We need to have a serious discussion about the IGNORANT nature of BROOKLYN nikkas


Pass me the rock nikka
Mar 12, 2013
BK brehs are psychos. Growing up, a big difference between BK and the BX is that the news would always report on the fukkery that would go down in BK. Even now, if I ever go to Gersh, I never stay, because I know something could pop off whenever and that’s foreign soil. Y’all are different, but similar to us if that makes sense. My borough is one of the only places where that “I’m from Brooklyn” shyt doesn’t get you as far as you think.

Some areas like ENY, Brownsville, Flatbush, those are bad even by Bronx standards. They’ve cleaned up a lot of BK though.


All Star
Dec 27, 2017
This why I ain't even bother replying back to that baiting ass post
Bullshyt, because he just verified my point, killings were going down, not up

Plus, you claimed people were getting locked up for violent crimes, but they weren't, most people who got locked up was for nonviolent drug offenses all the way into the 2000s

Its crazy how you, and @ISO , just ignore the big drop in those three years(over 300) but when killings drop over a hundred, most mayors are praised for it.

Y'all don't even realize the reason why it's not praised was because the mayor was black, mayor Dinkins, and a lot of people didn't like the fact that he wasn't a c00n, and spoke for black people.

Giuliani came in in 1994, and is given credit for crime going down, even though it was happening all over the country already, and mayor Dinkins helped lower it before Giuliani, but do you ever hear them give him praise for it?

Notice the years that led up to 1990 aren't talked about as much in the same way as when Dinkins was mayor, and you know why, it's because Ed Koch was mayor. He was a white jew who was the mayor from 1978-1989, but when you think of NYC height of crime, you see mayor Dinkins. Racism is no joke!
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Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
There's a joke that people say that "Haitians come to Brooklyn and turn Crip before they even really learn English. Flatbush (which has a lot of west Indians are mostly crip
but then you got pockets that are blood like Cassanova and them) Brownsville, East NY, and the 90's are crip for the most part except for Marcus Garvey which is GD. BedStuy and Bushwick are blood. My hood, it depends. Albany p's and surrounding areas def blood, some streets crip, then you have gd by Ebbets Field. Not to mention all that woo and choo Chinese sounding shyt. As I type this, I was gonna order uber eats for dinner but let me use some of that bread for my move down south savings.



Yea if you are a Haitian blood then I’m sure 90% of Haitian people are your opps lol.


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
So, have we established that bk got the most superlatively violent nikkas? If so, I'd like to just discuss WHO they are.

Being from Harlem in the bad old days, old folks used to say that Brooklyn was on some next level shyt bc it was full of 'wild west Indians' (that was the phrase used, not just me talking).

So why is this the one thread where bk nikkas not repping they island folks?

And why are people tryna make this about "black" (commonly understood to mean "ados") pathology? (See below)

Most times y'all act like ados ain't even here. Having relocated to Brooklyn myself, i can see why: 3.5/ 5 ppl from the islands. Ados are rare here, esp compared to where im from, only a few families on my whole block.

Just some questions. :jbhmm:

Some still do today


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
I think the theory is this: Not until the 80s-90s did Brooklyn get its current reputation. Oddly enough, that's when the non ados arrived and the violence became... superlative.

As background, there's been a black community in bk since the 1600s when the Dutch ran the city. A lot of ados from the south ended up here after moving out of Harlem. During those times, the violence was just 'regular'. Ofc, when the more violent ppl showed up, ados would have naturally adjusted so as not to be food.

Im asking though, bc i just moved here right before the corona and didn't get a chance to learn the hoods. (The reason i don't already know them is bc i wasnt even allowed out here growing up.)

@ bold, does that not prove the theory? :jbhmm:

Okay here's where I get really deep into this and trigger warning for you and everyone. I took Harlem Renaissance as one of my courses in school. As a requirement, we had to read up on Literature and Artist from their time in Harlem. James Weldon Johnson, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes etc. in almost all of their writings they described the West Indian community that migrated there as hard-working and opening businesses. Not to say there wasn't a crime on their part, but that was the nature of Harlem at the time due to the economic inequality in the community.

"Thus the West Indian immigrant was constantly trying to improve his economic position. He was also unlikely to accept racial slurs without protest, for the West Indian believed a man should be judged more by his talents than his color. Out of this heightened class consciousness came a small group of political and economic radicals. Many of Harlem’s street corner orators in the 1920’s were West Indian immigrants. Among the most prominent was a Virgin Islander named Hubert H. Harrison. He was a Socialist, an expert on African history, a militant critic of American society, and a staunch defender of the Negro’s racial heritage. Harrison conducted formal lectures in what he called the Harlem School of Social Sciences. He also conducted lectures on street corners, which he referred to as his “outdoor university.”

Other West Indian radicals presented talks on “Socialism vs. Capitalism”’ organized tenants’ leagues, published Marxist journals, and tried to make the Harlem Negro labor-conscious. Richard B. Moore, Frank R. Crosswaith, and Reverend Ethred Brown (all West Indian) were prominent local candidates for the Board of Aldermen, Assembly, and Congress, running on Socialist and Communist tickets. They failed, however, to obtain a significant percentage of the vote.

While just a small portion of the West Indian population were political and economic activists, the majority of West Indians were trying to better their own economic positions. Menial labor was considered a sign of racial degradation and was looked upon with disgust. Most Negro immigrants accepted menial jobs but were motivated by their traditions and beliefs to improve their lot in life. As a group, the West Indians became noted for their ambition, thrift, and business acumen. Some of the American Negroes resented the economic success that West Indians achieved"- 78.02.08: The Social Contributions of The Harlem Renaissance

So when the West Indians migrated to Harlem and then after Brooklyn, they carried the same mindset. Bumpy Johnson, Nicky Barnes and Willie Bosket are All Ados and from Harlem least, we forget. Fast forward to the 80's Brooklyn, and this is a trigger warning. In the book "The Ville by Greg Donaldson, he surveys Brownsville and East NY for 7 years during the early 90's and focused on Thomas Jefferson High School. Now by his and the real characters' admission, he asked the ADOS student's why they won't take a "menial job like the Guyanese and Jamaican etc immigrants in the school like working as a cashier or janitor to earn money." The ADOS protagonist (Sharron Corley) stated "those jobs were for "chumps". He was a booster and stick up kid.

