They abandoned the ZA concept and turned the whole thing into Mad Max
Junkyard people, Kingdoms, ocean towns, Amazons etc
Season 6 was the best season, Negan's build was perfect, episode 1 of S7 was perfect, then all that Mad Max bullshyt came in
This is the biggest problem. The show has been rinse and repeat three times on some psycho bad guy with an army destroying where they live or being the bad guy all around now between the governor, terminus, and negan. They abandoned the original concept of the show for a post apocalyptic war type shyt. Them doing this over and over is one of the two biggest mistakes the show has made.
whatever season it was glenn was under the dumpster and escaped after being surrounded is when i checked out. was garbage
I know a few people that tuned out because of the double fake where they faked that and didn’t follow up for a month only to kill him at the start of the next season anyway. Killing off all but 1/2 guys from the original cast doesn’t add constant tension or suspense. This isn’t a reality tv contest where the cast are all “real” people competing to win a prize at the end of the series. This is fictional story telling and you need development and story progression for the main characters. Instead they’re basically all either the same as they’ve always been or dead at this point. I lost track of how many uninteresting characters or flat ones have been added. Carol is the only one who has really shown any growth to me, and for me it feels like they fully fleshed that out 3-4 years ago at this point.
I think I stopped watching around season 5. After the guy with the mullet admitted he didn't have the cure, I stopped caring
This right here is the biggest mistake they have ever made on this show. It’s the moment the series jumped the shark even over the big reveal of the guys at terminus to be villains (which was awful enough given the Woodbury and governor angle had just ended so it looks like they’re literally running it again right away). This show fails from a basic principle of fiction writing, which is the rule “begin with the end in mind”. If you don’t know where you want this series to conclude, you won’t have a clue where it’s going and it just runs in circles basically.
A great example of having the end in mind when the series starts is Dragonball Z. It begins with Gohan as a baby and the first big fight shows him reveal his hidden potential strength to help save the day. It shows that clearly when it began was written with the cell saga being the end and Gohan becoming the strongest fighter and saving the day. Several characters come full circle along the way, as piccolo fuses with kami and vegeta provides the assist at the end to beat cell, cementing him as a good guy at the end. Walking dead does none of that. Rick makes bad choices all around all series as the show rotates out a new bad guy for them to fight season after season with no end in sight.
Think about how the seasons end on this show. Season one ends with the CDC blowing up as we learn the whole world is contaminated and rick is told something horrible by the doctor and the grenade he stashed in the first episode is used to save them

. Season two ends with the farm burning up, rick killing Shane, everyone separated, hungry, lost in the woods, and the revelation that everyone is already infected and will turn as soon as they die

. Season 3 is where they stray from this story, as it ends with rick and his people ambushing the governor and his people as they attack the prison and Andrea dies from her injuries when she’s bitten

. Season 4 gets us back on the right path seemingly with the military guys trying to get Eugene to Washington since he can help them find a cure

. Then we get the terminus reveal as the season finale, even though the last two seasons have dealt with a seemingly safe town where everything is clean, happy, peaceful and safe while actually housing a bunch of violent maniacs

. Early in season 5 we learn that Eugene made up all that shyt about a cure just so he could hitch a ride and get protected

. This is the exact moment it became clear the show has no direction and everything going forward will essentially be shyt that happens entirely at random. It’s also the exact moment we can pinpoint where the show stopped being good and became

. Season 5 ends with them dealing with these awful and cowardly morons in Alexandria debating whether to kick rick out of town for being crazy and violent and the abusive alcoholic husband accidentally kills someone so rick kills him just as Daryl and Morgan arrive. Also some dudes who think we’re descended from wolves want to kill everyone and some zombies got into town

. The first half of season six put us all to sleep with nonstop fighting with the wolves while slaughtering hordes of zombies in town like they’re playing dead rising 3. Very little tension or growth for characters really. Just mindless action. The whole second half of the season is rick and crew making friends with the hilltop by entering a beef with the saviors for basically no reason and the big season finale is “who did negan kill with his bat?”

? Your season finale and big reveal of one of your most famous characters is a cliffhanger of who did the newest crazy leader of a small army beat to death with a baseball bat. This is what a bad cliffhanger looks like. I tuned out midway through this season and tuned back out after the season 7 premier where they hit us with the double fake and killed Glenn seemingly just to troll the audience. Season 7 is basically negan rules over everyone with an iron first and war breaks out at the end. The show is officially no longer about a zombie apocalypse and attempts to survive in it or rebuild society. Season 8 is entirely beef between the saviors and everyone else. The big twist at mid season is Carl has been bitten.
This is just bad writing. Plain and simple. Literally the entire show suffers from there being no end game.