Trump May Sign Executive Order to Help HBCUs. Why couldn't Obama? 2/06

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
:dwillhuh: Both Obama & Issa Rae are Americans though. They were born & raised in the U.S.

Yvette is big on the black bourgeois and rich boule' class being spokespeople for black issues, she feels poor and working class black opinions and voices aren't heard loudly enough - and I agree.


Dec 16, 2015
:dwillhuh: Both Obama & Issa Rae are Americans though. They were born & raised in the U.S.

Obama is Kenyan and Issa Rae is Senegalese and come from privileged backgrounds...they aren't native born Blacks that have roots in slavery. They are imports into our culture and it is important to make that distinction.

Which is why Issa Rae can say she is tired of talking about Black people and racism...yet will stick up for immigrants..

And Obama can say African Americans receiving repartitions wouldn't be fair to other non-Whites in the USA...but gives millions and billions of dollars to Jews

They are foreign to native born USA Blacks and yet we treat Carribbeans and Africans like they are like native born USA Blacks...when they should get the..:stopitslime: when they start trying to dictate what the fukk goes on over here in the USA or try to represent native-born Black people and they saying fukk shyt like that...

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
I have no idea if this is true but I could definitely see that a$$hole doing something like that purely out of spite so he can go on Twitter and be like I donated all this money to HBCUs my lovely African Americans!!. Fantastic! Something President Obama did not do I might add!!

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Dec 16, 2015
I have no idea if this is true but I could defined see that a$$hole doing something like that purely out of spite so he can go on Twitter and be like I donated all this money to HBCU. Fantastic! Something President Obama did not do I might add!!


That's what politicians do...but Trump just takes it to another level...

I would accept the money the same time be like...:francis:

SuperNintendo Chalmers

Send it to the friggin moon idiot
May 20, 2012
My goddamn self. Shout out to my real Africans
That's what politicians do...but Trump just takes it to another level...

I would accept the money the same time be like...:francis:


That's what any thinking person should do for any politician, regardless of party affiliation, identity politics or whatever.

After 8 years of being lulled to sleep by the Obama administration and his celebrity, now folks wanna put on their critical thinking caps.



All Star
May 22, 2012
This doesn't make any sense...

Under Obama Black people got poorer and White people are back to the way things were...

Under Obama HBCUs got gutted...

Under Obama the Pell Grant got gutted...

Under Obama middle class Black millennials will most likely end poorer than their parents...

Under Obama Black millennials college degrees do not matter...

Under Obama rich people got richer...a lot of robber barons rich...

Just because you are doing fine doesn't mean the Black population is doing fine...

It just means you are doing fine...

Half of the things you just said are either opinions or unsubstantiated. And another fourth are not directly related to HBCUs and have many more variables. And I'll concede the last fourth as truth (or close enough)...

Disclaimer: those percentages/fractions were imaginary. I didn't actually do the math


All Star
May 22, 2012
Also... as someone who has attended two HBCUs, whose friends graduated from HBCUs by and large, and who knows multiple people who work in high ranking positions in HBCUs.... the biggest problem in these schools is their administrations.

Between egos, greed and a delusional need to hold on to some traditions, these schools are making decisions for their own personal reasons/gain to the detriment of the student body.


Dec 16, 2015
Half of the things you just said are either opinions or unsubstantiated. And another fourth are not directly related to HBCUs and have many more variables. And I'll concede the last fourth as truth (or close enough)...

Disclaimer: those percentages/fractions were imaginary. I didn't actually do the math

How Black Middle-Class Kids Become Poor Adults
White High School Dropouts Have More Wealth Than Black And Hispanic College Graduates


All Star
May 22, 2012
These articles actually support my points.

1. These articles don't point to any direct relation to the performance of HBCUs or the Obama Administration's affect on said institutions

2. These articles point out the variety of factors that result in their mentioned outcomes


Dec 16, 2015
These articles actually support my points.