Again, not to say that their weren't West Indian descendant children doing crime in Brownsville and ENY too. To your point that you weren't allowed here, I started working in Harlem about 3 years ago and I took my family to one of ya'll famous soul food spots to celebrate my godson's birthday. Would you believe my family was apprehensive because "Harlem was dangerous, and there was Yankee trouble" . They mostly stick to Brooklyn and the City, some never went to Harlem before. I'm hearing this in disbelief as I think about how my co-workers for 3 years made jokes about how bad Brooklyn is.

My point is that there is no culture of West Indians that made Brooklyn this way, you have to remember places like Brownsville and like 15 projects within walking distance beefing. You mentioned you weren't allowed here until you come here and or lived here to see the disparity of Brooklyn then there is no way to really describe it. (Everybody hates Chris takes a kind of PG approach, but once again) growing up and not seeing white people except some Hasidic jew or Jewish teachers, underfunded schools, no program for kids, overpopulation, no jobs, inadequate pay, close living quarters. It's not a West Indian thing which is why people like Tariq Nasheed piss me off with that jumping girl situation in my hood, you put the lowest paid people in one are, one skin color they gonna wild out regardless.


Black American in NYC (yes, we exist 😲)
Dec 13, 2019
This scene captured the bus pulling up on the junction perfectly....

Great minds think alike. Had that scene bookmarked & was planning to use that one day

This thread is still going on huh?

Gotta say memories are being brought back, both good & bad

I was about to write some old Bk memories, but @HarlemHottie brought a gasoline tanker in here


Soylent Greenz

All Star
Dec 15, 2016
The biggest reasons was that NY Crips always paid homage to LA. The originators of the Crips in BK got inspiration from the west coast and many of them loved west coast G-funk music. They made a point to go to the motherland to learn crip knowledge. This why LA Crips and NY Crips have a strong relationship. Nipsey shot a music video with BK Crips. So the love from both sides was strong. Brooklyn especially is where Crips have more of strong hold that the other five Borough(Staten Island is like BK jr they have a lot of Crips). The Blood founders and OGs were some hard headed ass nikkas who refused to a knowledge bloods from out west. This is why it took awhile for bloods under new leadership to pay homage out west. Even now there is still tension between NY and LA bloods.

If it ain't Decepticonz O.G. brooklyn niccaz ain't respecting it.
That blood and crip shyt in New york popped off like 97,98,and by then,we was comming of age,getting real money and women,not hanging with mad niccaz who match.


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
For people falling for the Tariq Nasheed "West Indians are bad rhetoric" ya'll realize that not all West Indians are alike right? Haitians weren't even excepted until recently really and there's still some West Indians that don't rock with them. Half my family is Grenadian (Hence Maurice Bishop in my avi) and what has that country done for America and black people, not so much violence but they did produce Malcolm X


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
For people falling for the Tariq Nasheed "West Indians are bad rhetoric" ya'll realize that not all West Indians are alike right? Haitians weren't even excepted until recently really and there's still some West Indians that don't rock with them. Half my family is Grenadian (Hence Maurice Bishop in my avi) and what has that country done for America and black people, not so much violence but they did produce Malcolm X

Also Far Rocaway damn near has the same type of nikkas as Brooklyn and they're mostly Ados so again argument isn't valid


Dec 25, 2015
I saw Jamie Hector (Marlo from the Wire) on a stoop by Lincoln Terreace Park with what had to be at least 30 nikkas all grilling me as I walk down the street, mind you I'm 12 just going to the park. I watch the wire and know that nikka wasn't acting at all.
I knew that scar had to come from somewhere.. When was this?


All Star
Dec 27, 2017
For people falling for the Tariq Nasheed "West Indians are bad rhetoric" ya'll realize that not all West Indians are alike right? Haitians weren't even excepted until recently really and there's still some West Indians that don't rock with them. Half my family is Grenadian (Hence Maurice Bishop in my avi) and what has that country done for America and black people, not so much violence but they did produce Malcolm X
I always say this when people try to claim hip hop came from the west Indies just because a lot of the people had Caribbean backgrounds. A Jamaicans history is not the same as a Haitian or a trini

As far as the crime thing, it is sort of true. During the Harlem renaissance era, caribbeans that came were more of the educated, upper class. After that blacks couldn't come to the country so easy until after the 1965 civil rights immigration act. This allowed more working class people to live here, and they were more quick to react with violence

Look at the movie "marked for death", and even I heard a song about a Jamaican going to the states making Jamaica look bad. The hand was so string with them, we started calling ourselves posses, Jamaicans loved westerns, and that is where the "posse" name came from

But a lot got deported in the 90's, along with cocaine use going down, which explains the crime rate dropping. It's not West Indians in General, just a certain type who had very little skill to get money, so crime is their only way to get real money

Here is an article on it
Immigrants Look Outside New York for Better Life (Published 1990)

Btw, I'm with you on this but PLEASE let's not rewrite history and turn Malcolm X into a West Indian when he was the epitome of his ADOS father, and he grew up in Jim Crow America. By not acknowledging these important points, you downplay the very things that made Malcolm Little turn into Malcolm X

But, I like your posts so don't take that as an attack. Peace to you!
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