This is Obama all over again. Damn near da same exact play.
I don't get this. So as long as Black folks aren't paying off politicians as any other group, you deserve what you get. Until you can get enough bought and paid for politicians on board to have singular focus on Black issues where they can say it without fear, you will get this couched talk on Blackness.
That is the COST (which Black folks aren't paying) of politics. Gays PAY politicians off. Israel (AIPAC) PAY politicians off. What Black collective monied group is paying politicians off to speak singularly on our issues?
I don't get folks in here. We have been Black enough the past 50 years knowing our experience in navigating in white spaces but are "just asking" for politicians to do so on our behalf.
The Supreme literally JUST LEGALIZED bribery of politicians.
By sheer coincidence, this ruling concerns the sort of generous ‘gifts’ and ‘gratuities’ that justices have been known to accept
You can now pay off state and local officials for government acts that fit your policy preferences or advance your interests. You can give them lavish gifts, send them on vacations, or simply cut them checks. You can do all of this so long as the cash, gifts or other “gratuities” are provided
after the service, and not before it – and so long as a plausible deniability of the meaning and intent of these “gratuities” is maintained.
What are we doing to take advantage of this. Nothing! Just niqqas on a board expecting the benefits politicians based on our Blackness and not pay for it.