I'm on a mobile so bare with me:
Often times we define ourselves as the opposite of what Whites are doing.
- Whites were on that heroin chic chick look in the 80s- 90s, we started embracing our curves more then ever. They ran political campaigns on stopping urban decay, arguably some of our best cultural Arts venerated 90s urban life.
- Knowing and using a large vocab on a daily is considered "acting white"
- Being a fan of ASIAN animation is considered acting white.
- As some posters pointed out, many young black boys are taught to act "tough/like a man" and criticized harshly for failing to meet that standard.... In a WS society when a 10 year old black boy is considered maturer than kids of a lighter complexion. Or a 25 yr old white man with a mortgage is called a "kid"
- Watch the second to last 2 episodes of Atlanta season 2 to see how our unwillingly/unknowning acceptance of WS discourages our racial unity and encourages our self-destructive, appearance obsessed culture.
- Us expecting a black athlete to our perform a non black one solely because of color...this kind of reasoning is why we were enslaved, why some med school students believe we have an extra leg bone, why they shot us up with syphilis in the 50s, why Drs statistically give our less pain medicine to blacks compared to whites. We've adopted many "facts" created from scientific racism. The new one is a remix of what's called telegony, a belief that women retain past partners dna aka protect our white women clause.
- Hoteps routinely talk about a day when we will enslave whites and take their women, like they did to us. I even recall a coli breh post a video where some woke clown cited Hitler to expose the truth about Jews. In one breath the white man is the devil in the next, you telling me to move like them?