US prison labor is used in the supply chain of major retailers. Basically modern slavery.


May 1, 2012
The problem is that people don't view the lack of freedom as the punishment........and decide that more punishment needs to be piled on. Every felon isn't a violent felon, and the population is and will continue to be artificially inflated to continue to the supply of free labor.......that's the real issue at hand and the real reason for a lot of unsavory policies
Going to be difficult to convince people who have been traumatized by criminals, violent and non violent to have sympathy. Especially when 77 percent of felons end up back in the system within 5 years.

Personally I think they need to get serious about separating people who want to play gladiator school from people who want to do their time and come out ready to be good citizens. Government would need to creat or make a list of companies that will hire felons a available.

After that it's all on the man to get out of his own head of feeling sorry for himself to live life on the right path