U.S. general predicts war with China in 2025, tells officers to get ready

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
2025??? More like 2023 china just waiting for the u.s to be busy with Russia 100% so they can attack Taiwan in peace lol

It's gonna be a cyber,nuclear and conventional..u.s is going down but folks don't wanna see it..this Is the opportunity that both china and Russia have been looking for to change the world order

Are you posting from the year 2020?


Mar 11, 2022
:russ: A lot of you just live in a fantasy world & disconnected from reality. I don’t blame you - I blame propaganda & lack of understanding of warfare. Even Goebbels would marvel at the level of propaganda out there today.

Without nuclear bombs, how would they turn Nigeria into a parking lot? Didn’t the US & NATO use all their military might (including dirty bombs) to bomb Iraq & Afghanistan - how did that either change anything or turn either of these two countries into a parking lot?

Well, the real war started after the shock & awe & the infamous declaration of victory by the airhead, George Bush. Some of you need to read the battles in those wars & what AK47, RPGs & homemade IEDs are capable of.

Wars aren’t won from the air with bombs & missiles. You need boots on the ground. Hence manpower & logistics are the 2 most important things in wars.

[just for context cos I know reading comprehension is rare on this forum. This is just a scenario in WW3 between the West & East & trying to bring to war to Sub Saharan by invading the countries there. I’m not saying African countries can take on developed countries in a war.]

In this scenario - all the resources between the two axis would committed to the theatres where they can annihilated each other. Going over to fight over neutral spaces would be the last thing on their minds. They would look to recruit people from these spots & that’s where it will end.

Anyway, reality will hit a lot of you soon & you will realise that all these fancy trillions of dollars worth of big sophisticated machines won’t change much in a war. Wars are always going to be fought on the ground in a shooting match with troops, tanks & artillery.

We shall get there soon as Ukraine continues to take Ls on the battlefield (yes, they’re winning in modern Goebbel-esque propaganda but in reality Ukrainian western trained forces & western mercenaries are getting wrecked on the frontline by Wagner, who’re mostly Russian prisoners) - the west would continue to escalate cos it can’t afford to lose. And it will do that until all hell break loose cos Russia will end up escalating as well & move away from the current restraints it’s showing. So, let’s all keep our fingers crossed - there’s no rush.

No, only those involved in whatever axis the war is between would be involved. If you are in a neutral country - you would only be involved if you want to. The only exception is when nukes start flying. The battlegrounds are already set.
Disconnected from reality? It’s sounds like you underestimating war, most people don’t know what dominos will fall if it’s all out war
It’s not crazy to think Africa will be involved, that shyt is not going to stay confined in Eastern Europe and asia

In this modern time with everybody being globally connected very few people will be able to stay neutral

Yes boots will be on the ground right after the powers that be do air raids dropping bologna on cities, especially cities that don’t have the terrain of Iraq and Afghanistan

But What is the state of iraq and Afghanistan right now since apparently them bombs didn’t change anything?


God’s Son
Jun 11, 2017
In Da 15th
China is playing the long game.

China has time on its side & it’s in its best interest to play the long game. Taiwan is a nightmare due to terrain & it can’t invade without amphibious landing - which will incur a huge cost of lives.

But the US will most likely force its hands like it did in Ukraine with Russia.


God’s Son
Jun 11, 2017
In Da 15th
Disconnected from reality? It’s sounds like you underestimating war, most people don’t know what dominos will fall if it’s all out war
It’s not crazy to think Africa will be involved, that shyt is not going to stay confined in Eastern Europe and asia

In this modern time with everybody being globally connected very few people will be able to stay neutral

Yes boots will be on the ground right after the powers that be do air raids dropping bologna on cities, especially cities that don’t have the terrain of Iraq and Afghanistan

But What is the state of iraq and Afghanistan right now since apparently them bombs didn’t change anything?

I think you need to read more about military war games. Developed countries don’t go to war without conducting numerous war games & exploring every scenario. And none them include Africa in their war games apart from the nodes & places I alluded to.

Portugal & Ireland for example were neutral during WW2 & despite the war destroying everyone around them - it didn’t get to them. So, yes, you can be neutral & stay neutral.

Dropping all those bombs won’t change anything (unless you drop nukes), apart from killing a few people relative to the population & destroying some infrastructures. Since the example in this context is 200million in Nigeria - you’ll still need those 5-10million boots on the ground to do anything effective. And Nigeria does have a very bad terrain for war apart from the middle region, which is mostly savanna. A huge part of the northern region is covered by desert. Once you get past the savanna region - it’s mostly rain forest. And the southern region where the oil resource is, is mostly creeks.

