What are some truths/patterns you’ve learned about people throughout your life?


Jul 25, 2018
I see what you are saying with this statement, but who should get the credit if a kid turns out well

The same parents that demand "credit" if their child does well are the same type of selfish parents who will point their fingers back at the child, blame them for their own choices, pledge to not support them, and then abandon them if the child doesnt "turn out well".

And thats the fukked up confusing unptedictable and psychologically torturous world of toxic parents. You are only recognized as an individual with free will by these parents when you do BAD. When you do GOOD, you are not an individual who made your own choices. You, the person, the individual, are not good enough. You are suddenly the property, merit an extension of these immature and insecure parents who want the "credit" and dominion over the childs hard work and individuality. Toxic and cruel.

Essentially these parents value accolades that they can claim "credit" for and makes THEM look good over the life of the child. They teach and internalize in their childrens mind that they are inherently bad and not good enough as individuals. They are only as good as their ability to ignore their own needs and satisfy the needs and demands of their parents just so they can look "good." But they, themselves, the person, the individual, are not good enough. This eventually extends to the child psychologically becoming a depressed people pleaser whp ignore his own needs and emotions for others in general as an adult.

The parents can care less if the child is truly turning out "well." In fact these parents have no problem selfishly imposing psychological and emotional torture on the child if they think it'll get results. Sick. Selfish. Twisted. And toxic.

Toxic parents deep down dont truly care if their child is "well off" and happy. They only care about taking "credit" for someone elses accolades work and achievement because the toxic parent has an equally crippled self esteem from their own childhood experiences thats coming from the same place: "I, the person, the individual, am not good enough. I am bad. I am lazy. I am irresponsible. I am poor. I am dumb. I cant handle life. I am no good." We pass that insecurity on to the child. Robbing them of all their happiness in exchange for oversompensating for "credit" and achievement.

Instead of being "well off" the child, even as an adult, lives its life a crippled slaves to the endless egos and demands of its toxic parents. It now navigates life with a horrible, damaged self esteem that is missing the love security care and validation of his own parents and is now turning to depression, poor self regulation of intense emotions and anxiety leading to vices and other compulsive behavioral issues, and engaging in repeate intense horrible relationships in order to compensate. Hes not "well" despite how much "credit" or achievement hes attained at all. The parents didnt ensure the child "turns out well" at all. They made sure the child did shyt they can take credit for.

But this doesnt matter to the toxic parents who do not measure or even consider the wellness of their child by their actual happiness and fulfilled identity. They measure and value their child by accolades and achievement to take "credit" for. What a wonderful approach to "strong" parenting.

And on top of that the child has to hide their personal and mental health issues from these selfish parents who only care about the child when their "good" and "turning out well" but treat them like they dont exist, or even demeans them when their not doing so well. Leading to even deeper mental health issues and compulsive, anxious behavioral issues to compensate.

The answer is the child is an individual. They accomplished their own goals. You provided for them until they had the means to provide for themselves as you are supposed to. Their life isnt about attaining "credit" for you. Its about being happy and loving themselves and their identity. Period. The child may never gonna be a pefect role model to own credit for. The child is gonna have their issues and their struggles as an individual that the toxic parents will not be willing to take "credit" or accountability for. Their not always gonna be doing "well." So it goes both ways. The worst thing you can do is put your child through a torturous living of feeling like everything he does is not for himself but for his parents. The child gets credit for everything they do. Not you.

Again, to all our coli dads and potential dads, your children are not your credit or.your property. You dont own their lives or their achievements or their careers. And you are not forever owed shyt for the positive things they do while having the privilege to ignore and pass the puck from the childs struggles. Be a loving, supportive Dad and keep it moving.
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Oct 9, 2012
The same parents that demand "credit" if their child does well are the same type of selfish parents who will point their fingers back at the child, blame them for their own choices, pledge to not support them, and then abandon them if the child doesnt "turn out well".

And thats the fukked up confusing unptedictable and psychologically torturous world of toxic parents. You are only recognized as an individual with free will by these parents when you do BAD. When you do GOOD, you are not an individual who made your own choices. You, the person, the individual, are not good enough. You are suddenly the property, merit an extension of these immature and insecure parents who want the "credit" and dominion over the childs hard work and individuality. Toxic and cruel.

Essentially these parents value accolades that they can claim "credit" for and makes THEM look good over the life of the child. They teach and internalize in their childrens mind that they are inherently bad and not good enough as individuals. They are only as good as their ability to ignore their own needs and satisfy the needs and demands of their parents just so they can look "good." But they, themselves, the person, the individual, are not good enough. This eventually extends to the child psychologically becoming a depressed people pleaser whp ignore his own needs and emotions for others in general as an adult.