1. These articles don't point to any direct relation to the performance of HBCUs or the Obama Administration's affect on said institutions

2. These articles point out the variety of factors that result in their mentioned outcomes

Of course there is a variety of factors...point is...

If HBCUs is one of the only institutions that helps Black people in a posititive way...changes the life outcomes of Black people...particularly young Black people...and Obama cuts the funding...then he cuts federal grants that Black people need to attend these institutions since we are poor...when a large percent of our professional class and middle class Blacks come out of HBCUs...then Obama did harm to Black people...
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Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
any loss in funding was the result of the dept of education going to a more data driven system that rewarded schools with good retention rates, good graduation rates, job placement rates, student loan default rates, etc. the data from some HBCUs were putting them in the company of these for profit colleges (data wise, not morally) and that effected pell grant distributions, federal student loan approvals, etc. if trump does something by executive order it won't be exclusive to HBCUs it will primarily be to help the for profit colleges with their horrible metrics, by extension some HBCUs will benefit from the govt not factoring in these metrics.

also you can't say that the HBCUs are the only institution that helps black people in a positive way. that would be like me saying UCLA, a predominantly asian institution helps black people in a positive way simply because i'm black and they helped me. harvard also helps black people in a positive way. you might say well they only help out a few black people or some black people. but that same logic applies to HBCUs. yes they help out a lot of black kids, but they also fail a lot of black kids. but we're suppose to overlook that because they give more "opportunity" to disadvantaged black kids. no i think it's more like taking advantage because of a lot of them have ridiculously high tuition that pretty much require the student to carry a large student loan burden (since when is access to large amount of student loan debt a good thing?) regardless if they graduate or not. so yes some black people benefit from the HBCU environment, but they aren't running charities for the betterment of black people so there are a lot of casualties with the debt to prove it. even in their heyday HBCUs were largely made up of the black elite.

btw, when i started reading this thread yesterday i saw something about the horror of some students having to go to a local community college when they lost access to student loan funds. well i'll be damned, you mean they wised up when that "free money" you signed up for when you were young and are gonna have to pay back when you are mature all but disappeared?
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Dec 16, 2015
any loss in funding was the result of the dept of education going to a more data driven system that rewarded schools with good retention rates, good graduation rates, job placement rates, student loan default rates, etc. the data from some HBCUs were putting them in the company of these for profit colleges (data wise, not morally) and that effected pell grant distributions, federal student loan approvals, etc. if trump does something by executive order it won't be exclusive to HBCUs it will primarily be to help the for profit colleges with their horrible metrics, by extension some HBCUs will benefit from the govt not factoring in these metrics.

also you can't say that the HBCUs are the only institution that helps black people in a positive way. that would be like me saying UCLA, a predominantly asian institution helps black people in a positive way simply because i'm black and they helped me. harvard also helps black people in a positive way. you might say well they only help out a few black people or some black people. but that same logic applies to HBCUs. yes they help out a lot of black kids, but they also fail a lot of black kids. but we're suppose to overlook that because they give more "opportunity" to disadvantaged black kids. no i think it's more like taking advantage because of a lot of them have ridiculously high tuition that pretty much require the student to carry a large student loan burden (since when is access to large amount of student loan debt a good thing?) regardless if they graduate or not. so yes some black people benefit from the HBCU environment, but they aren't running charities for the betterment of black people so there are a lot of casualties with the debt to prove it. even in their heyday HBCUs were largely made up of the black elite.

btw, when i started reading this thread yesterday i saw something about the horror of some students having to go to a local community college when they lost access to student loan funds. well i'll be damned, you mean they wised up when that "free money" you signed up for when you were young and are gonna have to pay back when you are mature all but disappeared?

A lot of colleges have high ass tuition rates...that's not a unique feature of HBCUs....

NYU got high ass tuition rates...

And everybody that didn't go to some public college and receive state scholarships and grants got high ass student loans...

If the USA would actually give a fukk and create a model where most of public school tuition is supported by the federal government...we wouldn't have this problem...

If Black students that attend HBCUs received some type of grant or scholarship we wouldn't have this problem...

