Wasn't a Goddamn Thing Wrong With After Earth

Illeye buckmatic

I Don't Stunt I Regulate
May 25, 2012
A Buckeye State Of Mind
When the biproduct is mediocre, boring, poorly acted/directed on top of flopping...its best not to champion it. This shyt is not something to take pride in.
For me personally I'm just focusing on the positive aspects of the accomplishments will achieved and hoping it leads to others doing the same:yeshrug: As for the movie itself,I thought it was a good movie. :whoa:Not to be confused with an award winning movie but it was solid. If others don't agree with me on that,it's ok because we all have different taste. I'm just saying that we're under represented in this genre and its good to see one of course own doing big things.
Did you even read what I wrote:what:
I said I personally think its a good movie but I'm not gonna blast anyone for saying otherwise because it's a matter of taste.
I also said I'm not focusing on the movie itself just pointing out the good will is trying to do
So what is your point of telling me that you think the movie is bad:wtf:


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
still havent seen it but i could care less about him being a strong black father and man

that shyts played out ol tyler perry/oprah im a strong african american living righteously in this sinful world type shyt.

if the movie sucks then it sucks.

django (and most qt movies) was a good movie, not cuz jamie foxx was a rebelling slave or cuz sam jackson was uncle tom, but it was entertaining as shyt.

again i havent seen it so im not throwing shade but i hate that "bu bu bu it gets a pass cuz theres a good message" shyt. and im talking about all movies. just give me an entertaining and thought provoking film thats true to the story and im good.
Last edited:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
still havent seen it but i could care less about him being a strong black father and man

that shyts played out ol tyler perry/oprah im a strong african american living righteously in this sinful world type shyt.

if the movie sucks then it sucks.

django (and most qt movies) was a good movie, not cuz jamie foxx was a rebelling slave or cuz sam jackson was uncle tom, but it was entertaining as shyt.

again i havent seen it so im not throwing shade but i hate that "bu bu bu it gets a pass cuz theres a good message" shyt. and im talking about all movies. just give me an entertaining and thought provoking film thats true to the story and im good.

c00n alert:snoop:

Da Jungles

Apr 30, 2012
No, that isn't all he was saying

Ask yourself why the hell he brought up the 'c00ns' on the coli, and also Django Unchained (the fukk does Django have to do with how good or bad After Earth was :mindblown:)

If dude had just focused on why he thought the movie was better than what some people would have you think, then it wouldn't be a problem

But he's really trying to spin it as the movie getting bad reception because it's about a black father & son, like the 'cac media' all of a sudden turned on Will because of it (never mind the praise Will and Jaden got from that same cac media for the Pursuit of Happyness)

He apparently believes that just because the movie included positive depictions of a black father and son, that automatically means it's a good movie that shouldn't be criticized for anything.....like questionable acting from Jaden, for example

Once again, coli militants racialize something for no reason :snoop:

I don't feed trolls :heh:


OP in here arguing points NOBODY has even disputed.

Will putting his son on, ok we all cool with that.
Message of black man teaching his son to be strong and wise, we with that.
Cultural significance of black ass Will Smith writing and producing the flick, we see the Black Excellence. :salute:

nikkas are dumping on the flick because as a Sci-Fi film it was weak as fukk. shyt was just boring and i did see this when it was out just to support black too. I sat there and just kept waiting for something more to happen. Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres as well and I thought Oblivion was better than AE at least from a story standpoint because i did not see that twist coming. End of the day i don't see movies solely for some message or cultural significance, i watch to be entertained. Period. If a movie doesn't do that first and foremost, then it deserves all the criticism ppl feel it deserves.

You saying "we all cool with that" in regards to Will putting his son on is complete and utter bullshyt.

Check the receipts :mjpls:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
This is a great thread. He isn't saying it's the best movie ever or jaden is the next big actor. He's just pointing out black excellence. What's wrong with being proud of a black man writing,producing,and starring in is own movie:dwillhuh: Especially where he makes black history in this genre:ahh:
Even if there are hints of Scientology,the majority of the audience isn't going to know the intricate details of that study and won't pick up on it unless some critic points it out. During the movie nobody is going to think about Scientology:heh: The focus should be on the positive teachings a father gives to his son. Especially in a society where most black men are depicted as dead beat father's with baby mama drama:snoop: Hopefully this movie will encourage more black producers,writers and actors to play a larger part in this genre:obama:
:salute: To will Smith for continuing black excellence and ziggiy for dropping another dope thread.

