I dont think there was any gayness-I thought that Benoit lost the ONLY close close friend he ever had in life. Seemed like he only cared about wrasslin and lifting...no buddies, bytches, no life- he meets this crazy mexican who is the complete opposite yet he trusts him and confides in him like he knew him his whole life
This is the answer. Benoit, by all accounts, had very few close friends in his life. He then proceeded to lose his closest friend of all, the guy who he could talk to about literally anything, followed by the loss of two other close confidants and a slow drift away from friends like Chris Jericho.
That grief, combined with the domestic issues he had with Nancy (DV was a confirmed part of their relationship; not commenting on any accusations of rape or homosexuality because I both don't have the evidence for it and they just seem like tawdry, sensationalistic rumors in general), his possible affairs (I remember hearing about him possibly messing around with Michelle McCool before she was with Taker, which if true...fukking why?
The taste of these people...), and his CTE issues created a horrible cocktail that exploded in the form of the murder-suicide.
There's no credible evidence for anything else, and the absolute worst part of this Benoit doc is how all the conspiracy theories come out of the woodwork to peddle their nonsense.
It's been 13 fukking years now, fukking stop already.