True Detective - Season 3 (Jan. 13th/Official Thread)


Vol. 9: Trapped
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Somebody on here actually did call it though. That the Mike guy would have been working the grounds at the convent and recognized Julie and would have saved her.





May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Just read something saying Wayne died in Vietnam. This story was his way of dealing with his death and unresolved life. He regretted going to war for the reason Amelia gave, so his mom would get money if he died:lupe:
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We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self



:mjlol:THAT ONE STUPID ASS nikka



So I'm just seeing this comment. Be sure to at me next time and not be a hoe ass nikka. It's a show, almost everyone was wrong. It's not that big of a deal. Honestly I detest nikkas like you, because ultimately you have to put nikkas down to feel better about your reasoning, which means you're a weak ass, fakkit ass, dikk riding snake...exactly why you ain't at me. Do yourself a favor and keep your dumb ass comments to yourself.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Just read something saying Wayne died in Vietnam. This story was his way of dealing with his death and unresolved life. He regretted going to war for the reason Amelia gave, so his mom would get money if he died:lupe:

:dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:

Hayes knew about cellphones in the jungle fighting the vietcong, he's the goat :wow: :russ:

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
I've rewatched up to episode 3. I've also been listening to theories on YouTube. Amelia is behind all of this. She's the aunt they refer to. Wayne unknowing participates in her evil because he himself has blood lust. In fact they both get turned on by sex after violence, thus transforming death and murder into shared passion. I think Amelia is part of that cult. I also think that woman Roland was dating is connected as well.

This show is using a unreliable narrator as a plot device. Applying that knowledge, that would mean many things going on in this story are contrived. My theory is the case was solved in 90. He murdered a ton of people and then figured out Amelia was behind it. I think he killed Amelia. I think his son (if that's his son) and Roland and the interviewer are all not telling him the truth, because they know it would make no difference.

This show is about ghosts, it's about the evil deeds done in the name of justice, love and family, and how that evil never goes away. The ghosts from Vietnam followed Hays around, haunting him. Roland keeps saying, "I know who you are," indicating that there is a dark, twisted side of Hays that he can't get rid of. Roland himself is complicit in this situation because he himself shares those feelings with Hays. You see it all throughout episodes 1 and 2. Hays wants to kill and so does West; they're bored with nothing to do but kill time (another motif in this season). Roland suggests they leave and find someone to beat up. In episode 2 they torture the pedophile and Roland offers to execute him and bury him someone around the farm. This certainly indicates they've both participated in unlawful murder, and it appears they do it on a regular basis. This is why later on in another episode West says "I know what you done...what we done." This dynamic of being unable to escape the horrors and atrocities one has committed is illustrated in Woodards interrogation where he says "when I got out of the war, I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go back to that old story. Have you ever had that problem, where you can't go and you can't leave?" This all ties into the incorporation of the theme of memory this season. Although his mind has forgotten many things, he keeps relieving the same case over and over and over again. Why? I believe because of the murders, and especially Amelia's murder. And so Wayne has done this before. Roland knows this and so does Henry, which is why they convene in the kitchen while old wayne is looking at Roland's hats. I think Wayne is stuck in a loop where he keeps going through the same motions with this case. His mind won't let it rest because of what he's haunted by. Somehow he wants to change the past and he never can. Again, Wayne wants to get a badge and gun and pretend he's a detective again. It's all a pretend game, both literally and figuratively. This is alluded to in the beginning of the conversation with Roland at the end of episode 5. Where he asks Wayne why he came and if he thought he would just come over and say 'hey partner, let's go play cops and robbers. It's also referred to in the first episode where they joke about pretending to be detectives and Wayne nudges Roland into putting the blue cop light on. At the end of the day they are just two men who want to sit around and shoot the shyt (kill vermin in the first episode). Now with Amelia being the killer and being killed--this is alluded to too many times. Most notably when Roland asks Wayne if he ever thought about getting married. Wayne responds I'd never want to put a woman through that; and the very next thing we see is the fox. Also rememeber Wayne keeps having to deal with his ghosts. Each time they show them it's alluded that they are the ghosts of the people he killed. Rememeber, one of the ghosts is Amelia. He tells her to shut up.