Last time I checked Scientology wasn't the religion that was used as a tool to keep us enslaved and divided from our culture:mjpls: Scientology was founded by a SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR so it stands to gain that EVERY science fiction film would share similarities, like I said we cheer for Neo when he's the "One" and awakens to the truth of his power but it's :shaq2: When Jaden discovers he's "The One" and awakens to his power. All of a sudden it's a bunch of scientologist propaganda and it's the worse film of the summer:aicmon:

Illeye buckmatic

I Don't Stunt I Regulate
May 25, 2012
A Buckeye State Of Mind
Last time I checked Scientology wasn't the religion that was used as a tool to keep us enslaved and divided from our culture:mjpls: Scientology was founded by a SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR so it stands to gain that EVERY science fiction film would share similarities, like I said we cheer for Neo when he's the "One" and awakens to the truth of his power but it's :shaq2: When Jaden discovers he's "The One" and awakens to his power. All of a sudden it's a bunch of scientologist propaganda and it's the worse film of the summer:aicmon:
Exactly. I don't even know why it was brought up. There's gonna be some traces of it since they're connected but nobody is pushing it on the masses:heh: How many people in the theatre's sat there with their Scientology books looking up reference points:deadmanny: Did nikkas go to Scientology Bible study afterwards:ohhh: Of course not. There's gonna be parallels between a sci-fi flick and Scientology but it ends there. Most people don't even make the connection between the two unless told.

Da Jungles

Apr 30, 2012
Last time I checked Scientology wasn't the religion that was used as a tool to keep us enslaved and divided from our culture:mjpls: Scientology was founded by a SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR so it stands to gain that EVERY science fiction film would share similarities, like I said we cheer for Neo when he's the "One" and awakens to the truth of his power but it's :shaq2: When Jaden discovers he's "The One" and awakens to his power. All of a sudden it's a bunch of scientologist propaganda and it's the worse film of the summer:aicmon:

Throw the damn towel :damn:

Stop giving these dudes that work :damn:


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
Will's voice in the movie :what:

Will's character name is Cypher Rage...:patrice::what:

Will marketed it as a "WIll Smith" movie when he is strapped to a chair the entire time :what:

The CGI to me was just :russ::russ::lolbron::lolbron:

Jaden is a very bad actor:russ::russ::lolbron::lolbron:

Will Smith...he who fancies himself a movie star...he who fancies himself THE movie star...he who only does blockbuster movies...he who said he only turned down Django cause he wasn't the lead:comeon::comeon:...he who planned his entire career around blockbuster movies...isn't smart enough to not realize a movie with him having a terrible accent, borderline trolling character name, and THE ABSOLUTE WORSE POSSIBLE DIRECTOR TO ATTACH TO A MOVIE RIGHT NOW...was going to get panned?

All i got from this is that their is a person who does all the planning for projects and scripts that Will choices to work on...and that person doesn't seem to be Will Smith


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
Will's voice in the movie :what:

Will's character name is Cypher Rage...:patrice::what:

Will marketed it as a "WIll Smith" movie when he is strapped to a chair the entire time :what:

The CGI to me was just :russ::russ::lolbron::lolbron:

Jaden is a very bad actor:russ::russ::lolbron::lolbron:

Will Smith...he who fancies himself a movie star...he who fancies himself THE movie star...he who only does blockbuster movies...he who said he only turned down Django cause he wasn't the lead:comeon::comeon:...he who planned his entire career around blockbuster movies...isn't smart enough to not realize a movie with him having a terrible accent, borderline trolling character name, and THE ABSOLUTE WORSE POSSIBLE DIRECTOR TO ATTACH TO A MOVIE RIGHT NOW...was going to get panned?

All i got from this is that their is a person who does all the planning for projects and scripts that Will choices to work on...and that person doesn't seem to be Will Smith
