What? Trump exacerbated the pandemic and is one of the core reasons it went so bad. He disbanded the pandemic task force that Obama put in place out of spite. And when WHO warned him in January to take proactive measures. He waited until MARCH.Nope my solution is don't put your faith in electoral politics. You are screwed with either candidate. Biden's term was no better for Blacks or even Americans in general than Trump's 4 years. Dems refused to pressure the sickly RBG because they were so confident Clinton would win. Dems let Republicans refuse to appoint Merrick Garland, because "It's the year of an election", then when Trump gave a Scotus nomination during Trump's last year (An Election year), Those same Republicans were like.
On top of being dismissive of the Virus itself. His casual attitude and lies caused the people to act retarded about it also. His OKAY years were because he was riding the economy inherited by Obama.
His presidency alone is why rhetoric and discourse is so divisive today, and he lowered the standard of presidency, aswell as emboldened white supremacists more than they ever would have been.
WHEREAS Biden took on the mess that was left for him, and had to reconstruct an economy, in fact, the fact that he even got inflation back in order, and corrected things to this degree is impressive.
How do you not understand the circumstances of which each person took on their presidency?
This is retarded. Once again...you are willing to let Trump get 2 more seats. Im not.