The parents can care less if the child is truly turning out "well." In fact these parents have no problem selfishly imposing psychological and emotional torture on the child if they think it'll get results. Sick. Selfish. Twisted. And toxic.

Toxic parents deep down dont truly care if their child is "well off" and happy. They only care about taking "credit" for someone elses accolades work and achievement because the toxic parent has an equally crippled self esteem from their own childhood experiences thats coming from the same place: "I, the person, the individual, am not good enough. I am bad. I am lazy. I am irresponsible. I am poor. I am dumb. I cant handle life. I am no good." We pass that insecurity on to the child. Robbing them of all their happiness in exchange for oversompensating for "credit" and achievement.

Instead of being "well off" the child, even as an adult, lives its life a crippled slaves to the endless egos and demands of its toxic parents. It now navigates life with a horrible, damaged self esteem that is missing the love security care and validation of his own parents and is now turning to depression, poor self regulation of intense emotions and anxiety leading to vices and other compulsive behavioral issues, and engaging in repeate intense horrible relationships in order to compensate. Hes not "well" despite how much "credit" or achievement hes attained at all. The parents didnt ensure the child "turns out well" at all. They made sure the child did shyt they can take credit for.

But this doesnt matter to the toxic parents who do not measure or even consider the wellness of their child by their actual happiness and fulfilled identity. They measure and value their child by accolades and achievement to take "credit" for. What a wonderful approach to "strong" parenting.

And on top of that the child has to hide their personal and mental health issues from these selfish parents who only care about the child when their "good" and "turning out well" but treat them like they dont exist, or even demeans them when their not doing so well. Leading to even deeper mental health issues and compulsive, anxious behavioral issues to compensate.

The answer is the child is an individual. They accomplished their own goals. You provided for them until they had the means to provide for themselves as you are supposed to. Their life isnt about attaining "credit" for you. Its about being happy and loving themselves and their identity. Period. The child may never gonna be a pefect role model to own credit for. The child is gonna have their issues and their struggles as an individual that the toxic parents will not be willing to take "credit" or accountability for. Their not always gonna be doing "well." So it goes both ways. The worst thing you can do is put your child through a torturous living of feeling like everything he does is not for himself but for his parents. The child gets credit for everything they do. Not you.

Again, to all our coli dads and potential dads, your children are not your credit or.your property. You dont own their lives or their achievements or their careers. And you are not forever owed shyt for the positive things they do while having the privilege to ignore and pass the puck from the childs struggles. Be a loving, supportive Dad and keep it moving.
dap and rep

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Don’t excuse, ignore or disregard disrespect from family. Family close to you will say wild shyt under the guise of it being helpful or “tough love” when in reality they’re exposing what they really think about you. Don’t be afraid to remove yourself from your family’s lives. Holidays, phone calls, group texts whatever. It’s better to just move on than to deal with the attacks and off hand disrespect that normally goes unchecked.


Oct 9, 2012
Don’t excuse, ignore or disregard disrespect from family. Family close to you will say wild shyt under the guise of it being helpful or “tough love” when in reality they’re exposing what they really think about you. Don’t be afraid to remove yourself from your family’s lives. Holidays, phone calls, group texts whatever. It’s better to just move on than to deal with the attacks and off hand disrespect that normally goes unchecked.
Real shyt


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Apparently you haven’t worked through whatever issues you have with your parents.

Most don't because your parents die and getting them to fully appreciate and treat you the way you want to be treated is really a waste. A waste of the time you should be forging your own life, a waste of what time you have left together, and a waste of patience. My parents are in their 60s I'm in my 20s I could spend the next 2-3 decades trying to get them to treat myself and my time with a certain respect but as already posted in thread people DONT CHANGE, unless something HORRENDOUS happens or they feel the need. I just see them in the doses I can tolerate.

If you ever tell anyone how to treat and respect you explicitly and they can't do it or they violate, there IS NO MISUNDERSTANDING they're choosing to disrespect you. Moreover, if people closest to you (blood) are willing to do this just love from a distance or cut the off all together

When you're apart people tend to appreciate the time together more. But when you're always available people take you for granted. That's why I stay away from people they're so many takers/finessers/hypocrites, I try my damndest to be consistent, set and enforce boundaries, respect the boundaries of others, show respect and mind my business, but motherfukkers still test you.

To add to thread PEOPLE WILL TEST YOU, the fact they do without just cause tells you more about their character than how you respond.

