Forgot to write up my thoughts.
Over all I liked the season and will check for season 4 off the strength of it....but the two exposition dumps in the finale were absolutely terrible. And flies in the face of claims that the show wasn't concerned with answering questions, just exploring it's characters. Hell, Hays himself point blanks says his relationship with Amelia is inextricably bound to the case. Their entire time together (and even after she is gone) is haunted by it.
Anyway....I think the finale would've been 100x better if the info about the case was spread out over the last 2-3 eps as opposed to "here's what happened" twice in one ep.
As far as the whole "Hays forgot when he finally finds Julie"....not a fan of that at all. Not because I wanted some kind of resolution....but because it's kinda pointless to show him forget. Especially in light of the fact that his son kept the address. Hays was obsessed with the case, there's no guarantee he wouldn't have the same epiphany or remember why he went there, at a later date. I guess we can assume he didn't....but again, up until the last ep nothing indicates he would just let something like that slide.
Anyway, Mahershala Ali deserves every award on the planet. Dorff was great too. Him more or less begging Hays not to quit because he's the only friend he has was hard to watch.