The US did a lot of war games about going to capture the oil resource rich area in southern Nigeria when Nigeria was under a dictator in the 90s in case the country were to become engulfed in a civil war. And all the scenarios were negative due to the terrain. Something for you to ponder on.

As far as I know, Iraq & Afghanistan aren’t parking lot. Or are they? Afghanistan still has hundreds of billions worth of American military equipment parked up in there with Taliban ruling the country. And Iraq is still functioning.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
It’s either the both of you lack basic understanding of the English language or geography.

Both world wars weren’t proxy wars - they were conventional wars. And African involvement didn’t go past willing Africans who were recruited from the colonies as cannon fodders to fight in North Africa, Europe & Asia and the battles fought in North Africa. And yes, there were no battlegrounds in sub Saharan Africa. The next one is also going to be the same.

If you’re alluding to the Cold War in terms of proxy wars - then you’d have a point.

Sub-Saharan Africa was a battleground in the First and Second World War.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Only accurate post in here.

If China tries to do anything militarily to Taiwan, off rip is going to attempt a blockade. That's one of the primary reasons why they want the island, they can control shipping traffic in the South China Sea.

The moment they do that, the US and west aren't to fire a single shell. They're just going to transfer funds from bank accounts.

Yeah...it will painful for the West, because yes China "assembles" materials for the West. Anyone who know anything about "manufacturing" knows that it's a global system. One country doesn't do everything, and China is no different. We're all in bed together. The difference and the reason why this would be incredibly dumb for China to do in the near term is China is in a much more vulnerable spot than the US and most NATO islands is because
  1. China doesn't grow most of their food or produce their own oil, a blockade on Taiwan creates a blockade on them. The oil stops, the food stops, the import of raw materials and complex materials stops going into China.
  2. China's economy is on shakier ground than the US. They are in more debt than the US.
  3. Their military isn't battle tested. Their last conflict was with Vietnam and they got their ass handed to them in the late 70s.
  4. Taiwan will burn the island down before China gets any boots on the ground.
  5. If China wanted to do anything militarily, it would be painfully obvious what they were doing months before and Taiwan would just fortify. It wouldn't be an easy time, but if Taiwan even knows what's going down 3 months before it occurs, Taiwan can fight back a lot of their forces. Invasions are incredibly tough to do, even more so when you see it happening months before it happens.
  6. Taiwan doesn't have nukes, but they've got plenty of missiles and air force too. People seem to forget yeah...Taiwan is 100 miles off the cost of China...but umm...China is 100 miles from Taiwan. If you don't think Taiwan wouldn't light up Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Fousho, Quangzhao AND A GANG of other 10 million plus cities you ain't never heard of then you really ain't looking at this objectively.
Not saying China won't inevitably try anything, but they need stronger regional partners before they can...their only guaranteed partnership is from North Korea. They need to lock up Pakistan, Iran, Russia and Saudi Arabia before they can even think about doing this forcefully.

Question -

If the US Navy tries to blockade China and threatens regime survival, why wouldn’t China nuke you?


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
2025??? More like 2023 china just waiting for the u.s to be busy with Russia 100% so they can attack Taiwan in peace lol

It's gonna be a cyber,nuclear and conventional..u.s is going down but folks don't wanna see it..this Is the opportunity that both china and Russia have been looking for to change the world order
I just don’t see how they can do it, they’re populations are cratering and they just barely have proficient enough tech, realistically they’ll be even more unstable and poorer if they had power on that level.


Dec 11, 2014
unless apple, google, amazon, and microsoft say there's going to be a war, there isn't going to be a fukking war

the american government and its political machine is owned by corporations. corporations, in general, gain nothing from war.

proxy wars might happen, like the one in syria, but nuclear armed countries will not fight each other. this is sensationalist garbage


85 East

DJ D'eeznuts
May 21, 2012
China is running out of resources and can't import oil from Russia like they could. Same with wheat and corn. They have a shrinking population. China is in trouble, and might as well risk it all, or risk total collapse. It's a fukked up situation, but China is proper fukked. If we don't find a solution to this Russia/Ukraine war, and install a leader who is willing to trade goods in a post Putin Russian world, European nations will start talking colonization again. The losses from Russia are huge...