It's one thing to test trust, another thing to test patience/manhood/etc. Catch me on the right day I might kill you for the latter. This is why I do the bolded and hope the universe doesn't put me in that position


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Human beings are fickle, so I don't get upset when friends or women want to "ghost"

Grow thick skin and get a sense of humor life is easier to navigate

I hold my time to be too valuable flake on me and I'll never speak to/contact you again, but theoretically I'd assume that's what they want since they were willing to disrespect so I see it as a win. They show their ass I can mark them off as dead to me


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Notice this a lot in my personal life. I’m generally really kind to people, but then the one time I find my boundaries breached, or find myself being wronged by another person, the moment I speak up/ act/ stand up for myself it’s me that’s the bad guy.

so many situations where i got did dirty, spoke up and then found myself being the one apologizing :dwillhuh:

Stopped doing this 2 years ago, I you disrespect me and I check you and you try to say I did too much, man, woman, child or beast you're dead to me. If I saw you getting mugged I'd do nothing. If I knew someone was plotting to murk you I'd do nothing. Some call it petty, I call it consequences for actions. Everyone gets shown respect and some basal compassion (sans caucasians), but once you remove doubt on whether you're a piece of shyt, your no longer 1 of 7 billion, you're part of the background or worse non existent.


Feb 12, 2015
Unfortunately a lot of people, and for whatever reason I’m not sure, think you suppose to come out womb perfect and all knowing.

The most successful people I know by conventional sense are never scared to ask for help or know when they don’t know something.

You ain’t that unique. If you want what others have you gotta be willing to do what others do.
Nov 18, 2016
Most don't because your parents die and getting them to fully appreciate and treat you the way you want to be treated is really a waste. A waste of the time you should be forging your own life, a waste of what time you have left together, and a waste of patience. My parents are in their 60s I'm in my 20s I could spend the next 2-3 decades trying to get them to treat myself and my time with a certain respect but as already posted in thread people DONT CHANGE, unless something HORRENDOUS happens or they feel the need. I just see them in the doses I can tolerate.

If you ever tell anyone how to treat and respect you explicitly and they can't do it or they violate, there IS NO MISUNDERSTANDING they're choosing to disrespect you. Moreover, if people closest to you (blood) are willing to do this just love from a distance or cut the off all together

When you're apart people tend to appreciate the time together more. But when you're always available people take you for granted. That's why I stay away from people they're so many takers/finessers/hypocrites, I try my damndest to be consistent, set and enforce boundaries, respect the boundaries of others, show respect and mind my business, but motherfukkers still test you.

To add to thread PEOPLE WILL TEST YOU, the fact they do without just cause tells you more about their character than how you respond.

It's one thing to test trust, another thing to test patience/manhood/etc. Catch me on the right day I might kill you for the latter. This is why I do the bolded and hope the universe doesn't put me in that position
Like I mentioned in some other thread people are becoming more introverted because people are tired of people fukking around while socializing instead having basic human interactions
I don't see the problem with that yet it seems like most people are just trying to find people to place in the hierarchy in their mind
Wise not to trust anyone so many crabs in the barrell and willfully shytty people
Public persona and how someone really acts behind closed doors is a real thing MANY hidden demons running around who are constantly probing for weakenesses as if you can't cut off that person forever
I'm your friend. No you're not:mjlol:
Even worse when you RECOGNIZE what they're doing, let them know you could care less if they are in your life now you know how they are, and they think still continue their manipulation and bullshyt with gaslighting because they think you're dumb
So many people are like this it's understandable why everyone became extra introverted after COVID
COVID made people realize how insignificant other people are in their lives and how we use each other to address our fear of missing out, like pawns
Keep shytty toxic people around for what?
People who use the you will be alone thing shows you how shytty people are they are actively going out to find people to treat like shyt no matter how much respect you give them.
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All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Everybody is really out for self. At the end of the day it's all about self preservation and comfort

People are terrible. Every human being that ever lived is terrible. We lie about what we believe in, will sacrifice someone if it came down to them or me, we hoard shyt, we don't give a fukk about shyt if it means making us uncomfortable and after all that we still crave approval from other humans.
So why do people lie and say they are good people so they don’t have to be accountable to God? Everyone I know says their a “good person”, they’re heart is “good”, utter lies.

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
So why do people lie and say they are good people so they don’t have to be accountable to God? Everyone I know says their a “good person”, they’re heart is “good”, utter lies.
For religious or spiritual people this is true. I think people just don't want to be known as a bad person. They care more about other people's opinions more than they care about actually doing what's right no matter what.


Oct 9, 2012
Unfortunately a lot of people, and for whatever reason I’m not sure, think you suppose to come out womb perfect and all knowing.

The most successful people I know by conventional sense are never scared to ask for help or know when they don’t know something.

You ain’t that unique. If you want what others have you gotta be willing to do what others do.