All in all, I believe Wayne finds out Amelia is behind it. I think she kills someone else as well. The trauma that occurs from him having to kill his wife is what has slowly caused him to forget the deeds he's done. He hasn't forgotten them at all, more or less he's just running away from them. Note that whenever Becca is brought up Henry acts strange. I am starting to believe she may be dead as well. Either way nothing is what it appears to be. Amelia didn't die in 2011, she was killed in '90. Wayne doesn't see Becca at the funeral in 2011 because there was no funeral. He's created this story of his family and his life after '90. The reason Wayne is shown finally reading the book is subconsciously he knows the details were all there for him to figure out Amelia was the killer.

This show very much feels like a serialized version of Shutter Island. Imo it follows it to a T. A war veteran who can't escape the horrors of what he saw in WW2 pretending to become a detective to bring down what he believes to be a conspiracy that killed Rachel Solando. He creates this alternate persona of himself as Teddy Daniels and not Andrew Leddis, because like what we will see in True Detective with Wayne, he cannot bring himself to accept the fact that his wife killed their children and that he in fact killed her in his grief. There is this grand scheme to help Andrew come to terms with what he keeps running away from. And JUST like true detective he has a ghost (his wife) that keeps haunting him and telling him lies. This whole thing is going to turn out to be a documentary about Vietnam vets with PTSD and how this contrived experiment can help them leave the horrors of what they have seen behind. This mirrors the same exact thing in Shutter Island where the experiment was the testing of a new theory by the main psychiatrist on shutter island. Now that I'm thinking of it, I don't think that that guy is his son at all. I think Amelia killed his family and he killed her in retailiation.

If I'm right--which I know I am-- get ready for the boo birds to come out after the season finale. There are going to be people pissed about the shows ending, and they are going to compare the fukk out of this to Shutter Island and claim it was a rip off.

I think whoever wrote this season got in over his head. He tried to do this contrived plot with multiple time lines to exercise a theme, and ending up getting lost in the overall structure of the story and the show. Season 3 story reminds me of something you would read in a literary novel. It just doesn't translate to TV. The writer/s should have gone back to the drawing board. The structure of the show and the jumping from timeline to timeline absolutely overshadows and even suffocates the spectacular acting performances being put on display here. Mahersala, Stephen, the lady that plays Amelia and the man who plays Tom the father should all get rewards for their acting in this show. Unfortunately whatever accolades they end up getting won't overcome the frustration and disappointment with how this season played out. The story itself is good, but it's execution is very poor, along with it being extremely predictable because the idiot director put too many clues in the first episode. He shot his wad. A better director would have known how to hold off and spread the clues of what actually happened, letting it build with momentum. There is no momentum going on here. The most we have is Roland agreeing to being partners...and a anonymous phone call from Julie.

Anyways, for those saying they're disappointed, I don't blame them. I kind of am too. I could be wrong with this theory, but I don't think so

Ok this scene confirms to me my theory on Henry not being his son. No fukking way he's his son. Wayne randomly refers to "those kids, my kids..." in front of "Henry". When he brings up his family look at everyone's faces. They instantly get quiet and somber. His family has been dead for a long time and he can't get over it.

Man I'm obsessing about this fukking show lol. I like figuring shyt out though.

Two cats in the jungle, Bahgerra and Shere Khan, with an ambiguous, violent history, that can't escape their past (ghosts). Both trying to put on masks of husband and wife, both faking it for the fake semblance of a family; both filled with blood lust. Slowly their inner demons come out. We fear Wayne but it is Amelia we should really fear. When the charade finally ends we will see what kind of monsters these two are. That's why they always celebrate violence with sex--that shared blood lust...a relationship built on death and destruction. Amelia's dark past is alluded to in the bar when she asks him if he looked her up and he said no. Major red flag.

Them making noise signifies nothing. We are watching the show from Old Wayne's narrative point of view. To him, everything from the past is a ghost. Again, thst interviewer and that guy is feeding him this information to get a reaction. It doesn't necessarily have to be true.

I'm willing to bet that Amelia 1) Is connected or flat out killer 2) does something to her family 3) Has a show down with Wayne with her life on the line.

Again that's Wayne saying that. Notice Roland doesn't respond. Clear as day that that's not what happened. I don't think he killed the kids. I think she did.
Funniest (and longest) theory this season imo :russ: and breh just knew he figured it all out too :mjlol:[/QUOTE]

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Maybe, maybe not.

