We owe Spike Lee a huge Apology


May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
Yea your a idiot.......both those movies were made..and what I just posted showed how CAC's tried to change movies that are relevant in history....these dudes had to go to extraordinary measures to get a black story told......Nat Turner is a example of powerful black themes movies that will NEVER get made...NOT because no one wants to see it...but because if it was made correctly CAC's would be ashamed of themselves... and would have to do what your simple ass is doing right now..........acting IGNORANT to the extent these men had to go threw to get these movies out.........I WONDER WHY????

well not really I know..but these CAC's probably still acting naive...so go head..wonder

Gotdamn you sensitive, all I did was ask a simple question and you jump on your fragile soapbox...doing all the yappin and still ain't saying shyt except some of the stupidest responses I've seen in here. I gave a prime example of a jewish dominated industry still allowing The Passion to be made by a well known Jew-hater and you come wit nothing but crying about bullshyt.

If Spike wanted to make a movie about Nat Turner he would. He'd put in the same effort that he did wit Malcolm X. Keep making excuses though dummy.


May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
Right.. An established director had to not only fund a film himself but get outside funding to do a film about a person that most white people would never care to watch vs a movie about Christ directed by one of the most bankable actors and directors (at that point in his career). Malcolm X was a huge risk.. I don't think you could say the same for The Passion of the Christ.

Mel Gibson was making antisemitic remarks before Passion of Christ in a jewish dominated Hollywood. I'm not making excuses for either but saying he had no problems making Passion is laughable. Spike isn't the first to partially fund a movie he wanted made and he won't be the last. They were both risks but only one broke records because most of the population of the world is Christian.

And in the end thats all that really matters is the money. It's America, no shyt, most movies are made "safer" because they want us to see only what they want us to see. That doesn't just go for movies from black directors or actors.


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
Yea your a idiot.......both those movies were made..and what I just posted showed how CAC's tried to change movies that are relevant in history....these dudes had to go to extraordinary measures to get a black story told......Nat Turner is a example of powerful black themed movie that will NEVER get made...NOT because no one wants to see it...but because if it was made correctly CAC's would be ashamed of themselves... and would have to do what your simple ass is doing right now..........acting IGNORANT to the extent these men had to go threw to get these movies out.........I WONDER WHY????

I already responded to you here...
well not really I know..but these CAC's probably still acting naive...so go head..wonder

Right.. An established director had to not only fund a film himself but get outside funding to do a film about a person that most white people would never care to watch vs a movie about Christ directed by one of the most bankable actors and directors (at that point in his career). Malcolm X was a huge risk.. I don't think you could say the same for The Passion of the Christ.

Why is there no Nat Turner movie? The same reason Danny Glover can't get The Toussaint/Haitian Slave revolt movie off the ground. No producer or studio will go near it.. unless they're allowed to alter the story in some way to make the movie "safer".

Also timing, funding, etc. Movies are not just simply made because people want to make them.. They can take YEARS to start production. Spielberg had Lincoln in pre production years before he got it off the ground.. and he's one of the biggest draws as a director in the world. Imagine Spike who struggled to get 30-40 mil for Malcom trying to get 100 mill plus for a period piece based exclusively around black historical figures.

but incase you missed my post check this excellent post right here

Gotdamn you sensitive, all I did was ask a simple question and you jump on your fragile soapbox...doing all the yappin and still ain't saying shyt except some of the stupidest responses I've seen in here. I gave a prime example of a jewish dominated industry still allowing The Passion to be made by a well known Jew-hater and you come wit nothing but crying about bullshyt.

If Spike wanted to make a movie about Nat Turner he would. He'd put in the same effort that he did wit Malcolm X. Keep making excuses though dummy.

Who said Mel had no problem making that movie??:huhldup:

what other posters and I are wondering is how can you compare the 2...once again check the quote above...... Why did Spike have to fund the movie?? Can you answer that?? OO I'm sure you know that answer....You just remain in your CAC ignorance.......

You claim you were asking a question yet you had you own answers :wow:

You claim my responses are the stupidest in this thread....yet I'm getting daps from posters who didn't even post in the thread...who are dapping your post friend?? Clearly your viewpoint is in the minority in this thread...

soooooooooooooooooo I think that proves my first point when...

I called you a IDIOT


Dec 20, 2012
They were to generate laughs. He got none from me.

Too bad. He got plenty from me.

Each one of Spike's aforementioned movies was a very sincere and detailed love letter to the African-American community. Love letters, not just movies. While Spike Lee was forever changing the future of film and how Black directors and actors would be utilized back in the late '80s... Campbell was in the midst of a 19th century minstrel show revival, cavorting and undulating to "Oh, me so horny."

Agreed. What this has to do with Tarantino's right to use the word n*gger and his history of writing substantial, interesting black characters, I have no idea.

There is nothing to suggest in Tarantino's personal history that he loves us (We grew up less than a mile apart in the same housing track in Harbor City, CA). Fascinated maybe... but love, absolutely not. It is not unlike those who made the argument that Elvis loved and respected African-Americans because "he had 'Black girlfriends.'"

