Going to be brutally honest here
Most black Americans are full of shyt and still struggle with self esteem pride and carry a shame as it pertains to African roots and culture. So when a movie like this comes about black Americans look for the all the reasons not to support it, while looking for all the reasons to support anything white cultured. And that is the root of all this.
White fragility enjoys using times like now to make black people feel ashamed in hopes to exonerate themselves from their own wrongdoing. You almost never hear about the African tribes that never participated in the slave trade and any others you almost will always measure their history based on their participation or not even though the history of many of these tribes begun well before their involvement in the slave trade.
As for the dahomey the entire story of them is never told. They begun not wanting to be apart of the slave trade, they were betrayed by a neighboring tribe who killed all their men. They used the slave trade as a chess move to weaken their enemies, then ultimately once king agaja took over they all female tribe found it better to have a male king and got out the slave trade.
There were many reasons African tribes participated, some had no choice, some were wicked, some got into it figured out it was worst than they thought and got out of it, and some tribes never participated at all.
Regardless I watch white people make multi trillion dollar franchises with their inner conflicts in the forms of 300, game of thrones, Troy, etc and I watched Asians do the same with martial art films and the Latin world does this with their cartel movies. We are the only people harboring personal animosity holding century old grudges while trying to forgive turn the other cheek and spend all our money with every other group of people, who BTW outside of the Asians also played a role in our enslavement lol
And this is why I say we are full of shyt and need to get out our feelings. Every other group is uniting and furthering their stronghold on the international economy and resources while we can't even get off the starting line because we want to fight each other of history while going broke making everyone else rich. Making many groups rich who wouldn't spit on us if we were on fire.