I'm a researcher and writer by trade, so maybe this is a little different for me, but consuming information is not the same as processing it, which itself doesn't necessarily lead to useful interpretation.

From my point of view, it may have been that it didn't necessarily matter if Wayne had read the book before 2015. He was wedded to a certain interpretation of events (murder, possible pedophile ring) that really ruled out an interpretation of events that didn't involve grotesque violence and/or corruption. Essentially, Wayne and Amelia were working on parallel tracks that never intersected during the 35 years that they lived together (and after they dropped the case for their own safety/marriage, those tracks could never intersect). And even when he started working on the case in 2015, he was still wedded to the lurid interpretation of events as much as he had been wedded to Amelia.

He could have read that book 10,000 times and never really figured it out at that point. He needed the openness that came from having some sort of closure, even if it was a false closure, to read and interpret the case in a different way. Junius's story, and the fact that it was in many ways completely different from what they had expected, opened him up to new possibilities in the case. Only in that moment was he really able to allow his and Amelia's tracks to intersect, read the book, and get anything significant from it.

So yeah, for me, all these people who are saying that Wayne could have solved the case if he just read the book don't really have a firm grasp of how research and interpretation actually works. shyt, Amelia's ghost even tells you what's happening during her monologue in that scene.
I guess what I'm getting at in terms of Junius' story vs Amelia's story/book is that we don't know what dots Amelia's book could have helped connect the dots for Wayne. But we do know that Amelia had valuable information and a different approach than Wayne's for how she gathered and processed information about the case. Her writing and storytelling was a deep dive into how the case impacted the community... which is vastly different than how Wayne went about investigating.

Amelia's character kind of represented an element of things being in plain sight. I'd have to go back and re-watch key moments/revelations in the investigation throughout the season, but 1 consistent theme throughout the investigation, was the fact that Amelia had either alluded to or had information about it that directly helped or could have helped Wayne if he wanted it...

-She told Wayne about Junius popping up at her book signing
-She was giving him information about the students, helped interview Mike
-She got the picture of the kids trick or treating with Junius and Isabella lurking from the street
-She probably knew the mother had something to do with the kids disappearing after talking to her at her home
-She got additional info about Julie being at that Walgreens from the detectives working the scene
-She spoke with the nuns before Wayne and Roland

I'm sure I'm missing other instances where her take on what happened would validate her book's perspective, and I guess to Wayne, none of that mattered. Maybe it was stubbornness towards Amelia. Sometimes people only hear or pay attention to things when they want to

Wayne was a bullish and obsessive detective that was a lone wolf when he got into his zone. He was passionate about the job but he got tunnel vision... and that more than likely cost him years of closure on the case, because had he been more receptive to Amelia's take on things he more than likely pieces everything together a lot sooner.


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
You mean the hole in the wall?

The kids were passing notes to each other.

That's why the detectives were upset with themselves when they realized it because they spent so much time investigating the uncle and then eventually thinking the father was guilty based on that hole thinking it was some sort of pedophile situation.

As far as they're concerned Tom Purcell is dead because they got that hole wrong and believe he might have been guilty of molesting his own children.

Which oddly enough is something they showed instead of explained.

That hole is another example of Nic's commentary on the fans of the genre. This season entirely, Hays and Amelia are basically the fans of dark TV murder mysteries, looking for every dark twist. Believing even they're own kids are caught up in a giant, nefarious child sex ring.

The detectives see that hole and never for a second consider it could just be two siblings doing a dumb kid thing that kids do.

And that fukks up their entire perspective of the investigation. That hole plus the boys pose and they look in the wrong direction for 10 years.
Great point. I had heard that theory on the commentary, but put together ilike that it makes way more sense.

We find out in episode 6 Will and Julie were passing notes to each other.
That went over my head then. I figured the notes part but I don't remember them saying it was the kids. I remember reading a lot of theories wondering about whether it was hoyt who was passing her notes or some shyt. This makes way more sense

What other shows have people throwing it crazy theories then getting upset when the show doesn't confirm or deny the theory?

