alive.

Having a child and a family is a God blessed PRIVILEGE not a sacrifice.

If your parents do this shyt stop praising them all the time and tell them to finally fukk off. You were not a "sacrifice" and you don't deserve to be treated like one by the people that chose to bring you here.

And if you are a parent and you do this shyt to your kids, demanding constant acknowledgment and praise for your "work" and "sacrifices" PLEASE STOP THIS shyt. Please stop telling your kids they are a sacrifice. Stop fukking their heads up and fukking up their still budding self esteem because youre too insecure to just be a fukking parent and keep it moving. Stop it.

Too much logic and common sense for this forum. Just look at the responses to this post.

Everything you said is 100% factual. And people also need to realize a lot of parents especially mothers unfortunately have youth jealously and envy of their children. Especially mothers, some can be VERY envious of the attention the daughter is getting, her youthful beauty and potential future boyfriends/husbands. And sometimes this can extent to the son, so mother will try to limit the son expanding onto other females and moving on with life.

There should be a parent timer in the modern life, when a child is born, 21 years later, he or she needs to move on with life get their own crib and place and create their new family.

Family after a certain age is inhibiting. Because we are all individuals and don’t see eye to eye with many things.

Hopefully for my future children, by 21 they should be able to live on their own, have their own income and create new friends and families outside the circle they were born into and become someone of individuality and freedom.

Excellent post, people here just want to repeat the EXACT same mistakes of their ancestors. But many cannot admit that their ancestors got many things wrong and they are humans. It is a bitter pill to swallow.

Bless you man,


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
If your gut tells you something about someone, and events keep occurring that confirm it, trust your intuition
Our intuition is always right but our interpretations might be wrong
This is a great excuse for racism and discrimination :camby: