█ W.D.Y.D. █;3034991 said:You can't point this out but ignore the constant arguments that you're a c00n/CAC/etc. if you don't feel a certain way about the movie / Spike's opinion on it.
As if people also don't have the right to support the movie unless they have a REAL black man's approval.
Posts like yours are extremely hypocritical or at the very least narrow minded.
You basically took my argument and made it once again about white people. Then you have the nerve to say hypocritical?

I never said you need anyone's approval. If anything I was saying that we have a right to be offended with or without your approval and the fact that you think we need your approval to be offended is one of the reasons we call you racist
If you know people are offended by certain behavior but insist on using that behavior that means you are intentionally being offensive. There is no argument you can say to prove otherwise without completely disregarding the feelings of other people. That kind of disregard is called racism.