The benefit of HBCUs is mostly due to the poor education Black kids receive thus they are academically mismatched for White institutions. Basically...Black kids do better at HBCUs than PWI.
Study: Black Students Who Attend HBCUs More Successful in Math, Technology - Black Web
According to a recent study done by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities are more likely to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

On Monday, The Commission released its annual briefing report on The Educational Effectiveness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)and Encouraging Minority Students to Pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Careers. The study found that students at historically black colleges and universities reported higher levels of academic involvement in their studies and in faculty research projects than black students at non-HBCUs.

According to The Commission, the success of these programs comes from the lack of “academic mismatch” that is often found at non-HBCUs. Academic mismatch occurs when an admitted student’s credentials fall below those of the median student in that program.

The study concluded that academic mismatch is a substantial factor in the disproportionate attrition rates in science-related programs, regardless of race. However, The Commission noted that racially preferential admissions policies contribute to the high attrition rates in Hispanic and black students in comparison to median students at non-HBCUs. Instead of admitting STEM students to simply meet quotas, The Commission recommended that schools refrain from admitting any STEM student who does not meet the median credentials of students already in the program.


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
A lot of colleges have high ass tuition rates...that's not a unique feature of HBCUs....

NYU got high ass tuition rates...

And everybody that didn't go to some public college and receive state scholarships and grants got high ass student loans...

If the USA would actually give a fukk and create a model where most of public school tuition is supported by the federal government...we wouldn't have this problem...

If Black students that attend HBCUs received some type of grant or scholarship we wouldn't have this problem...

The benefit of HBCUs is mostly due to the poor education Black kids receive thus they are academically mismatched for White institutions. Basically...Black kids do better at HBCUs than PWI.
Study: Black Students Who Attend HBCUs More Successful in Math, Technology - Black Web
According to a recent study done by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities are more likely to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

On Monday, The Commission released its annual briefing report on The Educational Effectiveness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)and Encouraging Minority Students to Pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Careers. The study found that students at historically black colleges and universities reported higher levels of academic involvement in their studies and in faculty research projects than black students at non-HBCUs.

According to The Commission, the success of these programs comes from the lack of “academic mismatch” that is often found at non-HBCUs. Academic mismatch occurs when an admitted student’s credentials fall below those of the median student in that program.

The study concluded that academic mismatch is a substantial factor in the disproportionate attrition rates in science-related programs, regardless of race. However, The Commission noted that racially preferential admissions policies contribute to the high attrition rates in Hispanic and black students in comparison to median students at non-HBCUs. Instead of admitting STEM students to simply meet quotas, The Commission recommended that schools refrain from admitting any STEM student who does not meet the median credentials of students already in the program.
high tuition rates combined with poor data is a feature of some (the ones in trouble) though. nyu also has high retention rates, high graduation rates, high job placement rates, student loan repayment rates, etc.

black students that attend HBCUs do receive grants, they're called pell grants from the federal govt like every other needy student. the private HBCUs, tuition are so high (like a lot of private schools) that the $5700 pell grant only covers about a quarter of the tuition where at a public HBCU like FAMU it covers most of it. i like public HBCUs, but they are also at the mercy of their state govts that primarily fund them. i mainly have a problem with these poor private ones that don't offer their students anything other than a meeting in the financial aid office where they tell you make sure you're getting the max pell grant and cover the shortfall with student loans.

good private schools have successful alums that donate back to their school and fill the endowment coffers so that they can offer scholarships to incoming students. if you have a poor endowment that's a sign that not enough of your graduates are successful enough to throw some spare cash the old alma mater's way. that's a key aspect of a private university's existence and how they stay in business. if you're totally reliant on the federal govt for grants and loans then when they start demanding results for their money you will have to produce or die. howard, morehouse, spelman, etc are doing fine and they are offering their graduates something in exchange for high tuition: a good education and a productive alumni network that helps you get ahead in this world. your university is suppose to actually do things in exchange for all that money you know?