I don't know 3 episodes in if I can think of a better start man. It's basically a movie.
The levels to this show are crazy man.

I don't know 3 episodes in if I can think of a better start man. It's basically a movie.
The levels to this show are crazy man.
Someone help me out with a recap
My file for S2E1 ended when the alarm went off at 3 Mile Island lab and the dad was chasing the torturer through the hallways. What happened after that to end the episode?
I wasn't too crazy about season 1, but S2E1 is the best episode I have seen yet and its got me hyped
Carvel murked the torturer, saved Jessica, before he leaves Carvel takes the vial of Janus he hid in the lab, and injects it into Jessica.
After that he was running through the halls as the sirens were going off, and seen Arby (Petre) in the halls. They got his son. Instead of going back to get him he ran, and left him with The Network.
The dude that planted the bomb made it look like there was an accident at 3 Mile Island so he could rescue Carvel.
The last couple scenes is old dude (the fake Mr. Rabbit from season 1) and old school Milner talking. They pulled strings and assassinated people to get Margaret Thatcher elected, to further The Network. They see security footage of Carvel injecting Jessica, surmise that's where Janus is. So the hunt begins.
The next scene is the mysterious guy that helped Carvel escape, putting Carvel in a mental institution, because by this point the guy is nuts. The guy then goes to the car, sees a drawing Jessica has, that says JESSICA HIDEN IN THE ANIMALS....he scratches of the N, and says "ok Jessica Hide....let's teach you how to use a gun".
The final scene is Carvel drawing "The Utopia Experiments" comic, and committing suicide.
exactly how popular/big is this show in the UK?
like what would be the U.S. equivalent in terms of popularity
sounds like the #s for the Wire.. i bet it gains a wire type following when its done tooIt's not very big at all, but I don't know how the UK tabulates their ratings, or what is considered "good" ratings over there. The Broadcasters' Audience Research Board is the UK version of Nielsen Ratings, and "Utopia" averages 1.5 million viewers, most of the time less.
To put it into perspective "Luther" averages 5-6 mill, and "Sherlock" averages 9-10 mill. So it's one of the least popular shows over there.
sounds like the #s for the Wire.. i bet it gains a wire type following when its done too![]()
its slept on hard over here.Oddly I've seen far more U.S. posters promote this show than UK. Out of all the shows they tell people to watch, I rarely if ever see this mentioned.
It's not very big at all, but I don't know how the UK tabulates their ratings, or what is considered "good" ratings over there. The Broadcasters' Audience Research Board is the UK version of Nielsen Ratings, and "Utopia" averages 1.5 million viewers, most of the time less.
To put it into perspective "Luther" averages 5-6 mill, and "Sherlock" averages 9-10 mill. So it's one of the least popular shows over there.
All caught up since all eight episodes. Can't believe I'm watching a goat contender from the beginning. Breh I don't know if it's the illuminati angle, that children of men feel or what but this shaping up like a goat contender what day does this come on ? They need this in America ASAP.
Breh it's the music listen to the to it with headphones it's top notch but it's dark as hell like Hannibal.on the real.... how can something this bright and shiny be so fukking dark and intense!?
The whole episode I'm waiting for things to kick up notches (boy, did it), I'm thinking about how..... heavy the last season got. It made me feel like when you know you're walking alone at night.... but you feel somebody behind you that you know isn't there.
It's amazing to me that the point we are at now....
this all started with some friends meeting because they liked an obscure comic book!?
Arby doesn't even seem like the same dude from last season. Not look wise. It's amazing. Do we get the foreshadowing that he started out killing- he's trained to kill Rabbits. lol
Jessica's a bad motherfukker. Just when I was admiring the BRILLIANT job of her new interrogator.... she's got that whole building under her control.
Ian has looked death in the face too long. Not even IT Certs can satisfy him now.
Rest of the cast hasn't really been fleshed out yet....
this is still a 5/5 episode.
Although for some reason, I wish I could chop it up into mini-eps, with each ending at the green Utopia screen. But that's just me.