False. If you write a Jules, Jackie Brown, Marcellus, etc., constantly cast black faces in your films, are friends with numerous black people, then you clearly have love for black folk.

Tarantino's behavior reeks more of fascination with the Black experience, complete with an N-word fetish; not respect or reverence. Not to mention, his cavalier use of the word even outside of the film realm (i.e. backstage at the Golden Globes) gives me great, great pause.

Screw that. I'm tired of people like this who think every white person needs to tiptoe around the word like it's a sack of dynamite. If someone is demonstrably not a bigot or a racist, as a black man I don't give a sh*t how many times they use the word "n*gger". They can say it 100 times before breakfast for all I care. Some of the most racist people I know would never dream of using the n-word; and some of the most open-hearted people I've met would never call somebody it with hatred, but have absolutely no compunctions against just saying it.

By the way, I think Django doesn't work and is easily QT's worst movie, but it's not because of too much violence or because of any racism.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
Incoherent, semi-literate mess.

Can someone sum up his argument for me? All I'm getting is that

a) people should have agreed with Spike about Django because in select films Tarantino uses racial slurs
b) Spike Lee made it so other black directors could be successful
c) therefore, we should apologize to him for disagreeing with him re: Django

actually the n-word is used in all of tarantinos films even ones set during modern day with no black characters in film. resvoir dogs is actually kinda racist when you go back in watch.
Its basically a group of white guys saying nikka this and nikka that for an hour


May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
but incase you missed my post check this excellent post right here
Who said Mel had no problem making that movie??:huhldup:
what other posters and I are wondering is how can you compare the 2...once again check the quote above...... Why did Spike have to fund the movie?? Can you answer that?? OO I'm sure you know that answer....You just remain in your CAC ignorance.......
You claim you were asking a question yet you had you own answers :wow:
You claim my responses are the stupidest in this thread....yet I'm getting daps from posters who didn't even post in the thread...who are dapping your post friend?? Clearly your viewpoint is in the minority in this thread...
soooooooooooooooooo I think that proves my first point when...
I called you a IDIOT

lol I'm done...you literally can't have a decent debate without calling somebody who disagrees wit you stupid or a CAC throughout the entire thread. Pop a vicodin, smoke something or something, calm the fukk down. I'm just gonna chalk it up to either A) you're a child or B) you're a self-hatin white boy yaself. I'm black, born and raised in compton CA twenty years. I don't care what you are and could care even less about mufukkas co-signing you but I hope ya internet daps keepin' your ignorant ass warm at night :laugh:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I went back and discovered Reservoir Dogs... and there it is found too. Say it again with me... not for expository effect or "authenticity" sake.

This time it wasn't necessarily for laughs per se, but was used by "Mr. Pink" to specifically degrade and deride as an insult.


not to be nitpicking the article, but i dont agree with this at all. to act like the types of dudes protrayed in reservoir dogs dont throw around the n word like that is just naive.

it was wack in pulp fiction tho, and i havent seen jackie brown, so i guess its a valid criticism if he thinks it fits a pattern


Apr 30, 2012
I just saw Luke on Real Sports and he's helped a lot of inner city youth he even coaches High School football.

The Guru

May 2, 2012
One of the worst things you could call a man, for having an opinion, is a c00n or an uncle tom. It's dismissive, it's easy and it gets thrown around like it's nothing.

Vintage Eclectic

Lord of the Sky
May 24, 2012
Lee's critique is not, was not and will never be dependent on the "quality" of the movie. It never was about the movie, it's about the very premise. I don't need to actually view "Slavery -- The Broadway Musical" starring Jennifer Hudson to forward the idea that slavery as a musical is wholly disrespectful in its very conception. I don't need to sit through "Slavery - The Daytime Soap Opera" starring Shemar Moore or "Superman The Man of Steel Frees the Negroes" co-starring Flava Flav either to come to this reasonable conclusion.

:ohhh: I never heard about this... link!?

:wtb: wait a minute...


Morris W. O'Kelly: We Owe Spike Lee a Huge Apology

Morris W. O'Kelly: We Owe Spike Lee a Huge Apology


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
1Too bad. He got plenty from me.

Agreed. What this has to do with Tarantino's right to use the word n*gger and his history of writing substantial, interesting black characters, I have no idea.
You laughed :dead: Look bruh, you claim your black. But you found it funny when a serious scene in an overall serious movie... you know what
Maybe I mis-remembered. Maybe you did. Lets roll the tape...

So that was hilarious to you? :snoop:
Let me ask you somethin.. His "character", is his character racist?
White people will tell you how even the character isn't racist.. you know why?
Because his wife in the movie who has a 1sec appearance is black
See, now the scene isn't racist anymore!!! :stopitslime:
Thats the games they playin with you so you accept it.. think about it :birdman:
ONCE AGAIN... his "character" was he racist? Would a non racist person talk like that???
False. If you write a Jules, Jackie Brown, Marcellus, etc., constantly cast black faces in your films, are friends with numerous black people, then you clearly have love for black folk.

