Yea your a idiot.......both those movies were made..and what I just posted showed how CAC's tried to change movies that are relevant in history....these dudes had to go to extraordinary measures to get a black story told......Nat Turner is a example of powerful black themes movies that will NEVER get made...NOT because no one wants to see it...but because if it was made correctly CAC's would be ashamed of themselves... and would have to do what your simple ass is doing right now..........acting IGNORANT to the extent these men had to go threw to get these movies out.........I WONDER WHY????
well not really I know..but these CAC's probably still acting naive...so go head..wonder

Gotdamn you sensitive, all I did was ask a simple question and you jump on your fragile soapbox...doing all the yappin and still ain't saying shyt except some of the stupidest responses I've seen in here. I gave a prime example of a jewish dominated industry still allowing The Passion to be made by a well known Jew-hater and you come wit nothing but crying about bullshyt.
If Spike wanted to make a movie about Nat Turner he would. He'd put in the same effort that he did wit Malcolm X. Keep making excuses though dummy.