The creator of Mr Robot came out during the last season and deaded some shyt because people doing something similar
The sopranos nikka :gucci:, which this ending is already being compared to. The difference being sopranos creator refuses to affirm.or deny.
Swiped from the Flat Circle aftershow: Reminding us that he was a tracker, the jungle represents him finding what he was looking for (Julie) and him heading into the brush symbolizing his mind completely failing.
I actually think that he misses that tracker part in him and lived the end of his days remembering what he once was. Whole show the flashbacks always come when he regrets doing something in the past during the case. He's remembering the choices he made and their consequences. Now that the case is solved he can let that go, but the tracker in the jungle Wayne will always be part of him.

Maybe, maybe not.

I'm a researcher and writer by trade, so maybe this is a little different for me, but consuming information is not the same as processing it, which itself doesn't necessarily lead to useful interpretation.

From my point of view, it may have been that it didn't necessarily matter if Wayne had read the book before 2015. He was wedded to a certain interpretation of events (murder, possible pedophile ring) that really ruled out an interpretation of events that didn't involve grotesque violence and/or corruption. Essentially, Wayne and Amelia were working on parallel tracks that never intersected during the 35 years that they lived together (and after they dropped the case for their own safety/marriage, those tracks could never intersect). And even when he started working on the case in 2015, he was still wedded to the lurid interpretation of events as much as he had been wedded to Amelia.

He could have read that book 10,000 times and never really figured it out at that point. He needed the openness that came from having some sort of closure, even if it was a false closure, to read and interpret the case in a different way. Junius's story, and the fact that it was in many ways completely different from what they had expected, opened him up to new possibilities in the case. Only in that moment was he really able to allow his and Amelia's tracks to intersect, read the book, and get anything significant from it.

So yeah, for me, all these people who are saying that Wayne could have solved the case if he just read the book don't really have a firm grasp of how research and interpretation actually works. shyt, Amelia's ghost even tells you what's happening during her monologue in that scene.
This doesn't make logical sense. So it just so happens the first time a senile Wayne reads it he cracks the case? No way in hell he doesn't crack it if he reads it in 90. In fact he probably chose not to so he could go on living his life.
It didn't really hit me until thinking about it this morning, but Junius Watts was actually a weirdo :sitdown:

He tried to spin it as setting Julie free, but he gave her his address because he wanted her to come over and live with him and see him as a savior :cape:. But as soon as she got out she threw the address away and ran in the other direction.

That's actually the reason the nuns gave Julie a new identity. They got wind of the fact that this weird pervert was out looking for her.

She wasn't hiding from Hoyt, she was hiding from Sir Junius.
Good point

Funniest (and longest) theory this season imo :russ: and breh just knew he figured it all out too :mjlol:
[/QUOTE] You're another nikka who has to Pat himself on the back in the expense of others. Congrats. You're one of the very few people got something right. Go feel better about yourself.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
The funny thing about shows like this (and Mr. Robot) is that the mystery is a gift and a curse. The wild theories about what could happen are what draw people in but it's also what drives the creators crazy.

But if you don't create that mystery then people won't really give af about your show. Let's be honest... most viewers wouldn't care about a straightforward show with this theme.


May 1, 2012
So it seems like this shyt is pretty much solved. Hoyts kidnapped Julie because they have some weird need to replace their dead granddaughter. Also their dead granddaughter was probably kidnapped too. Hoyts have everyone on their payroll including the mom and have probably been stealing kids for a while.

So what exactly are they gonna do for two more episodes

so yeah this shyt was more or less solved weeks ago, a few details were a mystery but it was extra obvious the Hoyt's took her and why they did it....

Good season, wack ending:stopitslime:

Oh well still better than season 2

Why do they kidnapped and not killed right away? They always get involved with the church , why don’t any male children get kidnapped ? They just get killed. The Hoyt’s saw her as a modern day saint and think she is to be breed to give birth to a super child for the cult. They go through to them to find one they deem worthy. Would it be a shock if the female reporter is Julie’s daughter?

dude you overthought the fukk outta this :mjlol:

goddamn :russ::russ::russ:


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
Once Julius gave us the exposition halfway in, I was prepared for the Gone Baby Gone like conclusion. I really just wanted to get the details on Will, which he also provided.

We weren't getting a John Wick-esque shootout with two older timers in 2015.

Couldn't help but laugh when Amelia's book coincidentally fell on the floor and split open to the pages about Mike, though.:pachaha: