1.To get back at Pac for popping the cops.On top of that, Pac was young/sidetracked, but he still had revolutionary pedigree.He was a direct
link to the movement.So called "thorough street cats" are ALLOWED to do what they do with some concession.That concession being:Alphabet
gang lapdogs.They do favors to keep the heat off their azz.
2.Ayanna charged Jack because it was all a ruse.Jack knew he'd get off.Rick, I'm not sure he served time.I never heard of him serving any time.
If you have a source saying he did, point me in that direction.
Alphabet gangs don't think like niccaz."Oh Tupac was just a rapper!
"...They can spot a niccaz potential quicker than other niccaz.
Pac came from a direct lineage of militant black radicals.If his maturity would've kicked in/ proverbial "light bulb" would've gone off,
he could've became a bigger problem.Keep him sidetracked with bullshyt and nip it in the bud early.It's not about what Pac was at the time.
It was about keeping him from realizing his potential