Screw that. I'm tired of people like this who think every white person needs to tiptoe around the word like it's a sack of dynamite.
This dude thinks everybody out here is his friend :snoop:
If someone is demonstrably not a bigot or a racist, as a black man I don't give a sh*t how many times they use the word "n*gger". They can say it 100 times before breakfast for all I care. Some of the most racist people I know would never dream of using the n-word; and some of the most open-hearted people I've met would never call somebody it with hatred, but have absolutely no compunctions against just saying it.

By the way, I think Django doesn't work and is easily QT's worst movie, but it's not because of too much violence or because of any racism.

3. Is just the dumbest thing I ever heard, had to quote it :heh:
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Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
lol I'm done...you literally can't have a decent debate without calling somebody who disagrees wit you stupid or a CAC throughout the entire thread. Pop a vicodin, smoke something or something, calm the fukk down. I'm just gonna chalk it up to either A) you're a child or B) you're a self-hatin white boy yaself. I'm black, born and raised in compton CA twenty years. I don't care what you are and could care even less about mufukkas co-signing you but I hope ya internet daps keepin' your ignorant ass warm at night :laugh:
And here is more of the bullshyt. Now you from Compton doggy? :rudy:
First off, I'm not pro throwing around CAC and CAC's know that (Dontcha CaCs :ahh: )
I understand it, but I choose not to handle myself that way. With that said, you clearly and on purposely ignored the very true and valid points he did say. And your reason for this is because he used the word CAC and you are black? *Insert Patrice O'neil Face here*
No, he's using the word CAC cuz he's talking to a CAC who is running game.
Or as I like to call it, White Excellence :blessed:
You been telling this perfectly calm brotha to calm down for a few post now :comeon:
not to be nitpicking the article, but i dont agree with this at all. to act like the types of dudes protrayed in reservoir dogs dont throw around the n word like that is just naive.

it was wack in pulp fiction tho, and i havent seen jackie brown, so i guess its a valid criticism if he thinks it fits a pattern
I just saw Luke on Real Sports and he's helped a lot of inner city youth he even coaches High School football.
Nino Brown handed out Turkeys, even hooked Pookie up :manny:
One of the worst things you could call a man, for having an opinion, is a c00n or an uncle tom. It's dismissive, it's easy and it gets thrown around like it's nothing.
After the civil rights movement was destroyed, a lot of c00ns have risin out of it because of no direction. No sense of self. I say this is the best album because it touches on so many topics [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SA7sD4A25c[/ame]
But you gotta remember WE DIDN'T END THE MOVEMENT. Who did?
I seriously would love to hear a White Person speak on that. That could be a primetime television event right there. Who do white people think ended the Civil Rights Movement??? I've seriously never heard a whtie dude speak on that :ohhh:


Apr 30, 2012
Its basically a group of white guys saying nikka this and nikka that for an hour

The N word is said like 6 times in the movie. And it's said by thieves and murderers, absolute scum of the earth.

So in a movie about scum of the earth they used the N word :whoa: They acted in a way we expect scum of the earth to act. Racist pieces of shyt say racist shyt.

It wasn't used in either Kill Bill and I don't believe it was used in IB.


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
And here is more of the bullshyt. Now you from Compton doggy? :rudy:
First off, I'm not pro throwing around CAC and CAC's know that (Dontcha CaCs )
I understand it, but I choose not to handle myself that way. With that said, you clearly and on purposely ignored the very true and valid points he did say. And your reason for this is because he used the word CAC and you are black? *Insert Patrice O'neil Face here*
No, he's using the word CAC cuz he's talking to a CAC who is running game.
Or as I like to call it, White Excellence :blessed:
You been telling this perfectly calm brotha to calm down for a few post now :comeon:


Nino Brown handed out Turkeys, even hooked Pookie up :manny:

After the civil rights movement was destroyed, a lot of c00ns have risin out of it because of no direction. No sense of self. I say this is the best album because it touches on so many topics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SA7sD4A25c
But you gotta remember WE DIDN'T END THE MOVEMENT. Who did?
I seriously would love to hear a White Person speak on that. That could be a primetime television event right there. Who do white people think ended the Civil Rights Movement??? I've seriously never heard a whtie dude speak on that :ohhh:

great post...:myman:

If you notice in my first post addressing him...I never called him a CAC...I was talking about CAC's..........yet he's a black man that got very extremely upset over my use of CAC :what: ......................:mjpls:

I wasn't even going to respond to him again...he ignored clearly valid points so either he's a :troll: or really just that stupid...and I care for neither.....

One of the worst things you can call a man is a c00n for having a opinion?? Well then what do you do..when the said person IS a c00n for their opinions???


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
great post...:myman:

If you notice in my first post addressing him...I never called him a CAC...I was talking about CAC's..........yet he's a black man that got very extremely upset over my use of CAC :what: ......................:mjpls:

I wasn't even going to respond to him again...he ignored clearly valid points so either he's a :troll: or really just that stupid...and I care for neither.....

One of the worst things you can call a man is a c00n for having a opinion?? Well then what do you do..when the said person IS a c00n for their opinions???

This is where somebody comes in to say "So you mean we c00ns if we don't like Spike Lee" :shaq2:
And to that I say not everybody who fits the description is a c00n. In some cases, your just dealing with a dumbass :manny: