Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Who is blue haired?
I'd recommend the manga because I got the same type of lifeless drab vibe from the anime which is strange because that vibe doesnt come off in the manga at all.
Its quite the opposite, this shyt is full of crazy ass characters full of personality. The russian fightee guy, the twins, the sewing dude, the gay yakuza, "professor penis", Ogata, Tsurumi, the dude who gets turned on by the thought of being murdered, the guy that went crazy and lives as a bear.... Thats not even the half of it. GK lowkey gets to almost One Piece level with the amount of weirdos running around. The best part is many of them have very human character arcs and most get some good character development.
Id say the story shifts into a different gear by the prison break arc so I'd read up to that part I guess.
Idk what it is about the show (outside of the cgi) that makes it feel so drab. maybe its the soundtrack or something.
And “dikk Sensei”?
I don’t wanna hear no one say nothing else about Stroke Daddy