War today is different from back in the day, if they really wanted to a big power could turn Nigeria into a parking lot if the see they need to
This potentially war probably will have at least 6-9 theaters, you looking at it from a 1940s perspective, everything is on the table and I think it’s delusional to think it’s not, one way or another majority of the global population will be directly involved with the fight
A lot of you just live in a fantasy world & disconnected from reality. I don’t blame you - I blame propaganda & lack of understanding of warfare. Even Goebbels would marvel at the level of propaganda out there today.
Without nuclear bombs, how would they turn Nigeria into a parking lot? Didn’t the US & NATO use all their military might (including dirty bombs) to bomb Iraq & Afghanistan - how did that either change anything or turn either of these two countries into a parking lot?
Well, the real war started after the shock & awe & the infamous declaration of victory by the airhead, George Bush. Some of you need to read the battles in those wars & what AK47, RPGs & homemade IEDs are capable of.
Wars aren’t won from the air with bombs & missiles. You need boots on the ground. Hence manpower & logistics are the 2 most important things in wars.
[just for context cos I know reading comprehension is rare on this forum. This is just a scenario in WW3 between the West & East & trying to bring to war to Sub Saharan by invading the countries there. I’m not saying African countries can take on developed countries in a war.]
In this scenario - all the resources between the two axis would committed to the theatres where they can annihilated each other. Going over to fight over neutral spaces would be the last thing on their minds. They would look to recruit people from these spots & that’s where it will end.
Anyway, reality will hit a lot of you soon & you will realise that all these fancy trillions of dollars worth of big sophisticated machines won’t change much in a war. Wars are always going to be fought on the ground in a shooting match with troops, tanks & artillery.
We shall get there soon as Ukraine continues to take Ls on the battlefield (yes, they’re winning in modern Goebbel-esque propaganda but in reality Ukrainian western trained forces & western mercenaries are getting wrecked on the frontline by Wagner, who’re mostly Russian prisoners) - the west would continue to escalate cos it can’t afford to lose. And it will do that until all hell break loose cos Russia will end up escalating as well & move away from the current restraints it’s showing. So, let’s all keep our fingers crossed - there’s no rush.
No, only those involved in whatever axis the war is between would be involved. If you are in a neutral country - you would only be involved if you want to. The only exception is when nukes start flying. The battlegrounds are already set.